
Robert Laurie

Robert Laurie’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain.com Be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

CNN Columnist: Americans don't care about Ebola in Africa, because they're racists

Ah, CNN. At one time, Ted Turner's news network was the only one of its kind. These days, it's near the bottom of a rather large pack, and has become the most banal example of an entire genre. When your claim to fame is "doing slightly better than MSNBC" you know things are bad. Perhaps, like their closest rival, CNN's years of painfully obvious bias have something to do with the decline.
- Monday, October 20, 2014

CDC director: No travel ban, because it would harm African economies

Yesterday, Representative Tim Murphy (R-PA) had a chance to question CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden during his Congressional testimony. If you thought Frieden would use the occasion to reassure the American public with regards to his intentions and capabilities, you would be very wrong. Instead, he presented a picture of a deeply flawed organization whose main purpose has been subjugated to international political considerations.
- Friday, October 17, 2014

CDC told Ebola nurse to get on a plane, even though she called to report her fever

Ever since the first reports that Thomas Duncan had tested positive for Ebola back on September 30th, the U.S. government has delivered one constant, forceful, message. They are taking this very seriously, they are capable of handling the situation, and they have protocols in place to contain those who may be carrying the disease. If you've been anywhere near a newscast in the last two weeks, you've undoubtedly heard those claims.
- Thursday, October 16, 2014

Jon Stewart absolutely destroys Dems over their epic money and fundraising hypocrisy

Previously, we've discussed Obama's belief that the GOP is the 'party of billionaires.' He made that proclamation while on his way to attend a $32,000.00-per-plate fundraiser at the home of a billionaire real estate mogul named - again, not a joke -"Rich Richman." We've also talked about the desperate letters which ask people to give Obama five dollars so he can stave off impeachment. ...And we've acknowledged his refusal to skip fundraisers in favor of actually doing his job because, as his administration puts it, schedule changes might "alarm the American people or create a false sense of crisis."
- Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Enjoy Australia's tough-as-nails campaign to squash illegal immigration

Australia may be sitting out in the middle of the ocean, but that doesn't mean they don't have to deal with illegal immigration. They might not have a corrupt, train wreck of a country like Mexico nestled against their southern border but, in some ways, they have a bigger problem. Much of their large continent is unpopulated, and both its interior and coastline are difficult to patrol.
- Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A desperate Wendy Davis stages super-awkward presser featuring 'people she knows in wheelchairs.'

Maybe you know Texas uber-liberal Wendy Davis from her infamous 11-hour filibuster in support of late-term abortion. Perhaps you remember her pro-abortion allies screaming "hail Satan" at the state capital. Then again, it's possible that you're new to the political scene and you only know Ms. Davis from the ugly campaign ad she ran last week. In it, the failing gubernatorial candidate attacks her opponent, Republican Attorney General Greg Abbott, in the least sensitive way possible. The ad relies on the "empty suit" metaphor, depicting Abbott as an "empty wheelchair" and claiming that he's turned his back on disabled people.
- Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Sad news for crazy people everywhere: MSNBC goes 'Forward' into the ratings abyss

If MSNBC were a human being, it would be standing on a crate in Central Park wearing a "the end is nigh" sandwich board while screaming about how "they" hid a transmitter in its fillings. As pedestrians walked by it would assail them with nonsense shouted at the top of its powerful lungs. Every now and then someone would actually enjoy and appreciate MSNBC's ravings, so it would probably find a few interested parties who would say "yeah, the filling transmitter. I have one too." Most folks, however, would watch for a few seconds before turning back to reality.
- Monday, October 13, 2014

'Why do people think I ended that war?' ...Enjoy one of the greatest Obama videos ever.

If you've been paying attention, you know that - for years - Obama and the Democrats were eager to tell anyone who'd listen that they had a bold plan to "end the war in Iraq." Once it was over, they rarely missed a chance to make sure you knew that they bore sole responsibility for putting an end to George W. Bush's evil, insidious, and ill-conceived "war for Mid-East oil." In turn, they demanded all the credit. Oh sure, they were repeatedly warned that a quick pullout would leave a power vacuum that would give rise to all sorts of nasty insurgent organizations but they couldn't have cared less. The talking point was all that mattered.
- Monday, October 13, 2014

NBC wanted a comedian to host Meet The Press. Settled for Chuck Todd.

There was a time, long, long, ago, when Meet the Press was the gold standard for Sunday morning news shows. Tim Russert was viewed as a tough, take-no-prisoners interviewer and he delivered weekly grillings that made every politician - regardless of party - squirm. Unfortunately, after Russert passed away, the show never managed to regain its reputation.
- Friday, October 10, 2014

Anti-coal Obama supporter Alison Lundergan Grimes won't say if she's ever voted for Obama

At one point, it actually looked like Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes might actually dethrone Mitch McConnell in Kentucky. Lately, despite her best efforts to position herself as some kind of anti-Obama Dem, that's looking less and less likely. Most polling now shows McConnell pulling away, after Grimes tripped herself up in a series of high profile gaffes.
- Friday, October 10, 2014

Obama says GOP is the party of billionaires - attends $32,000-per-plate fundraiser

If you're one of the unfortunate souls whose inbox is clogged with daily emails from political parties, you're used to the begging. Usually, they go something like 'if you don't send us five bucks, evil politician X will destroy the future of America!" Sometimes you get "political party X wants to do X, Y, and Z. Send them a message by donating today!"
- Thursday, October 9, 2014

CNBC: Obama's approval rating on the economy plummets to new lows

If, in the last few weeks, if you've watched a liberal talking head discuss the midterms, the odds are you heard them say that Obama's skillful handling of the economy will salvage the Democrats' 2014 hopes. "Only" 79%, they say, view the economy as "fair or poor" these days! While they'll probably admit that's not great, they still brag about it as an improvement. You may be too dumb to know it, but things are oh so much better! This has become their go-to response when asked about the possibility of a Dem bloodbath in November.
- Wednesday, October 8, 2014

VIDEO: At Harvard, students seem to think the United States is a bigger threat to world peace than ISIS

When you talk about an elite Ivy League education, one school springs to mind: Harvard. Arbiter of all things intellectual, Hah-vahd has become an epicenter of the good-old-boy network, an American politician factory, and an unparalleled bastion of tweed-wearing liberals. It's also, at least in part, responsible for giving us the worst President in modern American history.
- Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Politico's Mike Allen: Dem donors don't want Hillary. Would prefer to support a fake Cherokee.

Hillary Clinton's political troubles - among them the inability to name a single accomplishment as Secretary of State, her "dead broke" comments, and the Benghazi debacle - are numerous and well-documented. They're why her as-yet-unannounced-but-supposedly-destined-for-victory presidential bid has had so much trouble gaining traction. Now, she's got a new problem: her own base.
- Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Obama says the midterms are all about his policies. ...GOP thanks him for writing their ads

If you're a Democrat strategist, you've had a tough year. Your President is unpopular, his international policies are an inept, disastrous, mess and his signature legislation is a train wreck that the American people despise. You know that, if the midterm election becomes a referendum on the job the President has done, your congressional candidate is doomed. So you've spent months helping them walk a knife edge. They have to appeal to a diminished but still-faithful base, but they also have to put as many miles between themselves and the current administration as possible.
- Tuesday, October 7, 2014
