
Robert Laurie

Robert Laurie’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain.com Be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

Pelosi: 'Civilization as we know it' is in Jeopardy if GOP takes the Senate

Nancy Pelosi has a dire warning for the United States and, since she's not crazy at all, I want you all to listen very closely. On Friday night, she appeared on Bill Maher's HBO show where she hoped to deliver a slice of truth to the comedian's viewers. If the Republicans take the Senate this fall, things are going to be bad. Not just "they might cut taxes" bad, but really, really bad.
- Monday, September 15, 2014

It's a lot of fun to watch McCain destroy Jay Carney on CNN, but...

Last night, after President Obama announced his totally new "strategy" of doing pretty much what he's already doing - namely striking ISIS via limited airstrikes - newly minted CNN analyst Jay Carney appeared with John McCain to discuss the speech.
- Thursday, September 11, 2014

Chuck Todd on new polling: Obama on the precipice of doing 'Carter-like' damage to Democrat brand

We all know Obama's policies have been an inarguable disaster. Recent polling shows that his approval rating has tanked on virtually every issue, and the number of people who support his decisions currently sits at an all-time low. So far, though, you could make a pretty strong argument that his shortcomings have - in the political sense - only caused self-inflicted wounds.
- Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Maybe if Ted Kennedy had been an NFL player, the left would have paid more attention

By now, virtually everyone has seen the appalling video of Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice savagely attacking his then-fiancée in an Atlantic City elevator. The punch, which knocked his soon-to-be wife unconscious, was fierce, terrifying, and utterly unacceptable on any number of levels. Immediately, pundits and pols began demanding that the NFL take the types of actions they should have taken when the story first broke in January.
- Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Reuters is shocked to learn that Iran is still stonewalling the IAEA with regards to its nuclear program

If Iran is to be believed, they're like the "Planet Alderaan" of global warfare. They're a tiny, placid, out-of-the-way country with no ambitions regarding nuclear weapons or WMD's of any kind. Heck. Iran only has a nuclear program because it wants clean, efficient, nuclear power. The United States is the big meanie with a stockpile of Death Stars. Iran is just a timid little commune of peace-loving individuals who want to keep the lights on.
- Monday, September 8, 2014

Joe Biden urges you to 'take back America!' Obama and Holder say 'that's racist!'

On Monday, Joe Biden appeared in Detroit where he sought to rile up the flagging, flaccid, rapidly-diminishing ranks of the both the local UAW and union members nationwide. Unfortunately, as Biden is wont to do, he gave a goofy fiery speech that ended up revealing a lot about himself, not to mention his administration's incoherence.
- Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Pentagon briefed do-nothing Pres. on ISIS at least 70 golf games, two Martha's Vineyard vacations ago

When the President threw on his nicest tan suit and announced that "we don't have a strategy yet" to deal with ISIS, the world cringed. Even many of his closest allies admitted it was a disastrous moment that would haunt Barack Obama for the rest of his presidency. If you haven't been paying attention, you might think it's all much ado about nothing. "Of course we don't have a strategy yet," you might say. "ISIS is such a recent problem and he's probably taking his time, trying to come up with the right solution."
- Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Governor Perry's twitter feed sends out hilarious tweet, deletes it quickly

Sunday night, Texas Governor Rick Perry's official Twitter feed sent the following image to its followers. It bore simply the abbreviation "A2," featured a photoshopped picture of the Dos Equis "most interesting man in the world" spokesman and, unless you're a liberal stick-in-the-mud, it was pretty funny.
- Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sarah Palin predicted a weak Obama would enable the 'invasion' of Ukraine

At yesterday's tan suit presser, President Obama said a whole lot of nothing. After informing our ISIS enemies that he has no idea what he's going to do about them - if anything - he turned his attention to Russia. It's should be obvious to every clear-thinking man, woman, and child that, if over a thousand troops, tanks, and paratroopers drop into a foreign nation, it's being invaded. Unfortunately, it seems that it's not obvious to Barack Obama. ...Because the word "invasion" has magically disappeared from his vocabulary.
- Friday, August 29, 2014
