
Dr. Robert R. Owens

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion. He is the Historian of the Future @ drrobertowens.com Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Robert R. Owens:

I’ll Try Not to Get Arrested

Recently a person I know who saw himself as being in the forefront of the cultural revolution in the '60s and '70s proudly announced he was going to the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington. After his announcement he added the tag line, “I’ll try not to get arrested.”
- Friday, September 6, 2013

It Doesn’t Make Sense

Our leaders aren’t stupid. They may be foolish, they may be corrupt, but they aren’t stupid.
- Tuesday, August 27, 2013

History Doesn’t Happen in the Past

The parasite has out grown its host and it can't live on its own. We are witnessing the convergence of multiple mistake streams combining into one river of destruction. We have a ruling clique concerned only with maintaining its power supported by a dependent class that wants what it wants now not later.
- Friday, August 2, 2013

Tyranny is as Tyranny Does

During the recent 4th of July celebration of America’s independence, Hillsdale College, a bastion of constitutional education and a powerhouse in the promotion of liberty, announced a “Read the Declaration” campaign. This campaign encouraged people who were gathered to celebrate the victory of freedom over tyranny to read the Declaration of Independence in its entirety.
- Thursday, July 11, 2013

Are the States Out of Date?

The people of the founding generation did not think of Americans as Americans. They did not see them as one people but instead as citizens of the various states. Even as late as the Civil War, people such as Robert E. Lee, who disagreed with secession and wanted a united United States, left because his State seceded and not because he suddenly wanted Virginia to be another country. Another example of the feelings of many in the founding generation was the fact that the term "We the People of the United States" that opens the preamble to the Constitution caused great controversy during the ratification debates. It was pointed out as a blatant attempt to make the States irrelevant.
- Saturday, July 6, 2013

Can Learning the Truth Unlearn the Lie?

I have witnessed a teacher of Political Science in America require a class to watch Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore then write an essay outlining how many ways President Bush lied to trick America into invading Iraq. If you don’t find this assignment offensive you’ve already had your quota of Kool-Aid and you should step away from this article and dial 911. Tell them someone is about to tell you the truth and you aren’t prepared for what that might do to your world-view.
- Thursday, June 27, 2013

Is the Necessary and Proper Clause either Necessary or Proper?

I want to begin by saying that I believe the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, with the Bill of Rights included, comprise the most enlightened, ennobling, and beneficial documents ever penned by the hand of man. I also believe that the Constitution afforded the United States the greatest level of freedom and opportunity ever experienced by humanity. This freedom and opportunity in turn released the talents and abilities of the American people to build the greatest nation ever to exist, rising from thirteen states exhausted and impoverished from years of war into a prosperous and powerful nation which by the end of the twentieth century stood upon the world stage as the uncontested sole superpower.
- Friday, May 31, 2013

A nickel isn’t worth a dime today

On Sept. 22, 2011, in a speech to business executives Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said, “Debt is the biggest threat to U.S. national security.” When the leader of the people famous for $800 hammers and $640 toilet seats has to lecture business leaders about the perils of deficit spending we know capitalism in America has jumped the track.
- Thursday, May 16, 2013

Did You Do Anything to Keep Liberty Alive?

One day our grandchildren may ask us this question. Will we have an answer that will make us and them proud or will we have to sit silent knowing we stood silent when it was time to speak or remained passive when it was time for action? Now is the time for all believers in limited government to stand up and be counted. Now is the time for all who believe, “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” to remember “That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
- Friday, May 10, 2013

Why I am No Longer a Conservative Republican

Maybe it's just me but I'm tired of the same old same old in our politics. The big-box monopoly parties have morphed into two sides of the same coin, two heads on the same bird of prey.
- Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Revolution Passed in the Night

Many things are holding the headlines hostage, the terrorist attacks, the crippling effects of Obamacare, the prospect of expanding war in Syria, and as always Iran.
- Friday, April 26, 2013

If We Blow It Up Again It Will Blow Up Again

Back in 2007 when I was speaking of the crash to come I noted that we really didn't have to worry because our fearless and infallible leaders intuitively know the remedy. When the bubble bursts they will blow up another bubble.
- Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Is America Under Judgment?

All that follows I will preface with, “I believe.” I am not attempting to establish theology for anyone or to declare that anyone who does not agree with me is a heretic. I am merely sharing my beliefs, grounded on study and prayer, since my opinion has been solicited on this topic more than once.
- Friday, April 12, 2013

War: What is it Good For

The President of Afghanistan, the man we installed and the leader of a land that is a nation in name only recently accused the United States of colluding with the Taliban to keep the war going. According to his spokesman, “The people of Afghanistan ask NATO to define the purpose and aim of the so-called war on terror... (They) consider this war as aimless and unwise to continue.”
- Friday, March 29, 2013

Is America a Republic or an Empire?

Over the years in this column I have written about the American Empire. I have advocated jettisoning the Empire to save the Republic. This topic has sparked debate and controversy even among the most dedicated readers. Usually the argument runs like this, "America is not an Empire, never has been and never will be," or "America's far-flung military deployments are not the garrisoning of an empire it is instead a forward defense of the homeland."
- Friday, March 22, 2013

A Slow Motion Revolution Gathers Speed

The Progressives in both parties may be the establishment now but they have always been and continue to be revolutionaries seeking to turn the American dream into a socialist nightmare.
- Friday, March 15, 2013

Federal Reserve Constitutional or Merely Legal? 

The Federal Reserve is the Central Bank of the United States. It is in charge of printing money issuing bonds and setting interest rates for those bonds. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution says, “The Congress shall have Power … to coin Money, regulate the Value thereof.” The Federal Reserve is never mentioned. Has it always been this way? Does any other country do this? How did the Federal Reserve get its power over our currency and our economy? And the issue that so many are interested in today: is the Federal Reserve constitutional?
- Thursday, March 7, 2013

Republic or Empire?

Historians spend their lives looking backwards. Futurists spend their lives looking forward. My goal has been to blend the two disciplines into one seamless panorama. For if you don’t know the past you have no context for the present, and if you have no context for the present the future appears to be whatever those who shape the present portray it to be.
- Thursday, February 28, 2013

Economics 102

People avoid silence because they’re afraid of what they might hear. Although we value our freedom of speech, polite conversation in America is subject to one crushing rule, “Don’t talk about religion or politics!” Most of us were raised with this stifling warning in our ears.
- Friday, February 22, 2013

Bring the Monster Out

When taxes become destructive they surpass the consent of the governed bending to the will of tyranny.
- Saturday, January 26, 2013
