
Warner Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston's thoughtful commentary, sometimes irreverent often historically based, is featured on many websites such as Breitbart.com, among many, many others. He has also written for several history magazines, has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows.

He is also the owner and operator of Publius' Forum.

Most Recent Articles by Warner Todd Huston:

CBS News: Obama Must ‘Win Over’ Media? Is CBS Joking Here?

To answer the question of my headline, no CBS isn’t joking. CBS is actually pretending that the Old Media must be “won over” by a President Obama. It makes one wonder just how much more the press can be in love with The One? As multiple studies have shown, the Old Media has been far more in Obama’s corner than not yet now CBS wants to pretend they are skeptical of Obama? Now CBS wants to act as if they will be tough on him unless he appeases them? I know I said CBS was serious with this report, but it still seems like a joke of epic proportions.
- Thursday, November 13, 2008

Obama: Only Four Days, Already Two Broken Promises

It has only taken four days into his transition period to discover what Barack Obama’s idea of “change” is. Sadly, we find out that the “change” he had in mind was that of changing his mind on campaign promises because it seems as though he is already stepping back from two of them. By his pick for Chief of Staff he has obviated the new bipartisan Washington he claimed he was to orchestrate and by hiring a lobbyist for head of the FCC as well as signaling that he is softening his resistance to other lobbyists he is stepping back from the idea that lobbyists will be on the outside looking in with his new administration.
- Monday, November 10, 2008

Obama’s Great win? Not so Great, Really

The near orgasmic reaction in the media to Barack Obama’s win on Election-day is universal. His is being hailed as a mandate, a game changing win, a landslide. But, in reality, Obama’s “wind” was not as “righteous” as he thought, it was not a landslide at all.
- Thursday, November 6, 2008

Arab Paper: ‘Obama’s Historic Intifada’ Allows Islam to ‘Impose its Point of

From Beirut, Chawki Freiha reports* on a provocative editorial that appeared in the Al Quds Al Arabi newspaper on November 3 written by Abdelbari Atwan, the first journalist to have met with Osama bin Laden. Titled “Obama’s Historic Intifada,” Atwan praises the probable election of Barack Obama to the White House and claims that with Obama installed in Washington, Islam will be able to “impose its point of view” on the world.
- Monday, November 3, 2008

After Attacks on Palin, Biden Given a Pass by Media for Not Holding Press Conferences

The CBS News blog “From the Road” suddenly realized that Joe Biden was not giving the media any access and that he hasn’t held a press conference for well over a month. Even with this report, though, the media at large has been strangely quite on this disappearing act of Biden’s, especially in light of the drubbing they handed out to Sarah Palin when she was not so forthcoming with the press as they’d have liked after her debut on the national stage.
- Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Joe Biden Admits Obama is Weak

At a recent campaign stop Joe Biden said he was sure that some bad actor in the world would “test” a new Barack Obama administration within “six months.” Biden here is admitting that the entire world sees Barack Obama as a weak character as someone they think they can get one over on.
- Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Charlie Gibson: ‘It’s Important to Expose’ Sarah Palin

So, instead of merely reporting the news, now reporters are the news? Apparently Charlie Gibson thinks he is, anyway. He gave an interview to the Toledo Blade on October 5 as if his opinions of the race for the White House are somehow more important than the news of the candidates. You remember the candidates, don’t you Chuck? You know, those guys who are actually going to be elected, the ones that you are supposed to be reporting on?
- Monday, October 6, 2008

Even Old Time Socialist Says SEIU is Corrupt

Bill Fletcher is all about the wringing of hands over the corruption scandal of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and is afraid that it will get in the way of the upcoming presidential campaign.
- Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Obama Campaign Stifles Free Speech At University Rally

The candidate of change, the shining proponent of a “new way” in national politics, says that you aren’t allowed to bring a sign to his rally. So much for the right of free political speech.
- Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How The Democrats Love Their Corporate Welfare Policy

What is it we hear echoing in the left-o-sphere? Don’t we hear all the time that the left is chock-full-o-nuts on how those eeeevil capitalists are so in love with what they call “corporate welfare”? Aren’t the nutrooters always railing about how the right is so in bed with business, giving them oh so many tax breaks? Of course, the left loves their corporate welfare, too. So much so that they’ve gone back to slipping it into play even when it was defeated not only by the right, but deplored and castigated by the left’s pals in Europe and the international community.
- Tuesday, September 30, 2008

AP Attacks Palin for Not Being in Alaska During Campaign

With the newest angle to beat up Sarah Palin, the AP is suddenly alarmed that no one is “running Alaska” while Palin is out on the stump with John McCain, so much so that they’ve published a piece wondering if Alaska is about to sink into the icy grip of the Alaskan tundra, or something, because Palin isn’t there.
- Monday, September 29, 2008

Kissinger Says Obama Wrong on Kissinger’s Position in Debate Tonight

Here is something that the media should focus on. In the debates tonight, Barack Obama said that even Henry Kissinger agreed with Obama that on a presidential level a diplomatic meeting with as rogue a leader as Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a good idea. McCain immediately said that this was not true, but the issue wasn’t further addressed in the debate.
- Saturday, September 27, 2008

Dems Bailout Proposal Redirects ‘Paulson’s Profits’ To Left-Wing Groups

Bush told the country that we are in an economic crisis and his Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson, came up with an idea that would, it is claimed, end up actually making money for the U.S. Treasury in the long run. That’s all well and good, but the Democrats already have a plan to siphon off any repayment of the people’s money back to the treasury by adding one little line to the agreement that would end up stealing money from any repayments and giving it to left-wing political advocacy groups like ACORN, the National Urban League and the Hispanic group La Raza. Instead of trying to help the economy, the Democrats just want more money for their left-wing political constituents. It’s business as usual for the Democrats, of course, but a bigger question is will the media let them get away with it?
- Saturday, September 27, 2008

Obama Thinks A New President Will Take Over in 40 Days?

I’m just curious, but if McCain had made such a gaffe as Obama did in his news conference on the current economic situation, wouldn’t the Old Media lose its mind ripping McCain as a senile, uneducated, old coot? Yet, Obama makes an obviously stupid statement and the media has remained mum all day.
- Thursday, September 25, 2008

FL Paper Quotes White Woman as Racist Against Obama, SHE Says She Never Mentioned Obama

A 60-year-old white woman from Spring Hill, Florida is quoted as saying that there is no chance a black man can win the White House. This same woman, Sandra Cichon, is quoted in a total of three St. Petersburg Times stories, the latest being from September 15. But in a follow up interview, Barbara Sowell of digitaljournal.com finds that Cichon claims she was never called by a pollster, as the paper claims, and never told any reporter that she wouldn’t vote for a black man.
- Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Old Media Helps Obama Push False Rush Limbaugh Immigration Quotes

Yesterday, the Washington Post’s Ed O’Keefe reported that the Obama campaign was releasing some new Spanish language campaign ads on TV in Florida and other markets that feature Rush Limbaugh making what appears to be anti-Mexican comments. The ads then link Limbaugh to McCain on immigration attempting to smear them both in the minds of voters. The Limbaugh quotes, however, are so out of context that their use constitutes a lie. Unfortunately, too many media outlets are allowing these lies to stand unchallenged.
- Thursday, September 18, 2008
