
Sher Zieve

Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve's op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows.

Most Recent Articles by Sher Zieve:

Molli Nickell: Queen of Fractured [Political] Fables

I became aware of this perfectly delightful woman from a reader and long-time member of one of my email lists. After visiting one of her sites I discovered why he was so enthusiastic. For 35 years, Molli Nickell (aka “Granny Guerilla”) was in the publishing field with Time-Life books as an editor, researcher and publisher. She was, also, a writing teacher at UCLA and now runs her own publishing assistance site “How to Get Published in the Digital Age.”
- Thursday, September 19, 2013

End Game of Obama Dictatorship: Tyranny Rising—Part III

Obama’s popularity has finally begun to tumble. Even some of his Marxist minions who had previously followed his orders and believed his lies without question are now, if even ever so slightly, beginning to query his judgment and motives.
- Sunday, September 15, 2013

Solidification of the Obama Dictatorship—US Government Overthrown while Police State Explodes

Never in the history of the USA has it been in so much trouble as it finds itself today. There is neither point nor gain in attempting to soft-soap anyone about this. Its demise now seems imminent, as no one is doing anything to stop the now-proven-to-be criminal and would-be POTUS illegally occupying what was once--but is no more--our White House. The end of America as the world’s “shining city on a hill” is in its final stage of demolition. No one cares to stop its murder. So, the United States of America will die.
- Thursday, August 15, 2013

Professor Steven White on Saving our Children from the ObamaGov

Bio: Professor White was certificated in 1984 as an Christian Counselor, and ordained in 1988. Steve is recipient of the 1997 Changing Images In America Awards. It's believed that he and Ruth's work in the Entertainment Industry helped spark Whitney Houston's version of Rogers and Hammerstein's Cinderella (the first colorblind Fairy Tale musical in modern day Cinema). He is "Professor Steven A. White," and is called one of America's favorite educators by parents of students and those who have taken his adult classes. He also won Outstanding Educator title 2 years in a row from the College of Southern Nevada.
- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Constitutional Standoff: Obama Syndicate vs. the People

It’s no secret to anyone who watches any newscast--even once a week--that the Obama syndicate (aka Executive Branch of the US government) has been flexing its muscles, in order to take over all governmental power, since Obama and his Marxist entourage we installed in the White House in 2009. Obama has successfully cowed the US Supreme Court, as well as an increasingly wimpy and supplicant (until--perhaps--recently) Congress into submission to the dictator in chief.
- Thursday, June 13, 2013

Obama and Holder: “Stop us if you can!”

If the recent and growing scandals plaguing the tyrannical ObamaGov weren’t so serious, the idiotic antics of those at the top of the D.C. food chain would be almost comical. But, they are and their antics are not at all humorous.
- Monday, June 3, 2013

Now Fact: All aspects ObamaGov Completely Corrupt/Criminal

No, folks. The Obama syndicate was never incompetent. It was and is, however, the most corrupt, criminal and openly tyrannical US government, which is now openly attacking the USA and its people, that has existed in US history.
- Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Common Core Forcing Marxism/Nazism on America’s Children

Recently, I met a remarkable woman who has accomplished an extraordinary work in her mission toward educating the American people of a clear and present danger to their children and the methods by which said danger can be stopped. This lady’s accomplishments speak for themselves.
- Thursday, May 9, 2013

Obama and other Traitors Bring an End to Sanity and My Country

Other than two interviews, I have not written a column on the active continuing decline of all liberty in the USA since 12 March. The reason is that it is simultaneously depressing and enraging to view the intense damage that those elected to high office in my country are doing to both the country and its people.
- Monday, April 29, 2013

Breaking News Journal: A new site for Truth and Accuracy and much more

There's a new news site on the Internet. But, it's not typical of any other site and its not just about news. Ruth Bryant White is an entrepreneur who challenges herself, stereotypes and falsehoods in journalism and other areas on a daily basis. She crosses political lines, which she does not believe should be barriers to human dialogue. Her biography includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Monday, March 18, 2013

The Obama chronicles: The deceptions, the murders and continuing ObamaGov terrorism

While Obama and his syndicate continue to gut the USA economically, openly steal from and continue to subjugate we US citizens, send millions and even billions of taxpayer dollars to the real terrorists (the Muslim Brotherhood and its myriad evil spawns) and remove US citizens’ freedoms while giving more freedoms to jihadists and illegal aliens, Obama continues to work diligently to terrorize America and its people with one manufactured crisis after another.
- Tuesday, March 12, 2013

ObamaGov: The story of a Tyrant and a collaborative Congress

It’s becoming harder and harder for a great number of people to make sense of what the government is doing. So, instead of actually looking to and accepting the obvious and logical reasons (aka Occam’s Razor) for what it occurring, media personnel (it has become increasingly difficult to call them journalists or reporters) continue to scratch their heads and ask ‘what is Obama doing’?
- Friday, March 1, 2013

Oppose Obama…Prepare to Die!

By now, most of you are likely aware of the 16-page DOJ memo outlining Obama’s plan to kill US citizens at will…whenever and wherever he likes. The “rules of law’ the Obama syndicate members appear to be using are those laws consisting of Obama’s plans to bring them into existence via Executive Orders and existing law that he and his attorneys will deem--whether they are or not--supportive of their master’s “right” to kill anyone he says is a terrorist, a potential terrorist or someone he thinks might be a terrorist in the future.
- Thursday, February 7, 2013

Obama Pushing American People closer to Armed Resistance

Each and every day now Obama and his syndicate government are pushing harder and harder for the removal of all of our liberties, in order to place us into slavery and create a permanent police state. Even the most dense on the far Left are now aware--some only vaguely--that things are not as they should be. However, the further Left one goes, the more perverse and unstable one becomes.
- Monday, January 28, 2013

Dictator Obama: No more Bill of Rights—No Compromise on Demands

First and foremost, I offer my most sincere condolences to the families and loved ones mourning the loss of so many small children as well as the staff members of Newton, Connecticut’s Sandy Hook School. The massacre of so many is, yet, another horrific act by, yet, another madman who slipped through the cracks of the liberalized US mental health system…a system which insanely allows even the violent mentally ill person to make the decisions on his or her own treatment--or no treatment at all.
- Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Obama: Give me Dictatorial Powers or I’ll Take your Country out

Well…well. The Obama has finally begun his now-open for all to see and hear demands for a dictatorship over the [former] United States of America. A few days ago, Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama laid out his demands to Congress for not yet pushing the current USSA (aka “Amerika”) and its people over the ostensible fiscal cliff.
- Thursday, December 6, 2012

Obama-Land vs. the USA: The end of a Country, its People and Liberty

Two-hundred-and-thirty six-years ago, a new country “conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal”* was born. Men and women seeking religious and economic freedom from an increasingly perverse, suppressive and feudal Europe sailed to ‘the New World’ which would later become the United States of America.
- Wednesday, November 7, 2012
