
Guest Column

Items of notes and interest from the web.

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Ukrainian Connection

We can start the Ukrainian Connection discussion with this: Many high level people from both parties (or their family members) had or have business dealings in the Ukraine.Hunter Biden was one of them. His father, Democratic Presidential candidate, Joe Biden threatened to withhold American money as a weapon to insure the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor, who was investigating the company where Hunter held a board seat. He admitted it, even bragged about it. Nobody batted an eyelash. Another thing we know is that the United States has reciprocal investigative agreements with the Ukraine and other countries. We can ask for their help investigating crimes that have happened in their country or involve their people. Given those agreements, wasn't the President carrying out his duties to ask for help getting to the truth? Two things stand out in the current political climate. The first is that we do not apply our laws or even our morals uniformly. The second is that had neither Biden nor Trump been in politics, the dealings in the Ukraine would have slipped under the radar into obscurity, proving that the whole matter is politically motivated on both sides. The difference is that President Trump is within his rights, as President.
- Saturday, October 12, 2019

An Election that is Shaping Up to Be Too Close to Call

Re: Cons 36, Libs 33, NDP 14, Greens 10, BQ 5, PPC 2 (2019-09-22). Minority gov'ts are not all that bad. It forces parties to work together. Also when leadership is weak like we have now, it forces parties to look at their leadership. Also, it does not give any one party a free hand in policy drafting and radical measures introduced are sure to be defeated. On the other hand a minority govt can make it difficult to get legislation passed, even good legislation.
- Monday, September 23, 2019

Electricity in the realm of the Lion King

Electricity in the realm of the Lion KingHydro power is a good way to generate electricity. In most political circles, it is considered environment-friendly because it does not produce carbon dioxide, and it is not complicated. Norway has extensive hydro and can claim to have very green energy, which Norwegians do.
- Saturday, September 21, 2019

Democrats should do their homework before lining up behind Sleepy Uncle Joe

I'm sorry, but if your best candidate for President has to be given a script to read and a less rigorous campaign schedule, you have to wonder how he could handle speaking off the cuff with foreign leaders or the intense demands of a national crisis. I understand the allure of the elder statesman. But Joe Biden is not the smart choice. I don't dislike Joe and I am in his age bracket. I understand my limitations. And, yes I realize, the President shares our approximate age. I'm also a big enough person to acknowledge that some age quicker than others. Genetics, life time experiences, stress, and health issues all factor in. The President is blessed (though some would argue) with extraordinary energy. The President has vast real world experience in negotiations and problem solving. Joe Biden has been a politician for the last 47 years. A lot of his voting record seems to align more with Republicans than with Democrats. Democrats should do their homework before lining up behind Sleepy Uncle Joe.
- Sunday, August 25, 2019

Can we all agree that the deficit is too high?

Can we all agree that the deficit is too high? We should be able to. Under Obama the Republicans bellyached. Now under Trump the Democrats are sounding the alarm. Both sides can be blamed for a lot of spending. The difference, as I see it, is how the money is spent. Under Obama we were subsidizing electric car manufactures that ultimately failed. We heavily invested in a healthcare plan that doesn't work, including big insurance company subsidies. We either prematurely or unnecessarily gave Iran 1.7 Billion dollars. And the list goes on. President Trump is spending money to rebuild infrastructure, strengthen our military, fix the Veterans Administration and to improve the lives of everyday Americans. The question is-do Democrats think those fixes are not necessary?
- Sunday, August 25, 2019

We need to have a clearer picture of the proposals regarding any red flag laws or any limits on weapons

We need to have a clearer picture of the proposals regarding any red flag laws or any limits on weapons. A red flag law sounds like a good idea but don't we already have that? Someone expresses concern about erratic behavior, it gets investigated. Local police generally know which individuals to keep an eye on. Schools identify young people who are struggling. It seems this is a proposal that the Dems could chalk up as a win and then use it as a campaign tool but which has no teeth. It is a feel good measure. Think about it. The first time the law would be used to investigate anyone other than a white male, the outrage would be harsh and swift. I'd like to see how it would be implemented on the ground, some statistics on estimated effective rates and a price tag at the local level. I'm a proponent of doing a test case before it becomes a country wide law. Perhaps Chicago would be the perfect place to start.
- Tuesday, August 20, 2019

We have an obligation to use our common sense and logic

As readers and consumers of news we have an obligation to use our common sense and logic. Take Rashida Tliab's trip to Israel. Her outrage and tears just don't ring true. She had the opportunity to go with a United States delegation that had the goal of doing exactly what she says she wants, to talk to and listen to both Israel and Palestine. By choosing to make the trip with Ilhan Omar she was not acting in the best interest of her constituents nor that of the House of Representatives.
- Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. In a nutshell that is where many Americans are standing today. And it is why (beyond the Constitution and history) there is such resistance to limiting our rights regarding firearms. We don't trust that it won't be the first step in total elimination of the rights of citizens to possess firearms. We have seen over reach and incrementally creeping control. And we have been lied to and deceived.
- Tuesday, August 20, 2019

While Jeffrey Epstein is dominating the news cycle almost to the level of the President Trump bashing

While Jeffrey Epstein is dominating the news cycle almost to the level of the President Trump bashing, those looking for actual news are left in a vacuum. Such subjects as what is the situation in Venezuela or for that matter, on our southern border? How is Los Angeles coping with homelessness? Are things improving? Where are the Clintons and Obamas and what are they up to? Who is doing what regarding the "Russia Collusion"story? What is the actual condition of the Chinese economy? We are sick of the sensational, we want substance.
- Saturday, August 17, 2019

What if the famous Jeffrey was silenced because he knew too much

What if the famous Jeffrey was silenced because he knew too much and the people who were really running the sex with minors, torture and murder of young children just happened to be Russia and/or Saudi Arabia's secret services? Can you imagine how many, or perhaps all, of America's secrets might well be known to them? 1) Hillary's e-mails might have been purposely put on an open server? 2) Obama might have bowed before the Saudi King because they might have damning evidence against him? 3) Uranium One might have been pushed by Hillary because the Russians had compromising information against Hillary or Bill? 4) Ambassador Stevens might have been sacrificed for personal reasons by the Obama administration? Who knows where this might have lead to if Epstein remained alive? Just saying is all. It does beggar investigation.
- Tuesday, August 13, 2019

What’s wrong with Red Flag Laws

What’s wrong with Red Flag LawsWhat’s wrong with red flag laws? Most Americans will agree that if a person is truly challenged by a debilitating psychiatric condition, they should not have a gun. Now, I’m not referring to people living with PTSD that is under control, or eating disorders. But if someone is suffering from paranoid delusions, or has schizophrenia, or some similar condition, then they probably shouldn’t own a gun.
- Monday, August 12, 2019

Joe Biden's hate-filled speech

A heavily made up and properly rehearsed Joe Biden gave a hate-filled speech in Iowa on Wednesday. He was obviously using a teleprompter as his usual gaffs did not occur. Goodness knows how many hours of coaching it took for him to rant and rave like he did. He was short on solutions and long on hate for our President. Political junkies such as myself have seen a distinct change in the rhetoric of the Dems following the two horrific shootings this past weekend. Their number one agenda item, damning and discrediting our President has gotten new fuel. For the moment they are like rabid dogs. Not one Democrat is displaying an attitude of cooperation or a desire to rationally and calmly work out a compromise on a solution for even the simplest of problems. That is a losing position against a President who has done so much to fix or try to fix the ills of our country.
- Thursday, August 8, 2019

How blithely we ignored the fact that the Ohio shooter was a Bernie loving registered Democrat.

We have before us a good example of the atmosphere of our country. How quick we were to label the El Paso shooting a hate crime perpetrated by a "white national". How blithely we ignored the fact that the Ohio shooter was a Bernie loving registered Democrat. The fact is both men and more are sick. And the truth is that no law is going to fix the problem. We have been addressing the easy fixes, feel good actions and headline grabbing stories because the real problem will take years and commitment. We have lost our values, we are disconnected and divided, we are lied to by politicians and the media. None of those root problems will be solved by gun legislation. But we surely will be a nation of sitting ducks for bad actors.
- Thursday, August 8, 2019

If every person in power refused to use race as a weapon, could we start working together?

I find myself wondering, if we stopped viewing everything through the lens of race, perhaps we could actually accomplish some things. If every person in power refused to use race as a weapon, could we start working together? For example, Baltimore. They have problems, yet the first retort after the President pointed that out is that he is racist. How much smarter it would have been for Elijah Cummings to point to areas of success, explain the problems Baltimore faces and to offer constructive solutions. Telling the truth about a situation like Baltimore or the corruption in Puerto Rico has zero to do with race. Sadly for the residents of both places, and many others, accusing truth speakers of racism prevents our country from moving forward. Acknowledging the problem is the first step to recovery.
- Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Democrat Party has moved all the way to the left

It certainly looks like the Democrat Party has moved all the way to the left. Watching Nancy Pelosi's recent news conference, even with her bold words and apparent confidence, you were witnessing a woman caving to extremists to hold on to her power. She actually verbalized that the Democrats have a progressive agenda. Pelosi also seemed to change her stance on impeachment. Only time will tell how the Democrat voters feel about the policies and positions of "The Squad" because it becomes clearer each day that they are driving the party's platform. As for Republicans, this knowledge should scare you and motivate you to get involved. It is unlikely that the majority of voters, on either side of the aisle, want the policy of our country to be driven by inexperienced congresspersons with views that are not in line with most Americans. How did the squad come to hold their power? You can thank the media which hangs on every word, gives them nearly unlimited air time, and talks about them endlessly. Ask yourself, what have these 4 women accomplished beyond self promotion and rabble rousing? Ask yourself will Nancy Pelosi be serving her caucus members by acquiescing to "The Squad"? Ask yourself, what is on the horizon from these 4 women? Embolden, they will probably push the socialist agenda even further, and further, and further. Is that what we have worked and fought for over the last 220 years?
- Friday, July 26, 2019

The media strikes again

The media strikes again. Why are we calling the 4 freshmen, female Congress people a "squad"? Why not "gang" or "clique" or "alliance" or any number of other descriptive words? Because "squad" sounds good, benevolent, helpful, like police or firefighters, right? Those are squads. The 4 rabble rousing, ill informed, spotlight seeking, mean girl group is certainly not a squad. We need to stop allowing other voices to define what things are called because they will always try to influence our perceptions.
- Thursday, July 25, 2019

Donald Trump: America’s first wartime (Culture War) president

Donald Trump: America’s first wartime (Culture War) president Trump’s lack of decorum, dignity and statesmanship: I don’t care. I can’t do without this President. He fights for America. My Leftist friends (as well as many ardent #NeverTrumpers) constantly ask me if I’m not bothered by Donald Trump’s lack of decorum. They ask if I don’t think his tweets are “beneath the dignity of the office.” Here’s my answer.
- Sunday, June 30, 2019

Trump offers Palestinian Authority $50 Billion Dollar Deal.

Trump offers Palestinian Authority $50 Billion Dollar Deal.President Trump, working through peace-plan architect Jared Kushner, has just announced a key element of the long-awaited ‘Deal of the Century’. It consists of $50 BILLION dollars in economic aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) as an integral component of a peace plan with Israel. And what was the Palestinian response? Absolute rejection. But why?
- Monday, June 24, 2019

Girls and women are being robbed of the rewards of their labor

While women are protesting any attempts to protect unborn babies, unwanted attention by men, unequal pay and more, they are largely silent on a trend that could decimate women's sports. That trend is the inclusion into sporting events the transgendered or transgendering male. Born a male with greater muscle mass, physical size and testosterone levels, these "girls" are sweeping the competitions in which they participate. They are depriving girls, who have worked very hard to reach the top of their sport, of their rightful rewards. Recognition of women's sports has been slow and painful. Poorly funded in high schools and less recognized in sports coverage, every advance has been hard won. I wonder how long women will remain silent on the subject before they start pushing back? We need to be compassionate regarding the struggles of the transgendered community. We do not have to allow them to walk all over the rights of girls and women. This is yet another area of our society where a lot of hard work will be needed to figure out an answer. Meanwhile, girls and women are being robbed of the rewards of their labor.
- Monday, June 17, 2019

The fallacy of the Bernie Sanders agenda

The fallacy of the Bernie Sanders agenda is his lack of understanding of our government and of human nature. Our government has become so bloated, self serving and dysfunctional that even the smallest and most logical actions are difficult or impossible. In Bernie's world, the welfare of all the people is primary. It would be hard to name any action taken in recent years that was made based on the welfare of all the citizens rather than on the protection of the status quo and government jobs. Human nature is such that some are ambitious, some lazy. Some people are fair and some selfish. Some people are loving, some hateful. Some people are greedy and some generous. How does Bernie think things can work out? Ultimately, those in power within the government will be receiving the benefits and the people will suffer. It is foolhardy to think it can be otherwise. As Winston Churchill once said, “The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” In a perfect world, Bernie might be on to something. In the real world he is essentially peddling snake oil, it sounds good but it doesn't work.
- Monday, June 17, 2019
