
Warner Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston's thoughtful commentary, sometimes irreverent often historically based, is featured on many websites such as Breitbart.com, among many, many others. He has also written for several history magazines, has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows.

He is also the owner and operator of Publius' Forum.

Most Recent Articles by Warner Todd Huston:

Newsweek: Palin ‘Inflicts’ Her Religion on US, She’s ‘Not a Woman’

The racist Reverend Wright wanted God to “damn America.” Jesse Jackson called New York City “hymie town.” Various Evangelical preachers have been heard to utter some pretty nasty comments here and there, as well. So, flawed as we are, apparently being religious doesn’t preclude a venomous diatribe now and again. And now comes hate wrapped as political commentary from another supposed person of faith, this time in Newsweek.
- Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Will Obama Continue to Miss the Target?

Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post reported on a conference call held by the Obama campaign on Friday. The intent was to roll out the latest attempt by the Obama campaign to say that they were going to “retake the offensive” in this campaign. Cillizza wondered if Obama’s “aggressive new tone” will work?
- Tuesday, September 16, 2008

More ACORN Vote Fraud Attempts

The union supporting, Democratic Party pushing, extreme leftist Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) has been caught trying to gerry rig voter applications in Michigan. It is looking like fraud on a massive scale in Detroit as ACORN tries to fill the Democrat voter rolls with fake Democrat voters.
- Monday, September 15, 2008

Judge Agrees, Patriotic Banner OK for Classroom

A Federal judge said that it was OK for a Poway, California school teacher to sue his school district for forcing him to remove a banner that featured well known, patriotic American references to God in an early September ruling.
- Monday, September 15, 2008

Environmentalism is a Religion (Photographic Proof)

imageFor the most part, extreme environmentalists are Godless. They often claim to be atheists or at least agnostics on the subject of religion. Many even ridicule religion, especially Christianity, calling it “superstition,” “backwards,” or “archaic.” They often blame for what they claim is the destruction of the world’s ecology on people who are religious and then use that as a basis to call hypocrisy on those same religious people. We’ve all seen it. But, in general they also claim that their beliefs in humanism and nature are superior. However, they’d scoff at claims that they have merely replaced traditional religion with one of their own creation: environmentalism. They would argue that their beliefs are simply applied logic and does not represent that of religious zealotry.
- Monday, September 15, 2008

The Death of Shame

There was once a day in America when a convicted child molester might find that his life was ruined, dogged forever by the shame of his evil deeds. Today, though, one might be a child molester on one hand, but a celebrated member of the community for being a great kid's little league umpire on the other. Such a skunk might even find that he is given awards for his efforts behind the plate despite his serving behind bars.
- Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Since Media Won’t Help, Time for McCain to Really Exploit His Stance on Iraq

Some how, the Old Media has missed the good news on Iraq. On August 27, the Rasmussen polling organization published a poll< that showed American confidence is at its highest level ever in support of the War on Terror since they've begun tracking in January of 2004. This poll got little notice by the Old Media, of course, but it illustrates an issue that McCain should exploit to his benefit -- especially after Obama's acceptance speech last night.
- Saturday, August 30, 2008

Union Disses the Kids

The kids at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill feel like they've been used and discarded by Andy Stern's Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and they aren't happy about it. They are so upset they've issued an open letter to the SEIU to air their grievances... not that it'll matter much.
- Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dem Mantra of More Deaths By Terror Under Bush Disproven

A new independent study shows that deaths from terrorism have actually declined by more than 40 percent since 2001. This flies in the face of the constant Democrat mantra that states the opposite, that terrorism has increased since Bush initiated the War on Terror. It is a mantra that the media have helpfully spread for their friends at the DNC.
- Friday, August 22, 2008

Olympics Watchers Assisting Chinese Torture

Do you like your silly little Olympic games? Well, I hope you are really, really enjoying it because your support, your watching of this garbage makes you a direct, unequivocal party to the torture, imprisonment and oppression of the Chinese people. So, you, Mr. and Ms. Olympics watcher, get a gold medal in torture. Congratulations. Feel proud.
- Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Obama Lied About Vote Against Live-Birth Abortion Ban, Media Mum

Jill Stanek has done yeoman's work on uncovering the fact thatBarack Obama and his surrogates have been outright lying about Obama's constant votes against the Live-Birth abortion bills when he was in office in the State legislature. His claims have been a staple of Old Media reports from the beginning, but now that Stanek has revealed the truth we will have to see if the Old Media corrects the record or if they suddenly just go mum on the subject like they have so far.
- Thursday, August 14, 2008

Georgia/Russian War: Blame Obama

General Wesley Clark had one thing right during his tenure as a general in the U.S. military. He understood the portentous nature of the Russian's move to take control of the airport in Pristina, Kosovo at the end of the 1999 NATO engagement in Yugoslavia. He ordered NATO forces to gear up to prevent the Russians from taking the airport but was opposed by British Gen. Michael Jackson, at the time head of the Kosovo peacekeeping forces, who reportedly told Clark that he wouldn't help him start a third World War.
- Tuesday, August 12, 2008

National Post: ‘You’ll Miss’ The Old Media When Its Gone

Jonathan Kay of the National Post (Canada) is sure that we'll miss the old media when its gone. So sure he wrote a paean to how great the media is... and he missed the target by a wide margin on every point he made. Unfortunately, he took a good point and made a mockery of the truth of the matter with his wrongheaded reasoning.
- Friday, August 8, 2008

Islamists Rule American Publishing Industry

Correction 8/8/08: The original piece identified the Publisher, Cambridge University Press, as an American publisher. That was incorrect. Cambridge University Press is in England. America is the land of liberty. It is the place where political expression is protected by law and custom. It is the freest nation on Earth... unless, of course, you wish to talk about Islam. Then, unless you bow and scrape, unless you assert its supposed peacefulness, unless you bend over backwards to make sure that you don't "offend" Islamists, you will be shut down. At least this is true if you wish to publish a book about Islam, it appears.
- Thursday, August 7, 2008

Brits, Inat’l Community, Subsidizing Torture With Aid

By now, we are all familiar with the specious European efforts to bring President Bush up on charges of "crimes against humanity" because of the authorized torture he and his administration supposedly instituted.
- Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Homelessness Falls Under Bush… Where is the Media?

Have you noticed that the old media standby story of the homeless has not been pursued much in the last four or five years? Some may remember how the media constantly bemoaned the state of the homeless during the Reagan and H.W. Bush years in office, and how the media constantly used this tale as a club with which to beat those two Republican presidents over the head.
- Monday, August 4, 2008

England: Stabbed, Gutted and Bleeding Out

Most haughty Europeans look down their nose at we "violent Americans." They sniff the air at the ugly American and assume that they are, one and all, more "civilized" than we gauche colonials. Look at all the gun violence in America, they say. They tsk, tsk us for the deaths by gun. Certainly they are better than we?
- Friday, August 1, 2008

Timesonline Overreacts: If Islam is Extreme Let’s ban ALL Religion

In yet another example of why the west might not beat the onslaught of radical Islamofascism, Minette Marrin of the Timesonline thinks she has found a solution to the clash of cultures. Marrin details the extremism evinced by too many Muslims in England and then posits a solution: ban all religion. Talk about an absurd idea. It's as foolish as throwing out the baby with the bath water. It also discounts thousands of years of worthy and enlightened western culture influenced, guided and based on Christian philosophy.
- Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Obama Hits a Wall! Will Media Highlight MAJOR Obama Gaffe in Berlin Speech?

Obama's speech yesterday in Berlin, hailed as a "major" address, has at least one major, glaring error that shows that nether Obama nor his handlers and speech writers were thoroughly familiar with the facts. Obama's main theme was about the "walls" that separate all of us one from another. He claims that many of these "walls" have been taken down and hails that as progress. But in at least one instance he is wrong. In fact more walls have been built where Obama claimed they were taken down.
- Friday, July 25, 2008
