
Chuck Lehmann

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann (Chuck on the Right Side

Most Recent Articles by Chuck Lehmann:

Is the Biden Policy of “Diversity” Really “Perversity”

The catchword in liberal circles today is the term “diversity”. A few years ago the catchphrases were: affirmative action, racial preferences, and racial and ethnic quotas. Since those terms were not warmly embraced by many in the general public, the “diversity” proponents have latched onto the term “diversity” as a more moderate acceptable term to overcome the negatives that those other terms conveyed.

- Thursday, July 20, 2023

Parents Don't Want the CRTs, They Want the ABCs

Parents around the country are organizing and raising their voices to try to bring sanity back into school curriculums by getting rid of of the non-educational social indoctrination put forth in many of our schools, colleges, and universities. For the parents efforts on behalf of their children, one group called the “Mom's for Liberty”, were put on the infamous terrorist list of the radical SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center). Imagine, wanting your children to get a sound, well-rounded agenda-free education and then being considered terrorists by a Marxist/Socialist bigoted pseudo “freedom” group, is the height of insanity?

- Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Adam Schiff: You Are a Mouse Studying to Be a Rat

Ever since President Trump was elected president and up til' today, over 2 years since he left office, his prime antagonist has been the partisan miscreant, Rep. Adam Schiff of California. Day after day, week after week, and year after year, he has been making anti-Trump comments which have been totally debunked over and over again. It has now led to the House of Representatives voting a “Censure” of Adam Schiff for his actions as Judiciary Committee Chairman during the Russia-Russia hoax and beyond.

- Thursday, June 29, 2023

'Show Me the Man and I'll Show You the Crime”

That chilling phrase was uttered by Lavrentiy Beria, Josef Stalin's, Soviet Secret Police Chief. Does that remind you of what is going on in our country today? The obsession, of the Democrats, to do harm to former President Donald Trump closely resembles what Beria said. For eight long years, ever since Trump announced he was running for president, the Democrats were looking for anything that might prove harmful and damaging to bring about the emasculation of the image of Donald Trump.

- Saturday, June 17, 2023

“There But For the Grace of God Go I"

That phrase attributed to the English reformer, John Bradford in the year 1553, when translated meant - if things were different, I might be in as bad a situation as that other person – he was referring to him seeing criminals who were being led to their execution, that it could be him instead. Couldn't that phrase be used today upon witnessing the obvious attempt by Donald Trump's political enemies to “kill” his chances to become the Republican nominee and possible president in the 2024 election?

- Saturday, June 10, 2023

Is Joe Biden Doing an Imitation of the Dick Tracy Character Called "Mumbles"?

Dustin Hoffman as Mumbles in Dick Tracey

It's generally not an honorable thing to do to make light of a person's physical or mental problems, but when we're referring to the Commander in Chief of the United States, it is almost a necessity to point the problems out as to the ramifications it has for the country, in this case, the United States. President Biden, who is 80 years old, is showing real signs of dementia. Anyone with a careful eye can see that he is showing signs of that condition. His partisan backers are all trying hard to not address his problem by obfuscating and making excuses for his actions, but it is there for all to see.

- Sunday, April 30, 2023

Democrats: You're Never Too Old to Learn Something More Stupid

Look at the state of our country now after a little over two years since Joe Biden was inaugurated. We have an annual inflation rate around 6%; we have to import some of our energy needs when under Trump we were an exporter of energy; some of our foreign friends are abandoning us to become “palsy” with both China and Russia; our open border policy has let in 5 million illegals and a steady flow of tons of deadly drugs; the crime situation in many of our Democrat run cities is out of control; and it seems the climate change fanatics have taken over our government. As a sane person, would you let those “stupid” things happen without at least trying to correct the situation? How many more “stupid” policies will we encounter in the future under a Democrat, Biden Administration?

- Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Is This Not an Attempt at a “Legal Lynching” by the Democrats and the Main Stream Media?

Whether you love or hate Donald Trump, do you think this over zealous pursuit of accusing him of dubious felonies is over the top and, by some legal scholars like Alan Derschowitz and Jonathan Turley who have called this case presented up by Comrade Manhattan D.A., Alvin Bragg, a travesty of justice? Never in our history has a former president been charged with a crime and brought to trial with such weak (trumped up charges, no pun intended) facts. Instead of calling it a prosecution, it should be called a “persecution”.

- Friday, April 7, 2023

Why Should a Perpetrator of a Crime be Considered a Victim When He/She is the Real Perpetrator?

You can adopt that position if you have a pre-conceived narrative that the perpetrator is of some part of a minority that believes that they are oppressed by others. The mainstream media has alluded to this answer when describing the Nashville school shooter. Since the shooter (a/k/a murderer) considered herself a “transgender”, she must have been goaded into doing that horrendous act of killing innocent children and adults.

- Saturday, April 1, 2023

“Show Me the Man and I'll Find You the Crime”

Are we becoming another Soviet Union? The phrase in the headline was spoken by Lavrentiy Beria, who was the Chief of the Soviet Secret Police, during Josef Stalin's tenure in the Soviet Union. It has relevance today in our country with the attempted prosecution of former President Donald Trump by a far-left, Democrat, radical Marxist prosecutor, Alvin Bragg, who had been elected to office with campaign contributions from that anti-American, George Soros. He is now the district attorney in the Borough of Manhattan in New York City.

- Thursday, March 23, 2023

Are We in the Age of "Pretend"?

The word "pretend" is defined as: to speak or act as to make it appear that something is the case when in fact it is not. Isn't that what is happening in America today? We are encouraged to "pretend" to believe things that make no sense at all. Logic is turned on its head, and if you disagree with this nonsense, you could be vilified as a racist, a bigot, a Nazi, a homophobe, a fascist climate denier, or worse.

- Monday, March 20, 2023

“In Florida is Where “Woke” Comes to Die”

That phrase was spoken by Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, as he goes about trying to rid his state of the neo-Marxism and insidious race baiting that has become fashionable in liberal radical circles. His critics have been vocally accusing him of bigotry, racism, Nazism, being a dictator and a big bad bully, among other epithets. It seems they are gearing up for a possible DeSantis run for president.

After almost 6 years of using those same epithets against Donald Trump, it seems they'll be using the same playbook against DeSantis. So far, it doesn't seem to bother him as he doubles down in his crusade to fight the “Woke” warriors in his State of Florida and around the country.

- Monday, March 13, 2023

Am I My Brother's Keeper?

Those words from the bible (from the story of Cain and Abel) came to symbolize people's unwillingness to accept responsibility for the welfare of their fellows – their brothers and sisters in the extended sense of the term. The traditions of Judaism and Christianity is that people do have this responsibility to help others.

The liberals have stretched that definition to include the government as the primary “keeper” not the individual. This, of course, takes a load off the shoulders of the individual and puts it squarely on the shoulders of everybody else, whether they want that responsibility or not.

- Sunday, February 26, 2023

Do the Democrats Really Believe That There is a War on Democracy?

Since the 2020 elections, the Democrats, in unison, are throwing out the idea that Republicans are attacking our democracy. Is that true or are they projecting what they are actually doing instead of what the Republicans are doing?

Let's examine that dubious charge of which party is really trying to attack our democracy:

  • Who wants to pack the Supreme Court? That's the Democrats. 
  • Who wants to do away with the Electoral College?  That's the Democrats. 
  • Who wants to defund the police? That's the Democrats. 
  • Who packed a Select House Committee with ONLY like minded individuals who hated Donald Trump? That's the Democrats. 
  • Who has encouraged illegal aliens to invade our country, and letting most remain unvetted as they are scattered throughout the United States? That's the Democrats. 
  • Who has turned a blind eye to the Mexican cartels who have smuggled tons of poisonous drugs into our country? That's the Democrats. 
  • Who wants to make fossil fuels illegal by the year 2035, thereby raising gas and home heating oil prices creating hardship levels for most poor and middle class consumers? That's the Democrats. 
  • Who has accepted donated “blood money” from that “evil” George Soros, as he undermines our legal justice system by financing radical prosecutors around the country? That's the Democrats. 
  • Who lies about the Republicans wanting to do away with Social Security and Medicare? That's the Democrats. 
- Friday, February 10, 2023

George Soros Strikes Again!

Manhattan D.A., Alvin Bragg

Here we go again, another radical district attorney has emerged in New York City, to compliment the other 74 radical prosecutors around the country, through the efforts of that despicable anti-American, George Soros. Recently elected and installed Manhattan D.A., Alvin Bragg, has proclaimed that it is now open season on his constituents by refusing to prosecute a number of crimes that demand prosecution. For starters he is doing away with the whole enforcement thing for a host of offenses: fare evasion; trespassing; shop lifting; traffic infractions; resisting arrest; prostitution; with some exceptions, as these offenses (among others) will no longer be prosecuted in Manhattan. Many other misdemeanors will now be met with diversion into “program” completion of which will also trigger non-prosecution. As a result crime has gone up exponentially in the city, and it has led many people to move out of the city as a result, mostly the wealthy and middle-class along with their tax payments to the city coffers.

- Monday, January 30, 2023

Failure Has Gone to His Head

Failure Has Gone to His HeadIf you listen to President Biden and his spokespeople, you'd think that he was presiding over the greatest economy known to man, but upon learning the facts, his policies have been nothing but a failure, and getting worse. It seems, upon closer examination, what should be up is down, and what should be down is up, but Biden continues to proclaim success when he should be proclaiming failure. As most economists predict, we are heading into a recession (if we are not already there) as inflation continues its upward spiral, and its economic activity continues its downward trend, including workers real wages, with little change in sight in policy by Biden and his administration. Biden and his fellow Democrats continue to propose more government spending, as if past government spending had a beneficial effect upon our economy. We are now over $30 trillion in debt and Biden and the Democrats want to continue to spend like drunken sailors (my apology to drunken sailors).
- Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Are Florida and Other Coastal Areas Going to be Submerged Because of 'Climate Change'?

Are Florida and Other Coastal Areas Going to be Submerged Because of 'Climate Change'The fear mongers have been predicting that if we don't do something about “Climate Change” (a/k/a global warming), eventually Delray Beach, Florida (where I live), all of South Florida, and all coastal areas around the country will be submerged by ocean water. Is that true? In Florida, for instance, throughout most of its history, the State has been under water. Portions of the Florida peninsula have been above and below sea level at least 4 times. As the glaciers of the north expanded and melted in eons past, the Florida peninsula emerged and submerged. It had nothing to do with “global warming” (a/k/a climate change), it had everything to with Mother Nature. When those catastrophic events happened, there was no excess of CO2 to blame those weather anomalies on, as there was no burning of fossil fuels and no SUV's despoiling the environment, as the climate cultists want us to believe.
- Friday, January 20, 2023

Is Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project Fact or Fiction?

Is Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project Fact or Fiction?Over the past few years, there has been a concerted effort by some to divide the American people by pushing both the Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project. The purpose of which is to make the minority population feel that they are owed something because of “systemic racism” that, they claim, pervades in our society. The question is, is our country guilty of “systemic racism”? The arguments of both the Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project, are right out of the playbook of the father of Communism, Vladimir Lenin, and his program of the incitement of class conflict as a means of getting power. He preached revolution as do the proponents of these divisive theories.
- Saturday, January 14, 2023

If Humans Evolved from Apes, How Come We Still Have Apes?

You have a right to your views, but not to the scientific factsAs most of us learned in our biology classes in high school, we were told that the human species evolved from apes (chimpanzees). The "Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection", was first published in 1859 by Charles Darwin, a British Naturalist, Geologist, and Biologist. He claimed that we evolved over the millions of years from apes into humans. The question which comes up when discussing Darwin's theory is - if we did evolve from apes, how come we still have apes?
- Saturday, January 7, 2023
