
Robert Laurie

Robert Laurie’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain.com Be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

Former NSC spokesman on Benghazi talking points: 'Dude. This was, like, two years ago'

Yesterday, Former National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor was interviewed on Fox News by Bret Baier. Baier pressed Vietor for details about his role in altering the Benghazi talking points used by Susan Rice on the Sunday morning news shows. Vietor, whose memory is apparently a Swiss cheese-like labyrinth of empty spaces initially claimed he didn't remember, because "Dude. This was like two years ago."
- Friday, May 2, 2014

New emails prove the White House pushed the 'internet video' lie to protect the administration

On September 16th 2012, then UN ambassador Susan Rice appeared on the Sunday morning news shows. There, she dutifully spread the Obama administration's lie that an anti-Islamic YouTube video sparked a "spontaneous protest" which resulted in the Benghazi debacle. We would later learn that there was no spontaneous protest, that the administration knew the incident was a terrorist attack while it was still ongoing, and that the video in question was a "non-issue in regards to Benghazi." Still the State Department spent (at least) two weeks trying to pimp the YouTube angle.
- Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Despite subpoenas, Congress only received new Benghazi emails two weeks ago

Despite promising to implement across-the-board transparency and pledging to limit the power of the Executive branch, President Obama has done neither. He pretty much just does as he pleases and tells you about it only if he's forced to. As a result, one of the big left-wing narratives is that Obama is trying - desperately - to cooperate, but he has to do whatever he wants because evil Congressional Republicans won't "cooperate" with him.
- Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Boehner: I wasn't 'mocking' Republicans over immigration. I was 'teasing the ones I love.'

Hey, remember last week when John Boehner mocked his fellow Republicans because they weren't doing enough to pass amnesty comprehensive immigration reform? Well, he wasn't mocking anyone. If you thought he was, you were wrong. According to the Speaker, he was simply "teasing" his fellow Congressmen ....because that's the kind of wacky hijinks you enjoy with "the ones you love."
- Tuesday, April 29, 2014

For some reason, the 'racist woman-hating party' eagerly nominates Mia Love in Utah

According to Democrats, the GOP is the party of racism. Despite embracing (among many others) the likes of Tim Scott, Walter Williams, Condi Rice, Thomas Sowell, Allen West, Ben Carson, and a certain former presidential candidate whose name appears at the top of this page, if you're a conservative, the left says you're a monster who hates minorities.
- Monday, April 28, 2014

John Boehner mocks fellow Republicans because they're unwilling to embrace 'immigration reform'

In the modern political world "doing something" is important above all. If you're going to pander, you'd better have "done something" you can point to. It doesn't really matter if your achievement had a positive or negative effect. As long as you've got something - anything - that you can sell to the suckers, you'll be blessed with the appearance of having "done something."
- Friday, April 25, 2014

MSNBC campaign advice to Dems: Embrace ObamaCare & tell people who lose their plans to 'deal with that!'

MSNBC is great.  In fact, it may be the greatest left-wing media outlet in history. No, it's not because they air quality programming - which they most certainly do not - and it's not because they make coherent, cogent, arguments -which, again, they do not. It's because, for whatever reason, they've taken the governors off their left-wing engines. The network's tolerance for nuttery is near limitless and it's very tough to get fired.  As a result, their hosts feel free to voice all of the beliefs that every liberal politician secretly holds dear, but can't say for fear of losing their jobs.
- Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Wasserman Schultz - there's nothing political about the delay in the Keystone pipeline decision

Sunday morning the reality-challenged DNC chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, appeared with David Gregory on Meet the Press. There, she was asked about Democrat prospects for 2014, and more specifically, about why the President has delayed making a decision about construction of the Keystone Pipeline. Gregory wondered if maybe - just maybe - politics played some part in Mr. Obama's refusal to make up his mind on the issue.
- Monday, April 21, 2014

Obama administration to ObamaCare 'enrollees:' Time to pay up, suckers

Democrats have been, well, pretty much everywhere screaming about the 7.1 million ObamaCare sign ups. They are not, however, bragging about the number of people who have actually paid. Depending on whom you ask, that data is either a closely guarded secret or just completely unknown.
- Monday, April 21, 2014

Al Sharpton's Easter message: 'I'm not comparing Obama to Jesus, but....'

Al Sharpton, as you may know, is a man of God. He isn't just any race-baiting talk show host who once tried to sell coke to an FBI agent, he's a reverend. His deep, abiding, faith isn't just some sort of scam, no! To the contrary, it's a lifelong pursuit that gives him personal integrity and moral clarity on a level far beyond that of mere mortals.
- Friday, April 18, 2014
