
Matthew Vadum

Matthew Vadum, matthewvadum.blogspot.com, is an investigative reporter. His new book Subversion Inc. can be bought at Amazon.com (US), Amazon.ca (Canada) Visit the Subversion Inc. Facebook page. Follow me on Twitter.

Most Recent Articles by Matthew Vadum:

The War on Poverty -- $21 Trillion Later

The War on Poverty -- $21 Trillion Later
Fifty years and trillions of dollars after the "War on Poverty" was launched, poor Americans aren't much better off, according to a study published by Republican reformers in Congress.
- Wednesday, April 2, 2014

ObamaCare for Illegals

The Obama administration and a group run by senior Obama White House veterans are encouraging illegal aliens to enroll in Obamacare at Mexico's consulates across the United States.
- Monday, March 31, 2014

Medea Benjamin Booted Out of Egypt

Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin, a frequent teller of tall tales, claims she was detained and physically abused Monday by Egyptian authorities when she flew into Cairo’s airport –on her way to an anti-Israel rally in Gaza.
- Thursday, March 6, 2014

Obama's Minimum Wage Ruse

President Obama's newfound enthusiasm for the minimum wage is the political equivalent of a ruse of war.
- Thursday, February 27, 2014

Showdown in Caracas

In a move that almost guarantees violent clashes, Venezuela's increasingly nervous Marxist caudillo is calling for his supporters to take to the streets Tuesday to combat a large planned march by that oil-rich nation's opposition.
- Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Goodbye, Eric Holder?

Embattled Attorney General Eric Holder told the New Yorker magazine he plans to step down from his post later this year, but a Holder spokesman now denies he made any such commitment.
- Friday, February 14, 2014

Robert Reich's Revolutionary Rants

To distract from Barack Obama's failing presidency and the misery it is causing millions of Americans, leftist gadfly Robert Reich is wheeling out tired old paranoid rhetoric about class warfare and "inequality."
- Friday, February 14, 2014

Republican Leaders Fight Back Against IRS Power Grab

Republicans are fighting back against proposed new IRS rules that they say would make formal the tax agency's infamous crackdown on Tea Party groups that oppose the Obama agenda, stripping them of their free speech rights during election cycles.
- Monday, February 10, 2014

ObamaCare's Economic Destruction Exposed

A new government study projects that ObamaCare will kill 2 million full-time American jobs in 2017, confirming the approaching economic devastation about which the budget-busting program's critics have warned for years.
- Wednesday, February 5, 2014

D'Souza's Indictment and Double Standards

The Obama administration's indictment of critic Dinesh D'Souza on campaign finance law violations is a reminder that it's dangerous to be in the opposition when the president is a lawless strongman who knows the media will protect him no matter what.
- Sunday, February 2, 2014

Schumer's Plan to Abolish the Tea Party

The Democrats' new much-vaunted master plan for annihilating the Tea Party movement calls for aggressive class warfare, demagoguery, and lying about the beliefs, motives, and goals of Tea Party supporters, Sen. Chuck Schumer revealed yesterday.
- Friday, January 24, 2014

Will SCOTUS Reverse Obama’s Recess Appointment Power Grab?

Speculation is running rampant in the nation's capital that the Supreme Court is poised to strike down three purported recess appointments that President Obama used to unconstitutionally manipulate federal labor relations policy.
- Thursday, January 16, 2014

Patriot Larry Grathwohl, RIP

I learned today that Larry Grathwohl was found dead in his Cincinnati apartment. No cause of death has been announced but my guess is it was natural causes. In the above 2011 photo Larry is shown at the right. The Vietnam vet put his life on the line by infiltrating the Weather Underground Organization. He was in the inner circle of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. He told his fascinating tale in the recently reissued book, Bringing Down America.
- Thursday, July 18, 2013

Marxist mobocracy

Abraham Lincoln rightly denounced the “mobocratic spirit.” James Madison considered it the sacred duty of government to protect property rights from the violent whims of the mob: “That is not a just government, nor is property secure under it, where the property which a man has in his personal safety and personal liberty, is violated by arbitrary seizures of one class of citizens for the service of the rest.”
- Monday, October 17, 2011

TV: Vadum on Occupy Wall Street

I was on the Sun News Network (Canada) yesterday talking about ACORN and the Occupy Wall Street movement.
- Friday, October 14, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Jumps the Shark

imageIt hasn't taken long for the socialist-organized "occupation" of Wall Street to jump the shark. In a surreal news conference at the United Nations, anti-American radical and rogue financier George Soros (net worth: $22 billion) threw in his lot with the thousands of Communists, anarchists, eco-feminists, malingerers, and professional protesters who have been baiting and taunting police in lower Manhattan as part of a mass demonstration that began September 17.
- Thursday, October 6, 2011
