
Lloyd Marcus

Lloyd Marcus is the songwriter and vocalist of the American Tea Party Anthem. He currently serves as president of NAACPC (National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of Color). Visit his website at LloydMarcus.com

Most Recent Articles by Lloyd Marcus:

Black Christian Voters: Will Racial Loyalty Once Again Overrule Character, Ideology and Intentions in 2020?

Black Christian Voters: The American Left is giddy about Oprah running for president in 2020. White America naively thought electing a black president would end them being called racist. Obama and his minions used his skin-color as a bludgeon to beat into submission and silence anyone who opposed him behaving as our king; ignoring laws and the Constitution. Republicans sheepishly complied.
- Sunday, February 11, 2018

Sadly, Another Black History Month

Sadly, Another Black History Month I am a 69-year-old proud American who happens to be black. The American Left (Democrats, Hollywood and fake news media) exploit Black History Month as an opportunity to further their lie that America is eternally racist and a hellhole for blacks. BHM should feature the truth that America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it; regardless of race, color, creed or gender.
- Sunday, February 4, 2018

How The Left Devalues American Citizenship

How The Left Devalues American Citizenship While being interviewed, I recalled two powerful incidents from many years ago when I sang at monthly Immigration Naturalization Citizenship ceremonies in Maryland. After the thousand or more citizenship applicants in the room took their Oath of Allegiance, the grand finale featured me singing my song, "Celebrate America". It felt good knowing mine was the first song they heard as new American citizens.
- Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Attacking Judge Moore's Morality is a Dirty Leftist Trick

Attacking Judge Moore's Morality is a Dirty Leftist Trick Black Christian Conservative Republican Lloyd Marcus here. I call upon all my fellow Christians not to abandon our brother Roy Moore who is running for US Senate Alabama. Right before the election, 40 year old sexual misconduct allegations have come out against Judge Moore which he has denied.
- Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Happy Veterans Day Brothers

Happy Veterans Day Brothers I was drafted into the Army in 1969. God saw fit not to send me to Vietnam. Upon returning to Ft Bragg, NC from a two week leave, I learned that my entire battalion received orders for Vietnam except me and a few other soldiers. Why? I do not know.
- Sunday, November 12, 2017

Old School Heroes and Sports Media

Lloyd Marcus' Father and Brooks Robinson. While watching game 6 of the 2017 World Series on TV, I thought about Baltimore Orioles Hall of Fame third baseman Brooks Robinson. I called up Brooks' highlights on Youtube. There are several tributes to Brooks on Youtube. Each acknowledged that Brooks was not only a remarkable player, but a great, humble man of character. To my surprise, I welled up, becoming emotional. Why? I do not know.
- Sunday, November 5, 2017

Why The Anti-Trump "Resistance" Is So Relentless

Why The Anti-Trump Resistance Is So Relentless I revisited election night videos on youtube of Leftists' tearful meltdowns in response to Trump defeating Hillary. [url=http://bit.ly/2xo0l5f]http://bit.ly/2xo0l5f[/url] Their panic, outrage and hatred for Trump was over-the-top; truly amazing. I questioned, why was it so intense?
- Monday, October 30, 2017

Everyday Americans Betrayed By George W

Everyday Americans Betrayed By George WAs a precinct chairman, I walked neighborhoods in the blazing Florida sun, heat and humidity; sweating like crazy, campaigning for George W. Bush. I hated knocking on stranger's doors, but I did it anyway.
- Thursday, October 26, 2017

Living in Trump Country USA

Living in Trump Country USA
For those of you who haven't heard, Mary and I moved from Florida to a tiny town in West Virginia to be closer to our parents. We are experiencing wonderful culture shock. I am not a fan of the winding mountain roads. Supermarket and hardware stores are over 20 miles away. And yet, we unexpectedly love our new heavenly haven of Americana.
- Tuesday, October 24, 2017

NAACP Attacking Jones Confirms Betrayal of Its People

As a black proud American, I was repulsed learning that the NAACP sent out a press release accusing Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones of violating his players free speech rights. In a nutshell, Jones told his employees, if you don't stand for our national anthem, your derriere will ride the bench. I say, "Right on bro, it's about time!"
- Monday, October 16, 2017

Invasion of Leftist Body Snatchers

My biggest frustration is seeing conservative/Christian family members and friends overtaken by liberalism. I think it happens when they're alone in the dark sleeping. Liberalism takes over their body like in that movie, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." One morning they awake saying, "The second amendment is outdated. Jesus approves homosexual marriage. Historical monuments hurt black lives. Rich successful Americans must be punished."
- Friday, October 13, 2017
