
Chuck Lehmann

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann (Chuck on the Right Side

Most Recent Articles by Chuck Lehmann:

Was Donald Trump Right?

The response to what Donald Trump said at his announcement for president, has been almost hysterical by the liberal media, open borders advocates, and liberal Democrats, mainly to try to score some cheap political points.
- Thursday, August 6, 2015

Was There a Quid Pro Quo?

The definition of of “Quid Pro Quo” is: “a favor or advantage granted or expected in return for something of value”. Do any prominent people in our political system seem to be engaged in the practice of a “quid pro quo”? Does the name Clinton come to mind? Well, if not, maybe it should. It seems that every time the Clintons got paid for a speech or a donation to the Clinton Foundation, something good happened to the donor (mostly financial). That smelled something like a “quid pro quo”, don't you think?
- Sunday, August 2, 2015

Lower Taxes, Increase Revenues

To liberals, that is heresy to make that statement, as they never met a tax they didn't like, the higher the better.
- Saturday, June 13, 2015

Liberals and the Demise of Cities

Look around the United States at the various “loser” cities and notice they mostly all have one thing in common - they are run by Democrats (liberals). Yes, that is a damning blanket statement, but let's look at the facts.
- Thursday, April 30, 2015

Who is the Real Hillary Clinton?

With a campaign “war chest” of $2.5 billion (that's the Hillary Clinton's campaign goal), will Hillary be able to transform her Marxist/Socialist mindset to be able to embrace the more moderate electorate? While in college, Hillary wrote her thesis on the thoughts and ideas of the father of community organizing, radical Saul Alinsky, author of the book “Rules for Radicals”, which also was the textbook for Barack Hussein Obama when he taught a class on Alinsky at the University of Chicago.
- Friday, April 17, 2015

To Frack or Not to Frack: That is the Question?

A new industry has evolved over the past decade or so, called “Fracking” (definition: it is a process of extracting natural gas and oil from shale rock layers deep within the earth). This method of capturing natural gas and oil from shale, is gaining a vast source of valuable energy which could make the U.S.A. a natural gas and oil exporter to the rest of the world. The resulting boom is transforming the American energy landscape.
- Saturday, January 17, 2015

Should we Change Our Laws and Accept Same Sex Marriage?

That’s the big question today confronting our citizens and the U.S. Supreme Court. For thousands of years, most all traditions around the world have recognized marriage as between a man and a woman. Only in the last ten years or so, has there been a major effort to change our marriage laws to include same sex marriage, mainly endorsed, quite naturally, by the homosexual community. It seems that gays are no longer seeking tolerance in America, they are seeking approval of their lifestyle. They are using gay marriage as a means of achieving that approval. In the process, they have demonized the opposition by using terms like bigot and homophobe, and it seems to be working.
- Monday, January 5, 2015

The Liberal's Phony “Wars”

To listen to liberals, you'd think they are a violent people as they have declared “war” on poverty, the Republicans, who they claim are conducting a “War on Women”, the rich and successful, and the loosely organized Tea Party, who campaign for less government in our lives. In addition, just recently, during this past year, they have declared “war” on the police. Truth doesn't matter to them, it's the message that counts in their eyes and how it will benefit them politically in the ballot box.
- Thursday, January 1, 2015

Is Jonathan Gruber the Invisible Man?

If you watched T.V., read the newspapers, or listened to the radio (with the exception of Fox News and conservative talk shows), you'd think that Jonathan Gruber was an invisible man. He's the former ObamaCare consultant (who was paid almost $400,00 and who visited the Oval Office at least 10 times regarding ObamaCare), who said that the Obama Administration purposely mislead (a/k/a lied) about the provisions that were included in ObamaCare in order to get it passed because they felt that the voters were too stupid to understand what a great piece of legislation ObamaCare was.
- Monday, November 17, 2014

What Are The Lies That Liberals Tell?

The old expression of “how can you tell a liberal is lying?” The answer is, “when his lips are moving”. Is that being harsh or fair? Well, let's look at the record to see if that is an over the top statement or a true assessment of their actions and rhetoric.
- Monday, November 3, 2014

Is Voter Manipulation Real or Imagined?

Every election cycle brings the charges that Republicans want to suppress the vote, especially among minority voters. Is that true or fictitious (or is it the other way around)?
- Thursday, October 23, 2014

Chicago on the Potomac

It has been said about President Obama that you can take the man out of Chicago, but you can’t take Chicago out of the man. To some of his most avid supporters that is a slur against the president, but to any observant person who is watching what is going on in Washington, it is an apt description of what is actually happening. It seems like the lights are on in the White House, but nobody is home.
- Sunday, October 12, 2014

Did Minimum Wage Workers Picket Fast Food Restaurants to Eliminate their Jobs?

That sounds crazy, but can you believe that that group of people can be so misinformed as to actually march to eliminate their jobs? Well, it happened. Just recently, protesters (or what might be called union rent-a-mob people), demonstrated in front of many McDonald's restaurants, around the country, trying to get the minimum wage raised to $15 per hour. Sounds good, right? Everyone wants to get more money for their labors, but are these people actually “cutting off their noses to spite their faces” as the old saying goes?
- Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Did We Win the War on Poverty?

Back in 1964, then President Lyndon Johnson, initiated a government program and called it a "War on Poverty". Since that time, up until today, we have spent approx. $16 trillion in pursuit of eliminating poverty in the United States. Has it been worth it or was it just another liberal feel-good social program that has failed miserably?
- Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Koch Brothers vs. George Soros

To listen to the Democrats and the “Lame Stream Media”, headed up by NBC and the N.Y. Times, you’d think that the Koch Bros. were the worst people in the world, besides being un-American. How come they have been singled out for such scathing criticism by the loony left? Would being Republican have anything to do with it?
- Friday, May 2, 2014

Proposed Satan monument in Oklahoma would include 'interactive display for children'

Let's for a moment take these people seriously when they identify themselves as worshipers of Satan. We might as well, since the Bible tells us that anyone who glorifies an idol is in bed with the enemy, and it doesn't even matter if they're serious or just a bunch of nitwits like these people probably are.
- Monday, December 9, 2013

I Don’t Know Nuttin!

That was the phrase that was used by many Mafia thugs when they were questioned by authorities about their criminal activities. Well, it seems like the Obama Chicago thugs have adopted that phrase when they are questioned by the various Congressional committees.
- Tuesday, June 18, 2013
