
Klaus Rohrich

Klaus Rohrich is senior columnist for Canada Free Press. Klaus also writes topical articles for numerous magazines. He has a regular column on RetirementHomes and is currently working on his first book dealing with the toxicity of liberalism. His work has been featured on the Drudge Report, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, among others. He lives and works in a small town outside of Toronto. Older articles by Klaus Rohrich

Most Recent Articles by Klaus Rohrich:

An administration based on lies

Last night Barack Hussein Obama gave the 28th speech in support of his proposed healthcare scheme. One Republican Congressman, Joe Wilson of South Carolina shouted “You Lie!” when the President assured the joint session of Congress that illegal aliens would not be covered. Wilson later conveyed apologies to the White House for the outburst, stating that he reacted emotionally and was wrong to disrespect the office the President.
- Friday, September 11, 2009

Recession Part II: watch for it

Around the world pundits are breathlessly announcing that the Great Recession of 08/09 is finally over. There’s even an argument among economists whether the recession ended in May or June. Statistics Canada gleefully announced that in June the Canadian economy grew by 0.1% and predicted a “bounce” in July. Other nations are following suit, as they note a slight improvement in economic outlook and a cessation of contracting GDP.
- Thursday, September 3, 2009

Who’s in charge?

It seems that a lot of conservative and then some not so conservative pundits are wondering out loud “who’s in charge of the Obama administration?” It’s obviously not Barack Obama, given that the Congress is running circles around the Executive Branch with legislation so radical that most of it will have little or no chance of passing.
- Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Light at the end of the tunnel

Light at the end of the tunnelIt is often said that the night is darkest just before the dawn, which while sounding trite also serves to remind us that nothing stays the same. And so it is with the ascension of Barack Obama to the position of Führer. Now that the short-lived honeymoon with the Anointed One is all but over and the purveyors of received wisdom have been proven wrong in their prediction that Obama would govern from the center, we can develop a game plan to bring about that “change” in Washington we all expected and which he has failed to deliver.
- Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ignorance is bliss

On the 64th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Quinnipiac University of Hamden Connecticut came out with an interesting poll wherein Americans supported the use of atomic weapons against Japan by a margin of nearly 4 to 1. That’s not the interesting part. The interesting part of the poll is that support for Harry Truman’s decision to drop the bomb decreases dramatically among poll respondents aged 18-34, while support increases as the ages of those polled increases. The good news is that close to 80% of Americans today support Mr. Truman’s decision. The bad news is that only 50% of those aged 18-34 lend their support.
- Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Blue dogs turn into dirty dogs

There’s never been any doubt that the so-called “blue dog” Democrats would cave to the persuasive powers of the party leadership whose radical agenda could reshape the face of America. As long as four weeks ago, Rush Limbaugh predicted that the blue dogs would find a pretext to support all the legislation envisioned by President Obama and give that legislation the appearance of having been debated.
- Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Obama healthcare reality check

President Obama sounds a lot like a child abductor attempting to abduct a hapless kid by promising comic books and candy. His insistence that Americans who are happy with their current healthcare situation will not have to change it in any way sounds reassuring. But like everything else in today’s society, it’s necessary to read the small print.
- Friday, July 24, 2009

Obamanomics: a bitter harvest

The admission by Vice President Joe Biden last weekend that the Obama administration “misread how bad the economy was” is nothing more than an effort on the part of that administration to position itself as inept rather than corrupt. But the only logical conclusion one could draw from observing the actions of the Obama administration, particularly in economic policy, is that the President finds it in his and his party’s best interest to prolong and worsen the current economic crisis, which in my book would make the administration corrupt.
- Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A judicial embarrassment

The Supreme Court of the United States reversed a decision today that will prove to be a major embarrassment to the Obama Administration. The decision the Court reversed involves an appellate decision rendered by Supreme Court nominee Sonja Sotomayor against a group of New Haven, Connecticut firefighters who sued their employer, the City of New Haven, for racial discrimination. For those unfamiliar with the case, the City of New Haven tested firefighters who were interested in attaining the rank of lieutenant or captain and to its dismay found out that among those who passed the test and qualified, there were absolutely no Aftrican-Americans and only two Hispanics.
- Monday, June 29, 2009

Excerpts from the Book of Moron

imageAnd lo it came to pass that in the last month of the last year of the second millennium, God sent Algor into the wilderness to receive The Word and bade Algor to write God’s Words in a tome of Truth. God gave to Algor a terrible vision of melting glaciers, of oceans rising to inundate great cities, of storms raging across the land in the expression of God’s True Wrath. “Why, O Lord, are you choosing to punish mankind with such terrible plagues, causing the land to heat, the ice caps to melt and the oceans to drown all mankind?” Algor asked God. And in the terrible silence that ensued God gave Algor a vision of the Truth. Mankind was sinning against the land, flouting the laws of God by purchasing Ichor from the Hamites and thus enriching them beyond their dreams. And taking that Ichor, which the Hamites squeezed from the bowels of Mother Gaia like so much pus from a festering boil and burning it to power their chariots. Those chariots spewed forth a multitude of blasphemous sulphur and brimstone, causing the quiet earth ague and fever.
- Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Obamacare: the shape of things to come

While the nations lap dog media breathlessly proclaims each and every musing of celebrity President Barack Obama as a masterstroke, saner minds show that most of the Messiah’s plans are doomed to backfire.
- Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What if Kim Jong Il is the one who’s sane?

imageFor nearly two decades the world’s media has been speculating about the mental health of Kim Jong Il, North Korea’s “Dear Leader” and card-carrying member of the Axis of Evil. Most recently the Dear Leader has been exciting the international community by conducting underground nuclear tests, launching ballistic missiles, threatening to invade South Korea, throwing foreign reporters into prison and flipping the world the bird.
- Thursday, June 11, 2009

What about albino hunchback lesbians of Vietnamese descent?

The nomination of a “wise Latina woman” to the Supreme Court of the United States has signaled the Obama administration’s intent to scrap the Constitution. Whereas SOTUS jurists are charged with interpreting the constitutionality of laws and court rulings, the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Court is the opening salvo in Mr. Obama’s attempt to dismantle the Constitution in favor of a Court that looks upon each individual ruling in light of the appellant’s personal background and life history.
- Thursday, May 28, 2009

Waxman Markey: the politics of lose/lose

The American Clean Energy and Security Act, currently slithering its way through congress will provide neither clean energy nor security to Americans. What it will provide is dramatically higher prices for virtually everything in the entire American economy. The bill, better known as the Waxman-Markey bill in honor of its authors, is a mishmash of confusing and politically correct provisions that were designed under the guise of stopping global warming. Of course, not even the bill’s authors really believe that any one provision in the 1,000 page behemoth will reduce the earth’s temperature by so much as 1/10th of a degree Fahrenheit.
- Friday, May 22, 2009

What’s wrong with this picture?

I recently read an item in the newspaper abut a single mother in Brockville, Ontario who is unable to force her 13-year old son to get out of bed in the morning and go to school. She even went so far as to contact the Ontario Provincial Police, who dispatched a constable to the home to see if he could convince the kid to go to school. No dice. The cop left the house telling the mother there was nothing he could legally do to force the boy to attend classes.
- Saturday, May 16, 2009

Obama importing terrorists

Lest there be any confusion about the real priorities of President Obama, within the first week of assuming office he issued an executive order (EO) directing that $20.3 million in “assistance’ be directed to Hamas in the wake of its most recent run-in with Israel. In an EO signed January 27, 2009 found here President Obama directed that the funds be paid to Hamas out of the United States Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund, claiming that it was in the “national interest” for him to do so.
- Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sick of stupid

Admiral Luther Leonidas Terry, the Surgeon General of the United StatesThe other day while driving to a meeting, talk radio was lamenting the suicide of a teenage girl. Apparently she took a picture of herself in the buff and sext-messaged it to her then boyfriend who promptly posted it to his Myspace and Facebook pages. The girl was so crestfallen at having millions of strange people seeing her in the flesh all over the Internet that she ultimately wound up taking her own life.
- Wednesday, May 6, 2009

HST means we all pay more

It is unconscionable that Premier Dalton McGuinty would impose the so-called Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) scheme on Ontarians right in the middle of a recession. The end result of this hare-brained plan will be that the Taxpayers of Ontario will all be paying a lot more every time they open their wallets and long after the recession ends everywhere else, it will still be dogging us here.
- Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Holes in the multicultural quilt

The five-day blockade of one of Toronto’s major north-south thoroughfares and the threatened protest in Toronto by some 100,000 Tamils to stop the Sri Lankan government from definitively ending the Tamil insurrection in Sri Lanka is an example of just how terribly Canada’s official policy of multiculturalism has gone wrong. It seems that every week some rag tag bunch of hyphenated Canadians are marching up and down Toronto’s University Avenue to protest in front of the US consulate about something happening somewhere in the world; as if the US had any power to do anything about anything happening anywhere.
- Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Size does matter

As Barack Obama ramps up the biggest increase in government spending in American history, Americans may be well advised to acquaint themselves with data created by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which show that countries with smaller, less intrusive governments enjoy greater overall prosperity than those with larger and more interventionist governments. The measuring stick the OECD used in determining which governments were bigger was what portion of a nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was utilized by that nation’s government at all levels.
- Wednesday, April 29, 2009
