
Kelly O'Connell

Kelly O'Connell is an author and attorney. He was born on the West Coast, raised in Las Vegas, and matriculated from the University of Oregon. After laboring for the Reformed Church in Galway, Ireland, he returned to America and attended law school in Virginia, where he earned a JD and a Master’s degree in Government. He spent a stint working as a researcher and writer of academic articles at a Miami law school, focusing on ancient law and society. He has also been employed as a university Speech & Debate professor. He then returned West and worked as an assistant district attorney. Kelly is now is a private practitioner with a small law practice in New Mexico.

Most Recent Articles by Kelly O'Connell:

Attempts to Destroy Trump Result From Democrat Party Devolving Into a Cult

Attempts to Destroy Trump Result From Democrat Party Devolving Into a Cult

Trump's Latest Special Prosecutor: Proves Dems, in a splendiferous, one-track-mind pathology, reveal they're convinced Trump's demise is their only way forward. The amount of Democrat energy, resources & time spent on this is surreal. A very pagan and primitive fixation. 

Ancient Human Religious Murder: In the ancient world, ritual slaughter was common in such diverse cultures such as China, Egypt, and Europe, whose priests killed humans to please the gods. For example, Aztecs consecrating the Temple of Tenochtitlan sacrificed over eighty thousand, and even practiced cannibalism during this. See Two Cheers for the Conquistadors:

- Thursday, November 24, 2022

Have We Reached a ‘Trump Adapts or Politically Expires’ Moment?

Have We Reached a ‘Trump Adapts or Politically Expires’ Moment?

Pondering Republican collapse in the Nov, ‘22 election there are bulletproof conclusions.The GOP inartfully communicated itself. 1.There was no unified national message or a thoughtful, clever statement summing up what was happening. 2.There was an overemphasis on blaming Biden, overkill especially in a scary time. People don't want just finger-pointing – they want answers. 3. We know now election deniers didn't win and therefore there’s a problem with that approach, so let's look at that

So all of these people Trump helped were chosen because they were election deniers. This is a huge problem. And, although we may suspect 2020 fraud, we can't really say for sure where the election was stolen and how and to what extent. So there's really not much that can be done about it. Obvious 2020 election Shenanigans don’t really help us – unless you know exactly how it occurred and so – how to stop it. But Independent voters were not moved by the idea.

- Tuesday, November 15, 2022

If GOP Should Take Both Senate & House: 10 Demands From the Faithful

If GOP Should Take Both Senate & House: 10 Demands From the Faithful

Well it's a few days later and now we understand the GOP will take the House, with an even chance to win the Senate. GOP is at 50 senators right now. And it's all up to Herschel Walker in GA. But before we forget what it was like during the Trump Administration and then for the last 2 years of the Biden admin, a horrific anti-American time chock full of mixed up Dem nuts and their illegal activities. So, we must do something to safeguard America's future so that it will be better than the recent past

- Saturday, November 12, 2022

Gods, Scoundrels & Patriots: Parsing the Odd Non-Red Wave, Nov 8, ‘22

Gods, Scoundrels & Patriots: Parsing the Odd Non-Red Wave, Nov 8, ‘22

So the horrific happened to conservatives, Libertarians and Republicans. The augurs suggested that this would be the blowout of all blowouts. And that the crazy Biden leadership would get a slap in the face in a realignment. That Donald Trump's lieutenant would be ensconced on his way back into office. And that God himself was reinstituting Republican control to save this nation. So what happened…

Here are a few thoughts.

- Friday, November 11, 2022

Before You Vote: Top Sin of Biden's Malicious Brood -- INFLATION

Before You Vote: Top Sin of Biden's Malicious Brood -- INFLATION


The policies of Joe Biden and his crew since entering office are remarkable for their ill conceived nature, inherent failure rate, and the utter evil that most cause. And yet, Joe couldn't be more proud of his tenure. Yet his pathological lying, reinforced by VP Kamala suggests all is not well in the cardboard and styrofoam Garden of Eden Biden and staff erected.

- Thursday, November 10, 2022

Oprah Specializes in Electing Nincompoops Like Obama & Fetterman

Oprah Specializes in Electing Nincompoops Like Obama & Fetterman

Oprah Winfrey was quite likely the biggest endorsement Barack Obama ever received before his first election. Her opinion was delivered in her touchy-feely, pass-me-the-emotion, and bypass logic, from the gut style. Winfrey regularly emoted to tens of millions of viewers each week. Oprah is all about preaching, although her beliefs are just self-help jargon in the name of God, designed to reap billions. And now, Oprah endorses clod John Fetterman for PA Senate. 

Winfrey said: "I said it was up to the citizens of Pennsylvania. But I would tell y'all this — if I lived in Pennsylvania, I would have already cast my vote for John Fetterman for many reasons. Use your discernment — which seems to be missing in a lot of our country today — use your discernment and choose wisely for the democracy of our country." Truly a dishonest and utterly irrational comment clothed in pseudo-wisdom, from one of the world's most popular celebrities.

- Monday, November 7, 2022

Unchecked Leftist Leadership Will Lead to American Zombie Democracy

Unchecked Leftist Leadership Will Lead to American Zombie Democracy

A true mystery of history is why Marxists, as reformers, repeatedly gained absolute power then uniformly used it to craft the most inefficient, unpleasant and murderous states ever formed. Today we're at the same crossroads. For as all Democrat ideas fail, their proponents reach for power with ever increasing fury. Were they to retain power today in America, they would simultaneously achieve tyranny as all their policy ideas collapse. The end result would be a leftist Zombie State, whose only purpose is amalgamating increasing power.

Consider investopedia's definition of a zombie bank: "An insolvent financial institution that is able to continue operating thanks to explicit or implicit support from the government." Apply this concept to our mature republic. Know the leftist fight to dumb down public schools, highlighted by yearslong Covid cancelations, is one element of tyranny. And criminalizing public debates on important ideas, added to wholesale propaganda campaigns, means Democrats know their puerile ideas will die in sunlight and open air unless they first inculcate ignorance from cradle to grave.

- Saturday, November 5, 2022

Do Democrats Need a Tap on the Head to Take US Crime Spike Seriously?

Do Democrats Need a Tap on the Head to Take US Crime Spike Seriously?

Irony is reaching stratospheric heights. After hearing the nightly news, you might assume the wrong Pelosi got hammered. It's the ultimate irony that Nancy Pelosi's Husband was attacked by a crazy illegal alien seeking his wife. Especially, when she opposed any wall and once visited the border & spread her arms to loudly welcome all entrants. 

Pelosi's invader, David Wayne DePape wore only underwear, fitting for a hippie nudist. He's not Republican, but a Canadian illegal, though Dem leadership claim he's a "Jan 6 West" assailant. Mainstream media minions state DePape was driven by GOP hate. An easy slur! But contra, isn't it entirely possible Nasty Nancy's own hate filled sermons and diabolically anti-American policies drove this unhinged naturist to her doorstep?!!

- Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Why Dems Have Suddenly Collapsed for Nov's Election: USA is Sick of Lies & Hatred

Why Dems Have Suddenly Collapsed for Nov's Election: USA is Sick of Lies & Hatred

A Red Wave finally bursts to the surface, as the GOP sprints towards victory in both Houses. Every close race is turning Right. But why did it wait so long after two years of Biden's horrific failure? After relentless mistake and one stupid idea after the other? How do we understand this sudden development? It might be easier than the question sounds. 

A Guess? Does it come down to the fact that the left has finally rejected everyday reality? For example, if you look at the direction our country has gone the last 50 years, it's traveled further and further into fantasy. For instance the Sex Revolution offered instant intimacy, without any cost. Or so it was sold. Yet, it led to the collapse of marriage. We then convinced ourselves marriage itself was optional, or even bad, as a sexist matriarchy of oppression.

- Saturday, October 29, 2022

Debate Proves PA Sen Candidate Fetterman so Unfit, Dem Party Must be Prosecuted

Debate Proves PA Sen Candidate Fetterman so Unfit, Dem Party Must be Prosecuted

Having watched a few excerpts of the appalling Fetterman v Oz "Debate" on October 25th, '22, you can sum it all up with an, "Ouch!" The PA Dem opened by saying, "Hi, Good Night everybody!", offering a splendid oeuvre of his inane, off point and blithering performance. 

By now, no one can be surprised that Fetterman recently had a massive stroke and cannot communicate. Further, the Dems boast 2 other incompetent politicians in DC, Dem Prez Joe Biden and Dem Sen Dianne Feinstein. So what does it mean that mental collapse is no bar to being a "good" liberal Democrat politician? Demented officials are more valuable to Dems!

- Friday, October 28, 2022

Joe Biden Prez + John Fetterman VP = Democrat Dream Ticket for 2024

Joe Biden Prez + John Fetterman VP = Democrat Dream Ticket for 2024

In the same way a perfect border is like Swiss cheese and an ideal economy is constantly collapsing, a mentally incompetent Prez & VP ticket is a Democrat  marriage made in heaven. Why, you ask? Because mentally broken, brain damaged candidates, like Joe & John, offer an endless chance to insert doctrinaire Marxist, crazy far-leftism from the cabal of secret fixers that a normal politician would never accept since it would fail so badly. 

But the idea that all representatives must vote the party position is made flesh by brain compromised politicos like Joe & John. Competency literally doesn't matter. The question, Who is the most brain damaged? -- cannot be easily answered.

- Friday, October 21, 2022

Saudis Bet Against Joe: Arabia Cuts Oil Production to Force Biden From Power

Saudis Bet Against Joe: Arabia Cuts Oil Production to Force Biden From Power

Reading Tea Leaves: Why did Saudi Arabia (SA) suddenly cut oil supply by 2 million daily barrels, or 2% of world supply? US media described this as "betrayal" & "greed." Instead, ponder how recent American foreign policy insults motivated Saudis, such as claiming they will be made ‘pariahs' because they are so immoral. Really?!  Meanwhile, US Dems threaten to withdraw troops, aid and weapons.

- Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Superstorm Hurricanes as Global Warming Proof: Overheated Rhetoric?

Superstorm Hurricanes as Global Warming Proof: Overheated Rhetoric?

Pagan Standards Supplant Christian Worldview: An intriguing debate follows the hurricane gusts over destroyed Florida beach towns as record-breaking storm Ian has dismembered Fort Myers and other communities. This brazen theory suggests the cause of our strongest hurricanes is Manmade, aka "Anthropomorphic" Global Warming (AGW). 

Human Sin: The claim is such spikes are created by avoidable people activities. Moreover, folks are now punished by the cosmos for refusing to treat Mother Earth with the veneration and respect our loving Mama deserves by not abandoning a capitalist lifestyle. (see typical debate)

Peace of God – Pax Deorum: Fascinatingly, as an emotive chorus of hysteria cries out in paranoia, the 'Sky is Falling'!, we detect a non scientific claim, rooted in old paganism. For in ancient Rome, the primary public policy was called Pax Deorum, or the Peace of the Gods. And that Rome's first duty was to appease the gods, or suffer cataclysmic divine rejection.

- Sunday, October 2, 2022

Biden's Tragical History Tour: Bafflingly Smug POTUS Boasts Red Hot Failure

Biden's Tragical History Tour: Bafflingly Smug POTUS Boasts Red Hot Failure

Totally demented POTUS smugly beams regarding absolute failure while Biden's Intellectual Yet Idiot (IYI) staff despoils America in increasingly tight concentric circles of rigged incompetence. Only a theory relentlessly conjuring self-sabotage explains such an approach. Regardless of Dem's intent, the effect of current policies upon USA will cause fatal implosion if not curtailed. And so we battle Biden's Raison D'etre  --

"E Multis Erroribus Unum Defectu Communismum"--  From Many Mistakes Arise One Failure, Communism.
- Friday, September 30, 2022

Dr Demented: Gay Satanist Joins US Govt as Bucket List Grows 

Dr Demented: Gay Satanist Joins US Govt as Bucket List Grows

If you were long awaiting a gay satanist to finally be appointed to an important US government office, well your patience has finally paid off. He's Dr Demetre Daskalakis, Biden's National Monkeypox Response Deputy Coordinator, a bona fide "Gay Satanist." And a "progressive, radical gay doctor"

DailyCaller reports, "In an interview with The Atlantic in 2014, he said "I learned my bedside manner from East Village drag queens." Daskalakis operated an HIV and hepatitis screening clinic out of a small office inside a Manhattan S&M club called Paddles, where men could pay $40 to party without their coats or clothes."

- Monday, September 19, 2022

John Fetterman, PA's Confused, Giant Lt Gov Mimics Biden as Stroke-Addled Candidate

Incredible: Pathetic Fetterman Cowers Behind Stroke Begging for Special Treatment

More Dem Cognitive Damage: Incredibly, Democrats launched ANOTHER MENTALLY INFIRM CANDIDATE for US higher office -- ducking while strugglingwith MASSIVE STROKE damage!! See, U.S. Sen Candidate Fetterman 'Almost Died' From Stroke. Fetterman, 52, stroked right before winning Senate primary. Then he stopped campaigning for 3 months. Oops!

Hoodie Wearing Satanist Bouncer: Presenting a cross between a hoodie-wearing skateboarder and a colossal shaved-head bouncer at a satanic temple, Fetterman is odd. This could be a political asset, except if one scratches below his surface, they'll find an Environmental Zealot. Who unfortunately just suffered a large stroke during the campaign. Worse, corpulent Fetterman not long past weighed approx 450 lbs at 6'8'', seemed to never follow medical advice.

- Thursday, September 15, 2022

Crazed Jo'POTUS Channeled Demonic Forces Before Slumping Back Into Puppet Mode

Crazed Jo'POTUS Channeled Demonic Forces Before Slumping Back Into Puppet Mode

JOE DELIVERS A DOOZY ORATION: What exactly happened during Biden's fiery, hyper-partisan Philly speech, titled "Battle for the Soul of the Nation"? Did Joe just vent his demented fury? Or, did he actually exhibit demonic possession when bleating out his anti-Trump philippic? The oration was so dramatic and derogatory, some even compared it to a scene from "V for Vendetta." Consider that Biden stated: "MAGA Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies." Yet, the next day Biden backtracked. 

DEMONIC SPEECH: Joe's furious denunciation of 'Maga-Republicans' was the point of his speech. Yet, a flaming brick-backdrop lent his tirade the creeping feel of el Diablo prophesying Republican apocalypse. As the dark stage, backlit blood-red, did not assemble itself, we know there was a message. But, What was it? Doubtless, that ol' devilish Joe and his lefty admin, buoyed by drug potions & Marxist speech writers, threaten to rain down hell on Trump and  all his evil supporters. Period. Biden personally rejected ½ of Americans based simply on party affiliation.

- Saturday, September 10, 2022

Malice in Wonderland: Dems Believe Sabotaging USA Will Create Socialism

Malice in Wonderland: Dems Believe Sabotaging USA Will Create Socialism

Democrats have toiled since Biden's first day to unravel America's preeminent standard of living, as policies cause fuel to skyrocket and inflation to detonate. In fact, most Biden policies simply destroy liberty and wealth by design. For instance, Dems reward the millions invading our border states, while violating federal statutes, by paying them, then relocating them across the USA to unknowing cities. Thus are destroyed our law, budgets, safety, sovereignty, economy and ultimately our American identity. 

Leftists insist that such paperless, foreign invasions represent "charity." If so, why the wild spike in narcotic smuggling, killing hundreds of thousands of citizens? Also, much worse, many foreign children aren't relocated but simply enslaved as underage prostitutes. Meanwhile, cartels reap billions. So, it's obvious. Democrats will underwrite outright evil to purposely sabotage America to bring a socialist revolution.

- Wednesday, August 31, 2022

AG Garland's Next Inevitable Move: A New Fake Trump Prosecution w/ More Faux 'Facts' 

AG Garland's Next Inevitable Move: A New Fake Trump Prosecution w/ More Faux 'Facts' 

In perhaps the most inevitable segue in fake news history, the FBI must now try to improve on their signature move--cooking up a fresh bowl of slander to dump on Trump. Not so easy, you say? Well, when everyone knows of a cadre of liars oozing with power who're untouchable by any court, it would be silly to bet against them. And since the FBI did it before, and got away with it, you can bet they'll do it again. 

How about this for a proposed FBI motto:  "FBI: Framing Baffled Idealists, to engineer their destruction, in the name of justice."    
- Monday, August 15, 2022

Biden Raids Trump's House as Puerile Fishing Expedition Morphs Into Vote Tampering

Biden Raids Trump's House as Puerile Fishing Expedition Morphs Into Vote Tampering

It's more often that Africa borrows ideas from America than vice-versa. But, perhaps in a nod to old boss Barack Obama, Joe Biden decided to introduce the African dictatorial practice of a leader taking out his predecessor. Biden's DOJ/FBI on Monday raided Mar-a-Lago to grab boxes of paperwork with a muscular crew of 30 agents. But suddenly, AFTER Trump cooperated for 9 months with the FBI!

The notion it's the duty of a leader to exterminate his immediate predecessor to establish his own authority is famously illustrated by Sir James Frazer's epic Golden Bough. Generally, a pretender to a throne must challenge the king, then kill him to steal his crown. This idea was used in Apocalypse Now, where Col Kurtz is murdered to reestablish cosmic equilibrium. See Myth Encyclopedia:

- Saturday, August 13, 2022
