
Michael Oberndorf, RPA

The son of a German immigrant, I am an archaeologist by profession, with a BA from Metropolitan State College of Denver, and an MA from Leicester University, in England. Over the years, I have lived and worked all over the country, and traveled in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. I sincerely believe in the old saying, “America, love it or leave it.”

Most Recent Articles by Michael Oberndorf, RPA:

A Bang-Up Week

Last week was a killer for America, but a bang-up one for Barack Hussein Obama in furthering his Mission from Marx to destroy free, constitutional, capitalist America. It started out with Harry Reid (D-NV), the neo-fascist Senate Majority Leader doing a complete 180 degree switch on the Senate's prerogative of advise and consent on presidential nominations. The minority party's option to filibuster nominations they deem unworthy, for whatever reason, an option that had existed in the Senate for over 200 years, is gone. One party rule is the "new normal".
- Sunday, December 1, 2013

They’ve Won, If We Let Them Get Away With It

It’s been awhile since I wrote my last column, and guess what? Things have not gotten better. In fact, things in the former free, constitutional, democratic republic of the United States of America have never been worse. The unobstructed destruction of our majority religion, culture, traditions, moral values, military, and economy has escalated beyond anything anyone has ever seen - or could have imagined - in America. But the coup de grâce – the killing blow – which amounts to a coup d’état, was dealt to what was left of the two-party Congress by Harry Reid (D-NV), the Senate Majority Leader, with the blessing (Islamic, of course) of Barack Hussein Obama, aka Indonesian citizen, Barry Soetoro.
- Friday, November 22, 2013

Obama the Destroyer

As the first of God knows how many American troops are deployed to the latest of Obama the Destroyer’s wars, and as Obama again is running guns to our enemies – have you already forgotten Fast and Furious? – the continued See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil of the monkeys leading the Republican Party should, given their past performances, come as no surprise to anyone.
- Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Chinese Elephant in the Room

Over the past couple of years, the Obama administration has allowed – he’s supposedly “Commander-in Chief,” and thus responsible for all national security issues, including breaches – the Communist Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to hack into our military computer system and steal virtually all our military weapons designs.
- Thursday, May 30, 2013

Craven Cowards

It has been clear for the past five years that conservative politicians are a bunch of craven cowards. Fear of being called racists, or even mean-spirited sets them to whimpering, trembling, and hand-wringing, eyes rolling as they desperately search for the nearest hole to hide their heads in.
- Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Obama’s Ministry of Propaganda or: How I Came to Love the New Normal

Ever since the horror at the end of the Boston Marathon, we have been witness to Obama’s Ministry of Propaganda at its absolute despicable worst. The Ministry of Propaganda, euphemistically self-named the “mainstream” media, includes the major TV networks and their radio news versions, big-city newspapers, and of course, the source of most of their “news,” the AP (Associated Press). In spite of the growth of the “alternate” media – the Internet and talk radio – it's still the source of most people’s knowledge of what’s going on in the world.
- Saturday, April 27, 2013

The End of Free Elections

The Democrat Party has always been at the forefront when it comes to election fraud. For most people, when you say, “vote fraud,” the word Democrat pops into their head. Same for “dead voter,” “vote early, vote often,” and myriad other catch-words and phrases. And while they may not have actually invented rigged elections, they have certainly become past masters at pulling them off.
- Sunday, April 7, 2013

Obama: Nobel Peace Laureate

Back in 2009, 11 days after becoming the first illegal alien to hold the office of President, Barack Hussein Obama, citizen of Indonesia, was nominated for, and shortly thereafter awarded, the Noble Peace Prize. It appears to have been awarded on the basis of his skin color and his uber-liberal, leftist outlook on life, the universe, and everything. It certainly was not based on anything he had done, or what he would do in the future.
- Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Obama and the Democrats Hate Free Americans

Obama’s actions throughout his “presidency,” and the active support of Democrats, have made it crystal clear that he and the party hate free Americans. Everything they have colluded on has been aimed at harming We, the People, as free citizens of a capitalist, constitutional republic. From the daily attempts to shred the Constitution, to the total fraud of ObamaCare and the use of it to attack Christians, to the looting of the treasury and redistribution of our money to Big Banks and Big Unions, to the raising of already out-of-control taxes, to the destruction of our energy industries and much, much more, we have witnessed an attack on Americans unprecedented in the history of our country.
- Sunday, March 31, 2013

Obama Just Don’t Get it

The latest waste of taxpayer money, following close on the heels of the way over-hyped sequester, has been Obama’s so-called Charm Tour. It just hasn’t gotten through his thick skull and massive, personality disorder-driven ego that the American people are not buying his lies like they used to. They’re starting to connect the man to his mindless Marxism, their economic and social pain to his policies. They are finally, though probably way too late, realizing that the Fraud-in-the-White House is just that.
- Saturday, March 23, 2013

Obama’s Outrages

As has become glaringly obvious, the America-Destroyer-in-Chief has ramped up his attacks exponentially since he got away with the massive voter fraud that gave him the election. He’s continued his policy of nominating far-left, incompetent crooks and extremists to important positions of power, a policy that couldn’t work without the complicity and connivance of the Republican Establishment. And that is just for starters.
- Saturday, March 9, 2013

Obama’s Vision: A Totalitarian State

America is being transformed, right before our eyes. It’s one of the only promises the serial liar in the White House has kept. But the Republican Establishment still hasn’t caught on, or else they think that somehow they will manage to hold on to the power and privilege of their current elite status. They think their businesses won’t be subject to government take-over, that their wealth and property won’t be confiscated, that their children won’t be pressed into service as cannon-fodder in the New Military.
- Saturday, March 2, 2013

Obama is Setting Us Up

In the days since the November elections, the pace of Obama’s destruction of America has increased significantly. Now that the Marxists have secured the executive branch for another four years – thanks to massive voter fraud, a cowardly Republican Party, and a couple of million self-righteous fools who refused to vote, apparently preferring a Muslim Marxist over a moderately conservative Mormon – Obama and his lawless unindicted co-conspirators have thrown caution to the wind.
- Sunday, February 24, 2013

Obama: Marxist Revolutionary

As most real conservatives know, Obama, by his own admissions, appointments, associates, and actions, is a hard-core, 21st century, Marxist revolutionary. This means that while he has no real plan for what his utopian, pie-in-the-sky collectivist state would look like, or how it would survive as an economic entity, he is dedicated to destroying our existing free, constitutional, capitalist republic to start the process. It also means that like all Marxists, archaic and modern, his primary enemy is what Marx called the bourgeoisie – the Middle Class.
- Saturday, February 23, 2013

Irreconcilable Differences

I haven’t written anything since the election. I have just been watching and listening and reading. What I have seen, heard, and read concerns me a great deal, mainly because it is far too similar to what I saw, heard, and read before the election.
- Monday, February 18, 2013

Willful Ignorance or ‘Stoopidity’?

For years, conservative Americans like Henry Lamb, Dr. Michael Coffman, Tom DeWeese, and a whole lot of others including myself, have tried to inform the public and politicians of the truth about what the Fifth Column media calls the “environmental movement,” and the extreme danger it poses to the future of the nation. Documents have been made public, proceedings of U.N. conferences have been monitored and treaties explained in words of one syllable, maps have been produced, and all of this has been made available, free of charge, to anyone who cared to take a few minutes to look into it. Yet the vast majority of Americans, including far, far too many conservatives, and almost every Congressman and Senator, still thinks the “environmental movement” is about the environment.
- Sunday, January 6, 2013

Fight Back

Those in government have sold us out. Period. They are no longer our government. They are our Rulers. The State. Party means nothing. They have all sold us out for money, power, and privilege. Consent of the governed no longer matters to them. But We, the People, can fight back.
- Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Fear of God

Christians don’t fear God. There is a huge difference between fear and respect for power. It’s somewhat analogous to working with a power saw with its hard to see, dangerous blade: if you fear it, you will either end up hurting yourself, or not using it at all. However, if you respect its power, it can become something that can improve the quality of your life in many ways. The same general principle applies to God. If you approach with respect for His infinite power - and being infinite, by definition, His power goes far beyond our ability to understand, much less fully explain – a loving, personal, and beneficial relationship can be established that will give strength and comfort throughout every day of a person’s life.
- Monday, December 24, 2012

Our Choice

I always thought most conservatives were intelligent. The past four years, and especially the past two months, have disabused me of that notion.
- Friday, December 21, 2012

What’s Right With This Picture?

I haven’t written anything since the “election” due to a number of factors, not the least of which is that I am appalled beyond words at the reaction – or, more accurately, the lack of it – to the obvious and massive fraud perpetrated by the Democrats. Even Hugo Chavez knows that it is virtually and statistically impossible to have every single voter in precinct after precinct vote for the same candidate. Likewise, having more votes than there are registered voters might be a clue that fraud is taking place. In addition, the dozens of reports of voting machines that switched votes from Romney to Obama seems, to me, worth looking into.
- Monday, December 17, 2012
