
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, Ileana Writes is a freelance writer, author, radio commentator, and speaker. Her books, “Echoes of Communism", "Liberty on Life Support" and "U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy," "Communism 2.0: 25 Years Later" are available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle.

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh:

“We Are Serving the Working People”

We Are Serving the Working People,It appears that America’s youth are turning collectivist and the ranks are swelling by the day with help from the accommodating indoctrinators called educators and Howard Zinn’s textbooks bastardizing history and Common Core standards of lower education now nine years old and covering most of America’s schools. Academics has taken a back seat to progressive activism 101.
- Monday, April 1, 2019

Is Modern Technology Hazardous to Health?

Is Modern Technology Hazardous to Health?Technology has impacted our lives in many positive and negative ways, computers, mobile phones with 5G present and future robotic and automotive applications, smart meters, solar panels, wind turbines, and geoengineering, just to name a few. But are they good for our health? As the 5G rollout is happening around the world, concerned groups are organizing to mount an opposition and voice their concern about its safety to humans and animals bathed constantly in EMF radiation from towers that will eventually be deployed on every street corner.
- Saturday, March 30, 2019

How A Progressive Government Will 'Disappear' America

How A Progressive Government Will 'Disappear' AmericaKatie Hopkins warned Americans about the dangers of unrestricted Islamic immigration and described in frank detail how it has affected the U.K. and Europe, contributing to a social decline and an inimical atmosphere. Thanks to Barack Obama's eight-year islamophillic presidency, unrestricted immigration has spread to the United States.
- Sunday, March 24, 2019

Maria and Our Immigration Problem

The short and stocky Salvadoran woman was very talkative in her unschooled English. She’s been in this country for twenty years. She had fled her native country for economic reasons; she paid a coyote $1,000 to bring her across the southern border with Mexico, her family’s savings. She had promised to send money back every month and, once able to marry and have babies, she would wait patiently until she could claim legal residence and bring her extended family to the United States via chain migration.
- Sunday, March 17, 2019

Communist Propaganda and Revisionist History

Communist Propaganda and Revisionist HistoryThe communist propaganda has intensified at a fever pitch. It’s not just the supine main stream media that constantly bombard us with scripted and highly subjective chats/gossip pretending to be “news,” canned and distributed by the same progressive owners of the mass media who order their minions to read the latest socialist Democrat talking points. The objective is to use irrational mob mentality in order to stir hatred towards our President and of anything remotely conservative or pro-America.
- Thursday, February 28, 2019

How Did America Become So Great?

How Did America Become So Great?Legal immigrants from around the world came to the New World to work hard, find land, and worship freely. Many died in the process during the arduous voyage across the sea, in the wilderness they were attempting to settle, from industrial accidents in factories they toiled in, from disease, or in battles with the natives.
- Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Revenge of the Cradle

The Revenge of the Cradle“Do not allow America to fall as Europe has fallen.” – Katie Hopkins The Sunday Times wrote ten years ago that a billionaire’s club had met secretly, at the initiative of Bill Gates, to discuss how their philanthropy could be used to implement “ways of tackling a disastrous environmental, social, and industrial threat” of overpopulation. Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffet, George Soros and David Rockefeller Jr. were among those in attendance. (May 24, 2009)
- Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Channeling White

Channeling WhiteHaving been forced in my youth to wear a uniform designed by the communists who dictated our daily lives, every move and breath we took, you can imagine my dismay at seeing the Socialist Democrat women appearing dressed in white at the State of the Union (SOTU) address of President Trump last night. Like a high school club of “beautiful girls” who reject the plain girls in class, this group of women was petty, sour, dour, attention-hungry, scowling, smirking disrespectfully, and displaying overt and in-your-face derision, setting aside any statesman’s decorum and propriety, barely engaging their “occasional cortex.”
- Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Communism Making Comeback as Globalism

Communism Making Comeback as Globalism"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful." – C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man “It’s a brave new world,” one in which radicals are elected to high office in a system more corrupt and ignorant than ever imagined possible. The voters believe in the “shiny illusions of socialist/communist hell and are racing to implementation.”
- Thursday, January 31, 2019

Expand Pharmacist Roles to Reduce ER Visits

Expand Pharmacist Roles to Reduce ER Visits As I have recently experienced during a recent ER visit in northern Virginia, many cases presenting themselves are cases of sniffles of illegal aliens and their children who use the ER as their primary physician because ER visits are free to them, paid for by the U.S. taxpayers.
- Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Socialist Democrats and their Illegal Alien Brethren

On a print from 1886 of the Statue of Liberty someone wrote, "There is room in America and brotherhood for all who will support our institutions and aid in our development. But those who come to disturb our peace and dethrone our laws are aliens and enemies forever."
- Sunday, January 13, 2019

Obamacare Coined Older “Units” Seen To Last At The ER

older person, going to an ER room As an older person, going to an ER room in Northern Virginia is an exercise in costly futility unless you are on death’s door or are prepared to wait for endless hours while younger people are being treated for colds, high fever, bleeding fingers and toes, and other accidents which occur in the exercise of our daily human lives.
- Sunday, December 30, 2018

Brimming with Christmas Spirit

Brimming with Christmas Spirit I met recently a young couple giddy with the jubilant spirit of Christmas. It was a rare encounter as Christmas traditions are under assault and condemned on the altar of progressivism and Islam. He wore a red and green elf vest and a Santa hat over his regular clothes and a big smile of good cheer. His lovely wife had donned a beautiful red dress with sparkling tinsel on the left collar. He told me how much he enjoyed Christmas and decorating trees which he left up every year late into January, even past the Russian Orthodox Christmas on January 6
- Sunday, December 16, 2018

Investing in Church and State

Investing in Church and State People in general do not seem to agree on much these days, split between their own confused ideas and the latest narrative promoted by the deceitful main stream media, beholden to the globalist ideology of Democrat Socialism and Cultural Marxism.
- Monday, November 26, 2018

USMCA Sneaking UN Law of the Sea Treaty Through The Back Door?

USMCA Sneaking UN Law of the Sea Treaty Through The Back Door The legal dictionary defines sovereignty as “the power of a state to do everything necessary to govern itself, such as making, applying and executing laws; imposing and collecting taxes; making war and peace; and forming treaties or engaging in commerce with foreign nations.”
- Friday, November 16, 2018

Politics at the Beach

Politics at the Beach I was hoping, that during our vacation, I could get away from politics and just enjoy the beach, the white sand, the sea gulls, the dolphins, and the Floridian sun-shine. But politics hit me in the face in one form or another in this area overflowing with snow-bird Democrats from New York, New Jersey, and Ohio.
- Sunday, November 4, 2018

Millennial Economic Confusion

Millennial Economic Confusion A social media post captured my attention. A millennial was boasting about a recent home purchase. Nothing out of the ordinary, home ownership is a good thing and people take pride in owning their own place, private property is the bedrock of capitalism and freedom. This millennial was buying in one of the country’s most expensive real estate markets.
- Sunday, October 21, 2018

Rule of Party of One

Rule of Party of One It is upsetting to find out that a principal asked a high school student to remove his baseball jersey at a game where everyone was encouraged to wear patriotic t-shirts. His white jersey sported the American flag, the name Trump, and number 45. The student had to remove the shirt deemed as making questionable political statements and inciting violence.
- Sunday, October 14, 2018

Our Beloved Bogart Crossed the Rainbow Bridge

Bogart 2016 After a fitful night of sleep and crying, I woke up this morning imagining that I heard Bogart’s meow from his room. The house seems oppressively quiet and empty without him. The large candle I lit yesterday is still flickering on the mantle.
- Friday, October 5, 2018

The Prison that is Socialism

Imagine a large prison with beautiful mountains that you are not allowed to climb because you are too poor to afford the gear and you must get a permit from the warden. These mountains grow blue spruce and pine forests where bears and other creatures dwell but you cannot visit because important people are hunting brown bears and they’ve paid huge sums to shoot them under the supervision of the game warden.
- Thursday, September 27, 2018
