
Sayeh Hassan

Sayeh Hassan is a Toronto based Barrister & Solicitor and owner of Shiro-khorshid-forever.

Most Recent Articles by Sayeh Hassan:

Report from Protest in front of the Islamic Regime Embassy in Support of Habibollah Latifi-Ottawa, C

imageToday (January 3rd 2010) I attended a protest which had been organized by leftists activists in front of the Islamic Regime Embassy in Ottawa. The protest lasted an hour from 1-2pm and despite the bitter cold tens of activists, many of whom including myself had travelled from Toronto gathered in front of the Embassy to show solidarity with Habibollah Latifi a Kurdish student activist who is facing imminent execution. I had the opportunity to speak briefly at the protest and I started with saying that even though we were there with different political stands and may not agree on many things, we defiantly agreed on one thing, and that was that the Islamic Regime is not capable of reform and that it must be overthrown by the people, Regime Change is the only viable option for the Iranian people.
- Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Protest in Front of the Islamic Regime Embassy-Ottawa, Canada

imageDear Friends, There will be a protest tomorrow in front of the Islamic Regime Embassy (245 Metcalf street) in Ottawa, Canada from 1pm-3pm in support of Habibollah Latifi a Kurdish student activist who is facing imminent execution as well as other Kurdish activists such as Hossein Khezri who may be in danger of execution.
- Sunday, January 2, 2011

Regime Change in Iran-Nothing Less is Acceptable

On Saturday December 25th 2010 I attended a protest in Toronto which was organized by the Committee for Defence of Political Prisoners in Iran, to protest against the death sentence of a Kurdish student activist Habibollah Latifi who was scheduled to be executed on Sunday December 26th by the Islamic Regime in Iran.
- Friday, December 31, 2010

Two More Political Executions in Iran

imageAccording to news reports from “Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran” Mr. Ali Saremi (63) a political prisoner was executed this morning (Tehran time) in the notorious Evin Prison. Mr. Saremi had spent more than 20 years in Islamic Regime prisons, subjected to brutal torture and solitary confinement for months after each arrest after which he was sentenced to long prison terms. Throughout the arrests, torture, solitary confinement and imprisonment he never gave up on his ideals and beliefs and continued to fight against the Regime.
- Tuesday, December 28, 2010

At least 20 Kurdish Activists have been arrested in Sanandaj-Iran

Last Night 20 Kurdish activists were arrested in the city of Sanandaj and were taken to unknown locations. Those arrested include: Mr. Pedram Nasrollahi, Mr. Hashem Rostami, Mr. Zahed Mradiyan, Mr. Mahmood Mahmoodi, Mr. Saeed Saedi, Mr. Hamid Malek Alklami, Ms. Simin Chayichi, Mr. Vahed Majidi, Mr. Jian Zafari, Mr. Abbas Latifi, father of Habibollah Latifi, Three of Habibollah's brothers, Three of Habibollah's sisters, the wife of Habib’s brother and five other activists, at least one of them a woman. Also there is news that Mr. Mokhtar Zarei a student activist has also disappeared.
- Monday, December 27, 2010

Habbillah Latifi a Kurdish Iranian Activist Set to be Executed on Sunday, by Iran’s Islamic Regime

image According to news received from Habbibolah Latifi’s lawyer Mr. Nikbakht, Mr. Latifi is set to be executed on Sunday December 26th 2010 in Sanandaj Prison, in Iran. Habibollah Latifi is a 29 years old Kurdish activist who was majoring in engineering in Eylam University when he was arrested on October 23rd 2007 in the city of Sanandaj. Mr. Latifi was charged with “endangering state security” and was brutally tortured in order to force a confession from him. Eight months after his arrest he was sentenced to death by the “Revolutionary Court” in the city of Sanandaj and the death sentence was upheld by the “Court of Appeal” in Sanandaj in February of 2009. Mr. Latifi’s full biography can be found here.
- Thursday, December 23, 2010

Iran: Time for regime change

The world has known for some time that Iran is committed to acquiring nuclear weapons, despite the fact that this is an illegal pursuit according to international law. This combined with Ali Akbar Salehi, the regime’s atomic chief’s recent announcement that Iran has produced a first batch of yellowcake uranium and is self sufficient in the entire nuclear field cycle, should be of great concern to the international community.
- Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Lion and Sun Flag: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

imageWhen I started my blog almost four years ago I decided to call it “Shiro-Khorshid Forever” (Lion and Sun Forever), because of the unifying aspect of the Lion and Sun Flag. One of the first things the Islamic Regime did after coming to power was to change the symbols of our national flag (Lion and Sun) and replace it with Arabic Symbols in an attempt to strip us of our history and nationality. The Regime was not successful in its quest, and 31 years later Iranians from almost all political fractions including monarchists to modern leftist groups to those who support a republic to armed opposition groups such as the MKO all unite under this flag. All these groups and organizations may have different beliefs and ideologies which divide them, but the Lion and Sun, this unifying symbol always brings them together under one umbrella.
- Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Remembering Kurdish Political Prisoner Awaiting Execution in Iran

imageWhile there are hundreds of political prisoners and non-political prisoners in Iran who are awaiting execution, these days the focus has been shifted on only one person, leaving everyone else, especially political prisoners far behind. While it may be easier and more politically correct to jump on a single popular band wagon, I think it is crucial for us to keep in mind the fact that these hundreds (if not more) prisoners and in particular political prisoners are at risk of imminent execution. This is especially so because while all eyes are on the campaign for Ms. Sakineh Ashtinani, it is much easier for the Regime to execute other political prisoners without having to worry about a negative reaction from the international community.
- Friday, November 19, 2010

Ehsan Fatahiyan-Let us Remember

imageLast year on this day Ehsan Fatahiyan a Kurdish political activist in Iran was executed by Islamic Regime officials. Ehsan spent 18 months in prison before his execution and was subjected to torture for many months in order to force a false confession from him, however he never confessed. He had originally been sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment on the charges of being a “mohareb” (enemy of god) however; on appeal the death sentence was imposed. Days before his execution a global campaign was started to stop his execution, thousands of signatures were gathered only in a few days, and people from all walks of life came together in an attempt to stop his execution. Unfortunately the campaign was not successful and on November 11, 2009 the execution was carried out in the central Sanandaj Prison.
- Thursday, November 11, 2010

Behrouz Javid Tehrani Lashed by Islamic Regime Officials-Gohardasht Prison-Iran

imageAccording to news reports from Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran this morning at 10:00am Behrouz Javid Tehrani, a long time political prisoner and pro-democracy activist was sentenced to 74 lashes, and the sentence was immediately carried out by Hassan Akhriyan a notorious prison official.
- Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cancel Peace Event, May Urges Green

The concerns about the Just and Sustainable Peace Conference are not limited to the professors attending from Iran, who have close links to the Islamic Regime, and who promote anti-Semitic propaganda.
- Monday, November 1, 2010

Toronto has spoken-Rob Ford is the New Toronto Mayor

Tonight 50% of Torontonians came out and voted for their mayoral candidate, a higher voter turnout than we had seen in the past two municipal elections. Tonight Toronto voted for change and elected Rob Ford by 47% of the votes (as of the time I am writing this article) as its 64th Mayor.
- Monday, October 25, 2010

Democracy in Action-Toronto

imageWith the Toronto mayoral election approaching, the political tension in the city is high. Two major candidates in this race are Rob Ford and George Smitherman, and our city is buzzing with the names of these candidates. This afternoon I was driving down Warden street when I noticed numerous lawn signs both for Mr. Ford and Mr. Smitherman. Seeing these signs really got me thinking about how fortunate we are to be living in Canada. There are so many countries in the world where the political system is dictatorial, and it does not allow for fair and free elections. People are not allowed to choose the candidates they want, to openly support them and the election process is really a [s]election.
- Sunday, October 17, 2010

Islamic Regime Cinema in Richmond Hill (Toronto) - Canada

The cultural attaché of the Islamic Regime in Iran, through charity foundations, Iranian-Islamic media friendly, and under pretext of “Iranian cinema”, has been lobbying for and promoting the Islamic regime agenda abroad, particularly in Canada.
- Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Burning the Koran and its Possible Implications

Recently Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Centre announced that his church would be celebrating “Burn the Koran Day” on September 11th 2010 in remembrance of those who lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks.
- Friday, September 10, 2010
