
Bob Lunsford

Mr. Lunsford is a retired DoD telecommunications engineer, linguist and world traveler now living in eastern Kentucky. Still active in radio communications, he has several books copyrighted, one of which is now in final process of publication. He is politically motivated and, as much as possible, politically active.

Most Recent Articles by Bob Lunsford:

In defense of the GSA

I am a Department of Defense retiree of 31 years of Federal Service or, if you will, Civil Service plus active military service to the country. First of all, let me say that I was not in an administrative position and that I served in truly service organizations (Army Depots and technical service activities) but that I still had some contact with GSA as regards contracts.
- Monday, April 23, 2012

The Changing Face of Politics and Politicians

We find people are for their favorite politician for various reasons and this is part of the political scene anywhere. Those who tout any politician keep to the theme that he/she is for this or that or against this or that and this is just looking at one element alone. It gets more complicated as one analyzes other aspects of their favorite or not-so-favorite political figure. However, we have a form of balance here. There are also those who oppose a politician for various reasons; this then rounds out the core of politics and although seemingly a basic concept, it is essentially true.
- Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Herman Cain and politics as usual

Herman Cain suspended his campaign. Some in the media insist that he dropped completely out of the competition for the candidacy and that he is no more. Period! Now, however, the media are also saying that if Cain had been honest and just admitted what he had done -- like Gingrich -- that then he (Cain) could have survived the charges of "sexual harassment." Really? Does the media actually believe this or is it merely something for them to fill dead airtime?
- Monday, December 12, 2011

Herman Cain, again, not the harasser OR what IS sexual harassment?

When will it end? The message finally got through to the Media Mental Midgets that Herman Cain's "accusers" were nothing more than finger pointers, and, if this were not enough, most people began to see that Gloria Allred apparently did not get enough out of her previous 15 minutes of fame and wanted to go for more TV face time. The only difference now is that she wasn't wearing her favorite-colored jacket: All Red.
- Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Loyalty to the Constitution

All Congresspeople swore to stand behind and uphold the Constitution. Many of them are prior military with the same oath behind them. This also includes people in the CIA, FBI, Secret Service, and, additionally, all civil servants and police in Washington and across the country. They all took the oath of allegiance and service to the Country under the Constitution. It was a condition of employment and the first step to being accepted in government.
- Monday, October 3, 2011

Bad Grammar

We were all somehow “privileged” to see President Obama’s “Job Speech” a few days ago and it not doubt stands out for what it is and what it is not. Some such as the Wall Street Journal have introduced the idea that it is nothing new, it is a rehash of previous “job bills” or something to that effect, and they did not get passed previously because apparently even many Democrats did not accept it, considering that the Democrats owned all three branches of government.
- Sunday, September 11, 2011

Creating the Candidate

Remember how Newt Gingrich was effective and chosen because of the Promise to America? For the next president, the man/woman will win if he/she promises, like Gingrich with his 100 promises to America, to do the following.
- Friday, August 26, 2011
