
Sher Zieve

Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve's op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows.

Most Recent Articles by Sher Zieve:

Benghazi Ambassadorial Staff: Obama Determined They Were Expendable

It was reported and revealed this morning on Fox News’ Happening Now Breaking news that the CIA in Benghazi, Libya had at least twice on 11 September 2012 requested from their superiors in the US help for the consulate’s employees. The CIA employees told the Obama official--who was likely already viewing the attacks live from the safety of his or her own offices--that Ambassador Stevens, his staff and 2 security people were in jeopardy of being killed by the ongoing Islamists’ assault.
- Friday, October 26, 2012

Debate 3: Obama Channeled President Richard Nixon?

Monday night was marked by one of the weirdest continuing expressions of disdain and anger that I had ever observed from an incumbent US ‘president’ toward his opponent candidate. The visage locked into Obama’s face was one of derision and contempt for Governor Mitt Romney who--despite prodding from both Obama and moderator Schieffer--had refused to fall into another tag-team trap on Libya.
- Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Obama/Media Plot to take out soon-to-be President-elect Willard Mitt Romney

The first rule of any clandestine plot is to not make it so patently obvious that those observing your actions are actually able to figure out what you‘re doing. In other words, ‘We can’t let ‘em see what we’re doing. If they figure it out, we’re cooked’! Thankfully, despite all of their leftist chicanery, many--if not most--members of today’s Marxist media simply are not that bright. To wit the overt Candy Crowley/Obama tag-team performance against soon-to-be President-Elect Mitt Romney.
- Thursday, October 18, 2012

Candy Crowley and Obama Tag-Team v Romney

It began as a test for the Obama syndicate‘s approval. During the VP debates, “Moderator” Martha Raddatz would ask VP Candidate Paul Ryan a question, a seemingly increasingly-demented VP Biden would begin loudly berating and contemptibly smirking and laughing while Ryan was trying to answer. Meanwhile, Raddatz continued to ask Ryan one follow-up question after another while Biden was still spouting off. Although it seems to have worked for few others, the Obama sophomoric base appears to have loved it. It seems the keg-party/DUI and doper crowd supports Obama hands down.
- Monday, October 15, 2012

Romney v. Obama Debates: What to watch from the Leftist “Moderators”

On Wednesday 3 October 2012, the first of three scheduled presidential debates will occur. The debates are to be moderated by the most liberal/leftist “journalists” who could be found by the leftist media. This election cycle, the media have been operating in an unprecedented biased manner and have--literally--become no more than the public relations arm of the Obama campaign. They are no longer reporting anything even remotely close to the truth if it has any capacity to harm Barack Hussein Obama. They continue to lie and carry his water for him.
- Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Open Letter to Swing State Voters: Presidential Election 2012

Dear residents of the US “Swing States”: Recently, the albeit strongly skewed-to-the-left polls in your States favor Dictator-in-Chief Obama. As this non-working-and-questionable-president of the United States’ abject and highly-visible destruction of massive portions of our nation’s small-to-medium-sized businesses (and the attendant millions of jobs losses for the middle class) and his restrictions and/or elimination of our ability to produce any energy (think coal) to sustain our lives have been put into place via his Draconian policies, I found this claim to be both bizarre and patently insane.
- Friday, September 28, 2012

Obama Incites Middle East toward Chaos and Murder

If you plan to vote for Obama in the 2012 elections, you have identified yourself as being in favor of ending the United States of America and of willingly accepting your position as one of Obama’s slaves.
- Sunday, September 23, 2012

Obama now Openly Destroying the USA and he’s rising in the polls?

Barrack Hussein Obama and his syndicate have been caught in yet another huge lie that is designed to destroy what’s left of our country. The Obama Tyranny Project is now--finally--saying that the Libyan/Egyptian/Tunisian and dozens more Islamist-run countries’ rioting and wanton murdering hordes actions were not due to any obscure anti-Islam film.
- Thursday, September 20, 2012

Faux Conservatives and Marxist-Dems Assail Romney

As the 1995 video of Obama saying that he believed in redistributing American and US citizens’ wealth to others--aka “take from the producers and give to the non-producers”--the masks of those who have falsely claimed to be conservative for years are coming off.
- Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Middle East Exploding: Direct Result of Obama Policy and “Leading from behind”

The reasons for the current Middle East destruction of US Embassies in multiple countries--now increasing every day--falls at the feet of Barack Hussein Obama. Not only has Obama shown extreme and unconscionable weakness with his and his syndicate’s continuing apologies for the USA’s existence (to every Middle Eastern Islamic country worldwide) but, he is now refusing to pay any attention to (and ignores) his daily Intel briefings. Even after the explosions, destruction of our embassies and the (possible) sodomizing and assassination of at least one of the 4 murdered-by-Muslims staff members in Libya, Obama is reported to still be refusing to read and discuss any new Intel reports. Instead, he chooses to continue campaigning and let the Middle East and American interests burn to the ground. Note: Apparently, he thinks someone can verbally give him the Cliffs notes‘ version while he‘s on his way to his next friendly campaign stop.
- Friday, September 14, 2012

Pollsters Threatened by Axelrod and the Obama DOJ

Wonder why the US presidential tracking polls were all showing Romney leading Obama until the DOJ brought a lawsuit against left-leaning Gallup Polls? Under the guise of attacking Gallup because it (according to the Obama-Holder wholly-owned US Department of “Justice”) presented “the government [with] inflated estimates of the number of hours that it would take to perform its services, even though it had separate and lower internal estimates of the number of hours that would be required.”
- Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mitt, You Must Start Fighting for Our Country!

Dear Governor Romney: In a saner world with a far better educated group of younger citizens, saving our country from its now imminent destruction would not have been necessary. In that world far…far away, a US presidential candidate could present the logical and much better alternative to dissolution of our liberties--both economic and in every other feasible aspect--with both calm words and a quiet deportment. These are not those days and this is not that world. This world requires a fighter who can and will overcome the current Chicago Menace.
- Monday, September 10, 2012

Democrat Party: - Truth, God and Jerusalem no longer allowed

After watching as the Democrat Mayor of Newark, NJ Cory Booker, former President Bill Clinton, Maryland Democrat Governor Martin O’Malley and multiple others were taken to the Obama woodshed for telling the (complimentary) real truth about Mitt Romney and Bain Capital and saying that we are not better off than 4 years ago, each of the “truth tellers” returned within 24 hours to reverse their decisions by 180 degrees and agree to tell the Big Lie…or else.
- Friday, September 7, 2012

All-Out Marxist Media Assault on Romney/Ryan begins with Gusto!

First and foremost--lest I forget--both the presidential and vice-presidential “debates” questioning of Romney, Obama, Ryan and Biden will be moderated by the most leftist “journalists” who inhabit the alphabet network stables. To top it off, the sole vice-presidential debate’ “moderator”--Martha Raddatz--was married to Obama FCC appointee Julius Genachowski whom the Daily Caller reports: “Genachowski and classmate Barack Obama worked together on the Harvard Law Review, Genachowski as notes editor and Obama as the publication’s president. They graduated in the same class.”
- Monday, August 27, 2012

The Obama Syndicate: When Evil Rules the Land and its People

“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” That observation from Greek mathematician, philosopher and teacher Plato is as profound today as it was when he first made it over 2,400 years ago.
- Friday, August 24, 2012

Obama Already Gutting Medicare—The Ryan Plan Will Bring It Back

The Obama syndicate’s (aka the Obama regime) campaign lies have hit new and previously unprecedented heights…or lows as it were. Delving into uncharted dark and murky waters, one of Obama’s first reelection campaign lies came about in an Obama-Ad that claimed Mitt Romney, while at Bain Capital, was a “corporate raider” and while governor of Massachusetts sent American jobs overseas to India.
- Sunday, August 12, 2012

Open Letter to Mitt Romney: We Need you to Start Fighting!

Dear Governor Romney: We have a problem. Unfortunately the problem seems to be with you and your campaign. Your opponent--despite his now-proven illegal status to even occupy OUR White House--is the sitting president of the United States.
- Friday, August 10, 2012

Obama Reelection Insurrection Imminent

Recently, I read Doug Hagmann’s column "The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style” in which Doug cited a “deep-throat” DHS source. The following interview is a continuation of that column and it is bone-chilling.
- Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Marxist Obama Doubling and Tripling Attacks Against Small Business Builders

So that I won’t be too heavily chastised--I will be anyway but, one always holds out some hope even for the Obots--by my leftist readers, I am going to provide the following (complete and not taken out of context) direct-quote-from-the-mouth-of-the-beast (so to speak) and direct attack against small business owners and builders from one of their favorite leftist and pro-Obama journals…the Washington Post:
- Thursday, July 26, 2012
