
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, Ileana Writes is a freelance writer, author, radio commentator, and speaker. Her books, “Echoes of Communism", "Liberty on Life Support" and "U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy," "Communism 2.0: 25 Years Later" are available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle.

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh:

Informers/Snitches Are Now Called Moderators

Informers/Snitches Are Now Called ModeratorsDuring the communist regimes, informers and snitches on the payroll of the Security Police collected evidence on their neighbors and the “lives of others” they were assigned specifically to follow and report on. They had to work hard for their pay. They worked long and tedious hours, had to file reports, and keep thick dossiers on their subjects. When the Iron Curtain communism went underground to regroup into the neo-Marxism/globalism of today, the archives were opened and citizens were able to petition to see their dossiers. Based on their visibility and place in society, some had entire volumes of data.
- Monday, July 20, 2020

Smile and Breathe When You Wear a Mask

Smile and Breathe When You Wear a MaskA smile can bring momentary sunshine in someone’s cloudy day. But, if you are wearing a mask, can you see the smile? Can you see the humanity behind the scared and sideways-darting eyes? Perhaps the eyes express the irrational fear of death, the fear of physical contact. The human marionettes avoid physical contact, going out of their way to avoid other people, to the point of painful walking into thorny bushes and cactuses to prevent any possible proximity to other “infectious” and life-ending humans.
- Thursday, July 16, 2020

The New Abnormal is Global Socialism

The New Abnormal is Global Socialism“Socialism is government force to control and change society.” – Paul B. Skousen I have seen socialism creep into American education since 1979 when Jimmy Carter established the now massive bureaucracy called the Department of Education which became the blue print of socialist indoctrination in America. Through my experience first as a graduate student and then as a teacher in America, I also witnessed socialism advance in academia.
- Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Soviet-Style Sacking of Statues by Sanctimonious Stalinists

Soviet-Style Sacking of Statues by Sanctimonious StalinistsViolence, looting, sacking of statues, lawlessness, burning, and murder by police or anyone else should be condemned by all humans, no matter what political leanings one has. Yet the radical leftist Democrat Party refuses to agree with the Republican Party in condemning mob violence. There is so much supported mob violence that other nations are shaking their collective heads not understanding what is happening to America, “the shining city on the hill” that everyone aspired to flee to when oppression and tyranny was too much in their countries. International enemies are laughing at us and even rejoicing.
- Friday, July 10, 2020

The Destructive Marxist Subversion of American Society

Marxist Subversion of American SocietyThere is no shortage of Lenin’s “useful idiots” with brains addled by drugs and agitated by paid Alinsky-style community organizers. “Useful idiots” are easily manipulated individuals without a compass, without a country, with allegiance to global citizenship and Mother Gaia, humans ruled by emotion and devoid of rational thinking. They are used skillfully to implement cultural Marxism, to disseminate poisonous ideas, chaos, decadence, and worthless entertainment parading as art.
- Wednesday, July 1, 2020

BLM Protest in Colonial Williamsburg

BLM Protest in Colonial WilliamsburgOn Tuesday morning, June 30, we were visiting Colonial Williamsburg in Williamsburg, Va. We were inside the Governor’s Palace when we spotted 6 police cruisers and heavy police presence, including the park’s security. I found it odd since the park has only been opened for a week and there were few visitors with only about ten percent of the buildings open for historical tours. The atmosphere was hardly cheerful as everyone was wearing masks and visitors were required masks inside and in outdoor exhibits such as the armory, the gardens, the weaver’s outdoor shop, the blacksmith, and the barrel maker. The temperatures in the 90s yesterday made wearing the masks quite unbearable.
- Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Communist Control Face Mask

The Communist Control Face MaskFour months into the corona manufactured pandemic, blue states are still enforcing draconian measures to wear masks everywhere in public for your own good lest be seen as a danger to society, public enemy number one, and to the well-being of those around you.
- Monday, June 29, 2020

You Can't Miss What You Don't Have in the First Place

You Can't Miss What You Don't Have in the First PlaceGrowing up in the proletariat class of communism, we never had much time to ponder over our perennial hunger or our miserable state in life, we were too busy trying to find something to eat, most of the time standing in lines daily to fight over the supply of food allotted that day by the benevolent socialist government run by the Communist Party. Most of us were quite thin, malnourished, lacking vitamins and proper nutrition, but we were all in the same boat and we could do nothing about it as we had no arms to mount a rebellion to overthrow the Communist Party.
- Monday, June 22, 2020

Champions of violent Cultural Marxism, ANTIFA and BLM, are destroying, burning, looting Our Society

Champions of violent Cultural Marxism, ANTIFA and BLM,  are destroying, burning, looting Our SocietyOver the last four decades, political correctness promoted strongly by academia and the MSM has gained steam and unprecedented momentum. The “progressive” wing of society exploited the rest by using their money, power, and influence to install Cultural Marxism. The nuclear family, Christianity, traditional morality, race, gender, and sexual identity were attacked one by one to achieve this goal. All were depicted as tyranny of the “evil white man” who benefited from “white privilege” at the expense of the “black and oppressed man.”
- Sunday, June 21, 2020

Left-wing Mob Rule Nation and Kristallnacht

Left-wing Mob Rule Nation and KristallnachtI escaped communism in late 1970s and, in forty years, my adopted country changed from the beacon of freedom and prosperity, with ample opportunities to succeed, promoting one’s individual talents, to a left-wing mob rule nation where the Nazi’s Kristallnacht, “the night of broken glass,” is repeated by paid rioters around the nation in Democrat-leadership cities, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, Nashville, San Francisco, Detroit, Portland, Memphis, Chicago, Atlanta, Washington, D.C., Madison, Denver, Albuquerque, Columbus, Houston, Phoenix, Louisville, St. Louis, Oakland, and Boston.
- Thursday, June 4, 2020

Virtue Signaling Masks Smothering Our Society

Virtue Signaling Masks Smothering Our SocietyI have spent a lot of time since early March in the woods, in the company of birds, geese, a wild rabbit, a fox visiting my yard daily, squirrels, a racoon, five deer who enjoy the grass in our back yard at dusk, one coyote, wasps, bumblebees, a majestic eagle, a water snake, the river, flowers, grasses, two ospreys, and a lot of mud.
- Friday, May 29, 2020

The “New Normal” or Modified Normal

The New Normal or Modified NormalSocial conditioning is defined as the process of training individuals in a society to respond in a manner generally approved by society and various peer groups and their interests.
- Monday, May 25, 2020

Week 9 of Forced Quarantine for Healthy Americans

Week 9 of Forced Quarantine for Healthy AmericansEverybody must have bought all the toilet paper they needed because now grocery stores have toilet paper. I am not so sure if the food supply is adequate because the hoarders stopped panic buying but the shelves still look empty at my local grocery chain.
- Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Fabric of Society is Badly Frayed

The Fabric of Society is Badly FrayedThe Corona virus which originated in Wuhan, China, has fundamentally transformed the globe, and facilitated the last nails in the economic coffin of the West, particularly in the United States. Whether it was a planned lockdown or one of opportunity to destroy a booming economy for the sake of political destruction of an opponent, the Socialist left and its media lackeys hate so much that it has morphed into a Trump Derangement Syndrome, remains to be seen in the outcome when the volcanic ash settles on what is left of the economy. One thing is certain, if the lockdown continues, the middle class will be wiped out financially and so will small businesses.
- Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The World Blew a Major Gasket

The World Blew a Major GasketThe world blew a major gasket over the Coronavirus and destroyed booming economies. How will it handle the next health crisis, put everyone in shackles and those who cough and sneeze in quarantines (Latin for 40 days) that last a vague and undecided time? As my wise grandma used to say, “the country is burning, and the old lady is combing her hair.” The virus is real and treatable, however, according to the Washington Times;
- Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Defectors from Globalism, Where Would You Go?

Defectors from Globalism, Where Would You Go?During the Soviet and Eastern Bloc decades of communism, which dominated almost the entire 20th century, fundamental dissenters to the communist ideology who were locked up between the borders of a tyrannical system rarely matched by history were considered dissidents. They were forced to live a life of harassment and poverty below the average proletariat’s impoverished lifestyle, being denied basic human rights.
- Saturday, May 2, 2020

Mr. President, Can We Return to ‘Made in America’ Again?

Mr. President, Can We Return to ‘Made in America’ Again?On March 9, 2020, I flew back to D.C. The flight was more than half empty which was quite unusual--all flights to D.C. had been running at full capacity prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now remaining flights are almost empty with demand down in some cases by 96 percent. A month later I wrote an article asking President Trump to open up the economy as it became more evident that the supply and delivery chains have been severely disrupted by the draconian quarantine-driven lockdowns of individual Democrat states, lockdowns which are yet to be lifted partially or fully. This resulted in closing small American businesses, the bread and butter of our economy. Open Up The U.S. Economy As Soon As Possible
- Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Insanity of Grocery Line Social Distancing

The Insanity of Grocery Line Social DistancingI was shopping in our neighborhood grocery store chain and found out accidentally that employees have their own stash of merchandise in the back from which they can purchase what they need without having to fight the crowds for the items in high demand.
- Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Hoarding Headache in ‘The Time of Coronavirus'

Hoarding Headache in ‘The Time of Coronavirus'Throughout history, when governments have intervened in the smooth operation of the free market based on supply and demand, the results have been disastrous, not the least of which is hoarding and the emergence of black markets. I am not talking about the psychological problem of hoarding personal items when people have a hard time getting rid of anything they own, even old and dirty scraps of paper. I am talking about fear-based hoarding, the result of fear of shortage or imminent societal collapse.
- Sunday, April 12, 2020

Open Up the U.S. Economy As Soon as Possible

Mr. President, Please open up the U.S. economy as soon as possible! It is very sad that so many people around the world fell ill, suffered, and thousands have lost their lives to this horrible virus. But the rest of the globe must go on living in a terrible economic situation which is about to get much worse than most people realize. Is it a moral crime to care about the sick but to advocate for the living too?
- Thursday, April 9, 2020
