
Stan McHugh

Stan McHugh is a freelance writer.

Most Recent Articles by Stan McHugh:


It has become common for the term "Islamophobia" to be applied to those who are willing to speak out against Islam and the violent acts committed by Muslims across the world in the name of that religion
- Saturday, July 23, 2016

Something to Consider

Hillary Clinton is disliked and distrusted by a large number of Americans and not just Republicans. One should never forget that it was strictly Democrats that threw Hillary “under the bus” in 2008 and nominated an all but unknown Senator from Illinois to run for president This occurred at a time when Hillary would almost certainly have won the general election hands down had she been nominated. It is apparent that Democrats know Hillary and who she really is far better than do Republicans.
- Sunday, May 29, 2016

Sharing Power

The current attacks on Hillary Clinton over her secret email server do come as something of an interesting surprise. With all of the decades of scandals that have surrounded Hillary, yet been ignored by the media, one can only wonder; “What brought this on and why?” It becomes even more curious given the fact that the attacks are being carried out almost exclusively by her fellow Democrats and with the full cooperation of the Democrat-controlled media. What could be the reason that Hillary has received more negative coverage in the past week over her email server than she has over years of previous scandals, including Benghazi, where four brave Americans that might have been saved were brutally killed on her watch? There is one possible explanation that does make sense and, if correct, confirms the author’s opinion that the Democrat Party will never nominate Hillary Clinton as their candidate for President. The following explanation will provide the reasoning behind this opinion.
- Monday, March 9, 2015

Anti-Impeachment Insurance

If the question is asked, "What is the number one reason that any first time presidential candidate really has for selecting a running mate?" a common answer is, "Someone who could step in as president should the need arise."
- Saturday, November 15, 2014

Gun Owners Beware

Today's MinutemanNews.com is a dire warning of what is going to come. The headline article refers to Obama's blatant boast that he will act with or without congress to implement some form of Amnesty.
- Saturday, June 28, 2014

Gun Control and Obamacare

A couple of weeks back, when news appeared of Mr. Obama's executive order to “expand” so called background checks to confirm the mental health of firearm purchasers, it seemed on the surface to be somewhat innocuous. Making it more difficult for a "mentally unstable" person to obtain a firearm does, on the surface, sound reasonable, does it not? It does until one considers two critically important factors.
- Thursday, January 16, 2014

Coincidence! Really?

There is a saying that goes: "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me". Is it possible that someone is trying to fool us a second time with high gasoline prices? Is it only coincidental that for two presidential election cycles now that gasoline prices have run up sharply in the months prior to the election?
- Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Court of Last Resort

It is an undeniable fact that the current administration in Washington and many members of both the House and Senate are out of control as they have been ignoring and openly defying The Constitution of the United States on a regular and repeated basis. The same is true of members of the Federal Judiciary that by legislating from the bench ignore and defy the Constitution.
- Friday, May 27, 2011

Combating Voter Fraud

The Democrat party is in public opinion freefall as a result of the disastrous policies of the Obama administration aided and abetted by a Democrat controlled congress. Barring an “October surprise” it is likely that most mid term elections will be won by the Republican candidate. That is, however, only if Democrat voter fraud can be kept to a minimum.
- Wednesday, September 1, 2010
