
Jerry Philipson

Jerry Philipson is a retired grandfather who has spent many years working in non-profit social service agencies in Canada and the United States. He holds dual Canadian and American citizenship and has been passionate about politics, civil liberties, freedom and democracy for virtually his whole life. He is particularly interested in the Middle East and America and believes that it is vital for people of good heart and good conscience to speak out against tyranny and dishonesty and to stand up and defend and protect Western values, principles and institutions.

Most Recent Articles by Jerry Philipson:

Time to shut OWS down

Occupy Wall Street protesters never had any credibility among serious, thoughtful people with a real interest in improving society and making the world a better place and the attitude, knowledge and skills to enable that to happen...you know, thinkers and doers instead of whiners, complainers, malcontents and economic and social illiterates with a sense of victimhood, entitlement and inflated self-importance who blame everyone except themselves for whatever predicament they’re in and believe they can do anything they want because they are righteous and their cause is just and progressive, including defecating and fornicating in public, setting up unsightly tent camps in public areas of major cities, blocking traffic and access to buildings, disrupting the daily life of ordinary citizens and haranguing people who don’t agree with them.
- Monday, October 24, 2011

Sanctioning genocide and everything that goes along with it

The Palestinian Authority will attempt to get the United Nations to declare statehood for Palestinians at its annual meeting in New York later this week. Palestinians will apply to the United Nations Security Council for full membership in the UN. If that fails, the UN General Assembly will vote on whether or not to grant Palestinians status as an observer state.
- Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What will Obama lie about next?

President Obama has said many times that he wrote Dreams from My Father, his ostensible autobiography. Not collaborated on it, not co-authored it, not dictated it, but wrote it. That is indisputable and a matter of historical record. He has publicly stated on any number of occasions that he was the sole author of the book and even used this 'fact' to constantly bolster his image as a literate person with a superior intellect. There is no question that this image played a major part in getting him elected as President.
- Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Events in Egypt

It would be a disaster of epic proportions if the rioters in Egypt succeeded in overthrowing the Mubarak regime, not only for the United States, Israel and the Western world in general but also for the Egyptian people themselves. Make no mistake, if Mubarak's government fell it will be replaced by an Islamic theocracy with the Muslim Brotherhood either at its helm or behind the scenes calling the shots. Whatever freedoms Egyptians currently enjoy and whatever hopes they have for democracy and improving their lot would quickly disappear and they would be forced to live under the iron sword of Islam. They will be sadly disillusioned, just like the people of Iran were sadly disillusioned when the theocrats took over their country in 1979. If they think they have it bad now under Mubarak wait until the theocrats take control. Life will be infinitely more difficult if that happened.
- Sunday, January 30, 2011
