
Timothy Birdnow

Timothy Birdnow is a conservative writer and blogger and lives in St. Louis Missouri. His work has appeared in many popular conservative publications including but not limited to The American Thinker, Pajamas Media, Intellectual Conservative and Orthodoxy Today. Tim is a featured contributor to American Daily Reviewand has appeared as a Guest Host on the Heading Right Radio Network. Tim's website is tbirdnow.mee.nu.

Most Recent Articles by Timothy Birdnow:

Obama’s Nuclear New Tone

Man is an inherently political animal, and politics may be categorized as war by other means. Take the case of Pitcairn island; the mutineers of the Bounty settled on Pitcairn, and by the time the British found them only one adult man was left alive; the others died in fights. After a brief respite on Norfolk Island, the children of the mutineers returned to Pitcairn, where their descendants live to this day. Pitcairn has been plagued by political intrigue and infighting - and crime - throughout her history.
- Sunday, April 18, 2010

Homosexuals in the Military and Natural Law

President Barack Obama is entertaining changes to the Uniform Military Code of Justice to allow openly homosexual soldiers to serve in the military. This scheme is disastrous any way one looks at it, and will destroy the cohesion of the military when the United States is engaged in a two-front war, and troops are stretched to the limit.
- Thursday, April 1, 2010

Eric Massa and the UCMJ

Congressman Eric Massa (Democrat from New York) is a direct reputiation to Barack Obama's planned changes to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).
- Thursday, March 11, 2010

Only the Strong Survive

On the July 5 edition of Fox News Sunday, Democrat Stenny Hoyer and House Minority Leader John Boehner appeared to discuss the stimulus and healthzilla. While Boehner did get a few decent shots in (pointing out that Obamapromised unemployment would not rise above 8% and it has in fact risen to 9.5%) he practiced the same tired “new tone” of Republican blather, refusing to go after Hoyer and all the false presuppositions that the Democrats have built their talking points on. Boehner is a huge part of the problem for the Republicans; never has a political route been followed by the election of the same leadership that caused said route, yet here we have mild mannered Clark Kent with no superhero alter-ego being put right back where he botched the job so egregiously.
- Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A Tail of Discrimination

Recently Ann Coulter wrote a piece for Human Events in which she took umbrage with affirmative action; Ann discussed would-be SCOTUS Justice Sotomayor, and her patently discriminatory (and anonymous) opinion in the Ricci v. DeStefano case. In this case, the city of New Haven, Connecticut, tossed out the results (and promotions) of a fireman`s promotion exam because blacks did not perform as well as white and latino candidates and thus were not eligible for immediate promotion.
- Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Go Away and Die Already!

When Terri Schiavo was murdered through dehydration by her husband and a pro-death judge, a fierce battle erupted between liberals and conservatives over the issue of euthanasia; liberal Democrats fought furiously for the death of poor Terri, and conservatives-particularly Republicans-fought to save her with equal vigour. What struck many as odd on the pro-life side of the issue was the fanaticism with which those who sought to “end life with dignity” prosecuted their war; why were they so determined to win that particular battle? What was it about this “right to die” that brought out such passion on the left?
- Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Happy are the Poor in Spirit

The blessings of Capitalism are not always apparent to those who are not free, and freedom is not always apparent to those who have not known Capitalism. Physorg has myopic little piece that argues people were better off under Communism than under Capitalism. More specifically, they claim people were happier being slaves of the state than being their own persons, free to live as they wish. According to the article:
- Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dhimmi-witted; the Obama Apologists

When George W. Bush occupied the office currently held by the Apologizer-in-Chief, he was roundly criticized by the Left for the seeming soft line taken towards the Saudis. Yet those voices have remained strangely silent in regards to his successor, who has turned softlining into an art form. According to a piece by Scott Wheeler in Newsmax:
- Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Too Many Czars and Not Enough Indians

What is it with all the profusion of czars these days? We started off with a Drug Czar, which rather made sense when Bush the elder created the position since the Tsar (Russians pronounce-and spell-it Tsar) was not known for being soft on crime (or anything else) and the notion was that the Drug Czar would have at drugs like Cossacks at the Jews of Gomel in 1906 (never, ever speak treasonous words like “the poor ain`t so bad” or “wouldn’t it be nice if we could vote”), but what of all the newly minted czars? How many czars does a nation need, anyway?
- Friday, June 12, 2009

The Corruption of Science

Our modern world is dependent on the quality and veracity of science. Where once Mankind looked to religion for guidance, the modern world looks to science to answer questions and guide our behavior. Public policy is predicated on the findings of the scientific community, and the integrity of that community is vitally important if we are to maintain our civilization and way of life. But can we rely on science in this hyper-partisan world, where Liberals seek to subvert any “good crisis” to gain a political advantage? Can we rely on what the oracles are telling us, or have they been compromised? Physorg has a piece about deliberate fraud in scientific data. Below is an excerpt:
- Thursday, June 4, 2009

Abortion Murder in Kansas; Obama gets his “Domestic Terrorist”

The murder of a late-term abortionist in Kansas gives Obama and the Department of Homeland Security their “Domestic Terrorist”. One of America`s few late-term abortionists was shot and killed while acting as an usher in his church. George Tiller, infamous for late term abortions (a practice bordering on infanticide) was killed by 51 year old Scott Roeder of Merriam, Kansas Sunday morning at the Lutheran church in Wichita where Tiller was acting as usher. Tiller has been attacked before, having been shot in both shoulders by previous assassination attempts. He was known to ride in an armored car, use bullet-proof glass in his abortion clinic, and sometimes traveled with a body guard.
- Thursday, June 4, 2009

Cyberbullying, Bad Law and the Decline of Civility

“Hard Cases, it is said, make bad law” John Campbell Argyll When a jury convicted 49 year old Lori Drew of O`Fallon Missouri (an ex-urb of St. Louis) in the now-infamous cyber-bullying case in which Drew posed as a teenage boy on Myspace to woo-then harass-13 year old Megan Meier, many were pleased that justice was done. But that pleasure quickly turned to disgust when it was learned that the jury`s verdict came with a standardized recommendation of probation and a large fine rather than jail time. The presiding judge in the case can still impose jail time at the sentencing hearing on May 18, and he is under considerable pressure to do so; the troubled young girl hanged herself as a result of Mrs. Drew`s harassment.
- Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Apostacy and Anti-Christ at Notre Dame

Notre Dame, largest and perhaps most prestigious of Catholic colleges in the United States, is planning to bestow an honorary degree on Barack Hussein Obama, President of said Republic and radical abortion advocate. on May 20. This has become a matter of much controversy, because Obama`s vision holds for absolutely no restriction on abortion in any circumstance-something completely at odds with Catholic teaching on the subject, which the Church defines as murder in every fashion. Despite considerable pressure and angry objections on the part of the Faithful, the University intends to expectorate in the face of the Papacy and the Cannon of Church Law, honoring a man whose views can be described as open to serial murder and butchery.
- Friday, May 15, 2009

Media Propaganda and the Wilkins Ice Shelf Collapse

Recent news stories have trumpeted the collapse of a chunk of the Wilkins Ice Shelf, and to hear the mainstream media tell it the Antarctic is melting away like butter down in south Texas. The collapse of Wilkins has been blamed-of course-on Anthropogenic Global Warming. The truth is that Antarctic ice is up considerably, and has been rising steadily.
- Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Obama’s Ideal Supreme Court: Atheist, Gay, Socialist

President Barack Hussein Obama, thr One we have been waiting for, the man who will lead us away from our bitter clinging to God and guns, may be planning to nominate an openly gay-and by openly gay we mean radically openly gay-person to the Supreme Court seat being vacated by Justass, er, Justice David Souter. According to a story in Newsmax (see Obama considers Gay Justicein references):
- Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Obama Brownshirts Demonize Pro-Lifers

Once again, the New Messiah is seeking to smite his enemies, this time with a “Domestic Extremism Lexicon”-a dictionary calling pro-life people violent and racist. According to an article in Lifenews:http://www.lifenews.com/nat5019.html
- Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Radical Atheists-First Amendment Vandals

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” First amendment to the Constitution of the United States, December 15, 1791
- Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Birth of American Socialism

Many of us on the right were very wary of the TARP bailout money, and with good reason; the government would hold the strings, we argued, and the banking system would come under Federal control. Poppycock! we were told by the Media and other Liberal institutions; there will be no ownership of stock from the government. This is just a way to float loans to the banks. That changed almost immediately, and now the government holds “preferred” stocks meaning they get paid first, but do not hold a voting interest in the company. Now that`s going to change as Our Savior, the Most Merciful Barack Hussein Obama has quietly announced that he`s changing the stock from “preferred” to “common”, making the United States Government the majority shareholder of over 500 financial institutions in America. In short, with the stroke of a pen we have become a socialist entity. Government control of private businesses is socialism, and with the One essentially nationalizing the banking industry it will be impossible to get a loan for any business (and all business done in the United States requires borrowing at some time) without government strings as to how those dollars will be used. This means that a Lutheran school will have to abide by anti-discrimination laws, requiring them to hire openly homosexual individuals as teachers, for example. It means that Catholic hospitals will have to perform abortions. It means that Hillsdale College will likely cease to exist in it`s current form, since Hillsdale refuses government money, but all money will be government money henceforth.
- Sunday, April 26, 2009

Earth Goddess Rising

When Dante Aligheri wrote his “Divina Commedia” he mixed many elements of Greco-Roman culture with Medieval Christian thought of his time. For those who do not know (and there should be no one in the West who is not familiar with him) Dante was a 13th-14th century poet from Florence who wrote one of history`s great masterpieces. The Divine Comedy was a set of three works, each dealing with a different aspect of the Christian afterlife.
- Friday, April 24, 2009

The Politically Correct Pirate War

The Associated Press is reporting (courtesy of William Katz) that the surviving Somali pirate is being brought to New York, where he will be charged and likely be indicted. According to the story by the AP: “WASHINGTON D.C. (AP) — The captured Somali pirate who held a merchant ship captain hostage will be brought to New York to face trial, a U.S. official said Thursday. The suspect, identified as Abduhl Wal-i-Musi, was taken aboard a U.S. Navy ship shortly before Navy SEAL snipers killed the three remaining pirates holding Capt. Richard Phillips hostage on a lifeboat launched from his cargo vessel, the Maersk Alabama. The official said it was not immediately clear when Wal-i-Musi will be brought to New York. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to disclose information about an ongoing investigation.” So, justice will be served, but will the U.S.’s version of justice serve to stop the pirates? When Edward Teach (or Thatch) aka Blackbeard was killed in battle by Lt. Robert Maynard at Ocracoke Island in 1718, his head was cut off and hung from the bow of HMS Ranger-a warning to other pirates that the Royal Navy was not going to play their little game of maritime hide-and-seek. There were several reasons piracy largely disappeared during the 19th century. 1.The end of the sailing age and the coming of the iron clads made it very difficult for pirates to operate; they could not maintain engine-powered ships in without access to friendly ports, something that the old sailing vessels did not require. A windjammer was no match for an ironclad steam ship. 2.Terra Incognito disappeared as maps became more accurate, making it harder for pirates to find quarter. 3.There was a general movement in the West-particularly in Britain-to combat piracy wherever and whenever found. Granted, the Royal Navy was fighting piracy long before the 19th century, but the Europeans sanctioned it more often than not. Certainly, letters of Marque were issued to “privateers” who were nothing more than licensed pirates given orders to prey on the ships of enemies of the host state. In short, they were quite similar to Hezbollah or the other state-sanctioned terrorists of today. In fact, privateering continued through the 19th century, and the last letter of Marque was issued by none other than the United States government to an AIRSHIP of all things-the Resolute-during the Second World War! But the key elements here should be obvious; piracy was feasible because the pirates had some sort of sanctuary, could reprovision fairly easily, and had a modicum of freedom of movement. Once those abilities were adequately circumscribed, the pirates were finished-provided there was adequate political will to exterminate them. Modern piracy should be impossible; we have satellite reconnaissance, high speed gunships, aircraft of all types, long range ballistic weapons and rockets, radar, sonar, laser-guided weapons, GPS systems, etc. Piracy flourishes where it is protected by the local authorities, be they Islamic Jihadist governments, local warlords, or just greedy SOBs out to make a buck and with the capital to protect the cut throats. They tend to prey on ships that are in dangerous waters, often ships intended to help the people of their host country. (The Maersk Alabama was trying to bring food to a starving Somali population, much like the U.N. food deliveries was seized by Somali Warlords during the 1990s “Black Hawk Down” incident.) The point is, piracy is far too dangerous a profession where there is adequate political will to deal with the pirates-and their hosts. It`s current rise worldwide stems from multiculturalism and moral relativism; the West has been unwilling to deal harshly with thugs lest we be guilty of the “sin” of judgementalism. Who are we to judge pirates, terrorists, Jihadists, Marxists? We must understand what drove them to these actions! The concept that America-or Europe-is ultimately to blame because of colonialism or some other past sin of Christendom is at the heart of this return of piracy and it`s kissing cousin terrorism. These are not new. They have returned because we now tolerate them. White guilt, the self-loathing of well-to-do white liberals steeped in a liberal educational culture that blames America first and foremost, has paralyzed our collective ability to act decisively. We should be following the lead of Robert Maynard, displaying the pirate`s heads for other young would-be pirates. They should know the potential pitfalls of their newly chosen profession, after all! That has been the problem with the War on Terror (oops, I forgot; our Foreign Contingency Operation) as well; why haven`t we been executing the thugs? Collecting information is fine and dandy, but there has remained a promise of potential escape, as a fellow like Barack Obama may come into office and unilaterally release them (oops again; it already is happening!) There are no CONSEQUENCES for terrorism-or piracy. Cicero defined piracy (and Praedones, or land based pirates-like terrorists) as Enemies of Humanity (Hostis Humani Generis) and thus subject to universal jurisdiction. Enemies of Humanity have renounced kinship with civilization, their hand against all as in a state of raw nature. Thus, as in the state of nature, they are subject to whatever fate may befall them, much as a rabid animal is subject to being killed by any who may come across them. But we`ve become to “civilized” for that; now we want to give them the rights of citizens. One thing is certain; offering pirates the protections of U.S. courts is a recipe for future attacks. Even if these guys go to a U.S. prison, what will there fate entail? Air conditioning, three square meals a day, cable television, a soft bunk, and likely hero status among the hooligans who inhabit America`s penal system, along with the right to multiple appeals. How do we identify the pirates, when they come from Somalia? How do we know they were read their rights? How do we prove that they weren`t forced onto the pirate ships against their will? The courts will assume their innocence, and a prosecutor will have to prove them guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. O.J. Simpson couldn`t be convicted in a court of law; how will we convict teenage pirates? What will constitute a “jury of their peers?” Will we have to get a bunch of Somali pirates to sit on the jury? Weakness invites attack, and history is littered with examples. The U.S. fought its first war with the Barbary Pirates-and their Islamic hosts in Tripoli-because the newly independent nation simply could not afford to pay the tribute that the cowards in Europe were shelling out in their Dhimmi status. Making non-Muslims pay tribute is as old as Islam itself, a recognition of the right of the Muslim to rule the entire world for Allah. By submitting to their demands, the Europeans opened the gates to increasing blackmail. America fell prey to this for a while, attempting diplomacy by signing treaties with Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Tripolitania-the four pirate states. By 1801 the fledgling-and nearly bankrupt-United States had paid $2 million to the Barbary States-only one fifth of what they demanded. Thomas Jefferson decided that the time had come to fight, and America put a stop to the demands of the Islamic bandits by blockading Tripoli. Alas, we have lost that spirit, and now want to treat piracy in the same way we treat embezzlement or shoplifting. We have become far to “civilized” in the West to deal with this as is necessary. What is needed is the old Medieval concept of Trial by Ordeal-with other would-be pirates getting a front row seat. That would dissuade many of the impoverished kids who think this is the ticket to the good life in Somalia and elsewhere. Ultimately, our ambivalence in the War on Terror is bearing the rotten fruits of piracy, and that should come as no surprise. Barack Obama has his familial roots in the Kenyan Islamic community, and doubtless the very fact that a Man name Barack Hussein Obama is President of the United States has brought a surge of aggression, because as a good Moslem (as these Somalis and other Islamic Pirates doubtlessly see him) BHO is one of their own, and will not aggressively prosecute this “Enemy of Mankind” status to the full extent. I strongly suspect they see him as one of their own. He may not be one of their own, but he is a good Liberal capital L, and the Left has never met a thug they didn`t consider a victim of our oppressive capitalistic cultural chauvinism. Ultimately a man like Barry Soetero Hussein Obama believes that these pirates (or any brute) attacks us because they are disenfranchised, poor, oppressed. They are to be pitied in the mindset of the Left, and our living a life of wealth, security, and freedom is the cause of their belligerence. The answer to a liberal is to “spread the wealth” and apologize for our success. An apology is of no value if not backed by actions, which means we are duty bound to give them what they cannot create for themselves. It`s a marvelous excuse for international redistribution of wealth via a fundamental restructuring of the world`s economy. So, OF COURSE we are going to let these monsters wheedle our judicial system, hiring some of the smarmy defense attorneys to get them off or obtain light sentences, and our enemies will laugh their collective heads off. As long as Liberals are in charge, as long as they haunt the American mind and civil institutions, piracy will be a problem. After all, what are liberals but intellectual and economic pirates themselves?
- Monday, April 20, 2009
