
Michael Oberndorf, RPA

The son of a German immigrant, I am an archaeologist by profession, with a BA from Metropolitan State College of Denver, and an MA from Leicester University, in England. Over the years, I have lived and worked all over the country, and traveled in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. I sincerely believe in the old saying, “America, love it or leave it.”

Most Recent Articles by Michael Oberndorf, RPA:

Join the Resistance

Back in the 1960s, the Green Revolution was the application of science to farming worldwide, to increase crop yields and make famine a thing of the past. Today, in a world evermore dominated by radical Marxist and neo-fascist “environmentalists,” Green Revolution has taken on a very different meaning.
- Monday, June 11, 2012

CFR Ramping Up

In a recent article in the journal Foreign Relations, the prestigious, oft quoted journal of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, General Raymond T. Odierno lays out his ideas regarding what the military of the immediate future should look like, and what it should be doing.
- Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Anti-President

Obama-Soetoro made it pretty clear with his free birth control and abortion mandate, forced upon Catholic doctors, nurses, and hospitals, that he is anti-First Amendment free exercise of religion generally, and anti-Catholic in particular. Being an apostate Muslim who “converted” to Jeremiah Wright’s version of Black Liberation Theology, this is not surprising.
- Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Where There’s Smoke

The burn units in Washington, D.C. hospitals must be the busiest places in town lately, treating the blistered butts of the Democrat liars whose pants have been raging like California brush fires.
- Sunday, May 27, 2012

Beyond Outrageous

As bad as Obama-Soetoro and his mindless Marxist minions are, they are amateurs compared to the United States Senate when it comes to shredding the Constitution and stomping the shreds into the mud.
- Saturday, May 26, 2012

Barack Looks Like Treyvon

Once again, as the facts – the real ones, not the ones made up by the media – come out, it turns out that the “victim” was actually the perpetrator. And once again, the extreme left, racist race baiters – Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, and Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro – jumped in at the outset to muddy the waters, and foment racial hatred and violence.
- Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sack the Senate

Last week, the Senate gave We, the People, a clear and unmistakable illustration of why we need to sack all the Democrats, and a bunch of the RINOs, too. They voted down not one, not two, but five budget bills, four of which would actually have done America some good. This comes as we move into the fourth year that the Senate has failed to do its duty by passing a budget, leaving the country economically adrift.
- Friday, May 18, 2012

Coming Apart

Al Gore. Heesh…This guy is an object lesson in why it is not just stupid, but dangerous to vote for liberals, Democrats, and other leftist golems. In spite of a growing mountain of evidence that “global warming,” aka “climate change,” is nothing but a concoction of the globalist left, a fraud, perpetrated on the world to panic people into submitting to imposition of draconian neo-fascism in order to “save the planet,” good ol’ Al still hysterically insists it’s real. Al, like his radical watermelon adherents (green on the outside, red on the inside), would have us all living in caves, going barefoot, as it were, so as not to leave a “carbon footprint,” whatever the heck that is.
- Sunday, May 6, 2012

Ramping Up

As it becomes more likely that Obama-Soetoro and the Marxist Democrats are going to lose the election in landslide fashion, they’ve been ramping up their lies, their attacks on the Constitution, and their use of rogue agencies like the EPA to do as much damage as they can, before they’re unceremoniously dumped in the trash, where they belong.
- Thursday, April 26, 2012

Obama’s Yard Sale: Selling Out America

From the very beginning of Obama-Soetoro’s illegal occupancy of the once-revered and respected office of President of the United States of America, he and his unindicted co-conspirators have been feverishly working to “fundamentally change” America. As expected by those who paid attention and actually read Mein Kamph…er…Dreams From My Father and the facts known about Obama-Soetoro’s philosophical background, the changes have all been aimed at turning America into a Soviet-style dictatorship. And as we get closer to the 2012 elections, the pace of selling out America is increasing significantly.
- Sunday, April 22, 2012

Green is Red

The news is out that Obama-Soetoro, his unindicted co-conspirators in the Democrat Party, and their running dog Republican toadies have, in just three years and a few months, run up a mindboggling $5,000,000,000,000.00 in new debt.
- Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dangerous Desperation

Over the past few weeks, we have witnessed a radical escalation of destructive policy moves by the Obama-Soetoro administration and a flow of outrageous, patently obvious lies from the Prevaricator-in-Chief, himself. People, especially commentators on the right, seem nonplused by this, unable to figure out the reasoning behind it all. Once again, the failure to understand is the result of their refusal to recognize Obama-Soetoro and his cronies for the desperate, radical Marxist revolutionaries that they clearly are.
- Saturday, April 7, 2012

Call and Raise You Ten

At last, someone on our side is playing the race card. Actually, I’d call it the racist card, and it is Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro who is clearly being shown as the racist. And about time, too.
- Saturday, March 10, 2012

Red Flags Rising

Why is it so difficult to get establishment Republicans, of whom Mitt Romney is a prime example, to grasp the clear and undeniable fact that Barrack Hussein “Barry” Obama-Soetoro is an active, unrepentant, radical Marxist? It’s not as if the evidence for this conclusion is obscure, esoteric, or otherwise hard to understand. Much of it is in the two ego-tripping “autobiographical” books Obama-Soetoro claims to have written about himself. Thus, it’s from his own statements about himself, not from second or third hand sources, that the Marxist identity emerges.
- Monday, March 5, 2012

Good Grief

Events of the past week are best summed up in the expression made famous by good ol’ Charlie Brown: Good grief.
- Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Religion of Peace™

The Religion of Peace™ is on another murderous rampage, slaughtering over two dozen random people so far, including four Americans. The justification? Some Korans, the Muslim’s so-called “holy book” were inadvertently burned at a NATO base in Kabul. The general in command immediately and grovelingly apologized. And of course, so did apostate Muslim, Barrack Hussein Obama-Soetoro.
- Monday, February 27, 2012


Oh, dear. Another terrorist was arrested on his way to commit mass murder of Americans. But rather than the white, conservative, Christian, Constitution-supporting, American military veteran the FBI and DHS keep warning police about, or the 88-year-old white grandmother, or the little 6-year-old white girl that the TSA loves to frisk at the airport, he turned out to be, as 99 percent of them have, a foreign Muslim. Blonde conservative columnist - and therefore, by liberal and leftist media definition, rully dum! – Ann Coulter for years has accurately described who commits terrorist acts against America. Why, then, can’t the departments and agencies of the federal government, who employ thousands of people, many certainly intelligent enough to do so, do so? A mystery, indeed.
- Friday, February 17, 2012

Vanishing News

Yesterday, I commented on news that went up on Drudge the day before. Rush Limbaugh, too, discussed it extensively on his show. The news was that the Obama-Soetoro regime is moving to cut our nuclear arms stocks by 80 percent, to a level less than that of what the Chinese Communist government has. By this morning, this earthshaking revelation had disappeared from Drudge, and was not to be found anywhere else, either. However, the death of alcoholic/drug addict Whitney Houston and Obama-Soetoro’s sham “budget” are still getting major coverage, as are the rash of new lies B. Hussein’s election campaign is handing out to the Pandering Press. This should scare the hell out of everyone. (Here and Here)
- Thursday, February 16, 2012

We Dare Call It Treason

Close on the heels of threatening to eviscerate America’s defense budget and cripple our ability to defend ourselves on more than one front, Barrack Hussein Obama-Soetoro is now pushing for cutting our nuclear weapons force by up to 80 percent, to a level less than that of his idols, the Communist Chinese. We have come to expect the leftist Democrat Party to want defense cuts, but the proposals being thrust upon us by the squatter in the White House will leave us wide open to devastating attack from nearly every quarter. About the only nations with smaller military capabilities will be Chad and the Central African Republic.
- Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Down a Dark Alley

There is a serious flaw in the Constitution. It contains no recourse for We, the Governed, in case the entire government becomes unresponsive to our wishes, and consistently acts without our consent. This is the situation we are faced with, today.
- Monday, February 13, 2012
