
Guest Column

Items of notes and interest from the web.

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A brilliant expose’ of what ails America

The above article was a brilliant expose’ of what ails America at the present time. I would however draw people’s attention to the fact that a fraudulent election is not the only issue, maybe, not even the main issue. I believe we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg, and the biggest part is still below the waterline. It seems to me that there is a focussed coalition of extreme control freaks, whose agenda will stop at nothing short of world control. There individuals, continuously work behind the scenes, always pushing their agenda, always manipulating main stream media to promote the official narrative. And politics is no barrier to them, because they operate on both sides of the political divide.
- Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Trace the money, Trace the communication trail

I’m desperately hoping someone is following the money and communication trails relative to the so called Capitol Riot. Antifa and Black Lives Matter, etc. are not bright enough to engage in the type of mindless criminality that has plagued the US over the last four years or so. They have to have third parties to whip them into a destructive, mindless, frenzy. My bet is that elements of the democrats, socialists, communists, etc. are paying the bills, and giving the instructions, along with certain rewards for services rendered.
- Sunday, January 24, 2021

Germs under attack - will we pay for it in the end?

For years Canadians have been warned to NOT over disinfect their homes etc. We need ‘germs’ to keep our immune system strong and able to fight invading bacteria. With sanitation sprays on every counter in schools, businesses, stores of all kinds AND in homes, the fight to kill the corona virus is intense. Every facility where there are people inside have hand sanitizer on the spot. And homes have wipes, sprays and all kinds of disinfectants being used constantly.
- Tuesday, January 19, 2021

All the way from Australia

I have watched the Trump presidency from its very inception, and as it unfolded up to this moment in time, I am convicted that the Trump administration has moved ever forward under extreme duress. I have observed a relentless, demonically led wave of opposition at every turn on the journey. For me, the saddest revelation has been the number of times Donald Trump has been stabbed in the back by insiders from within the republican ranks of the government, and the meddling and mischievous interventions by public servants. There is only one English word that fits all of these evil intentions, TREASON
- Tuesday, January 19, 2021

What's with the Churches?

Dear Editor: I have a question of grave concern for America's churches: Exactly WHO is their God? Put another way, from whence come the orders that, generally, people of faith follow so obediently today? Centuries ago, their forefathers traversed dangerously wild oceans to escape political and religious tyrannies, seeking a land where they might be free to make unhampered life choices, as guided solely by their personal consciences.
- Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Dick Durbin Flunks History 

Dick Durbin Flunks HistoryLast night on the floor of the U.S. Senate, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) remarked that “The Senator from Texas [ref. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)] says, ‘We just want to create a little commission—ten days—we’re gonna audit all the states, particularly the ones in contention here, and find out what actually occurred.’” Durbin continued:
“And it [Cruz’s ‘commission’ proposal] really draws its parallel in 1876, Hayes and Tilden. Don’t forget what that commission, that so-called ‘political compromise’ achieved.  It was not just some ordinary governmental commission. It was a commission that killed Reconstruction, that established Jim Crow, that even after a Civil War that tore this nation apart, it re-enslaved African-Americans, and it was a commission that invited the same voter suppression we are still fighting today in America.”
- Thursday, January 7, 2021

Senile Joe and crazy Kamala, and the coming Harris White House

Senile Joe and crazy Kamala, and the  coming Harris White HouseEditor's Note: You don’t have to wait until fateful January 20 for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to come strutting across the world stage, and to see what a Joe Biden/Kamala Harris regime intends for the future of the Republic. You can see and hear for yourself at the 9:20 minute mark of this video, where president-elect Biden not only refers to Harris as “president-elect” but talks about how his declining health is opening the door for President Kamala Harris—a waking nightmare come true This heartbreaking moment is what the Democrats planned for when they rigged Election 2020 in favour of Joe Biden. All things, save God Almighty, are passing, and with our Creator’s Providence, a future with ‘President Kamala Harris’ will never come to pass.
- Friday, January 1, 2021

The United States of Fakery: Politically correct leftist version

• The vaccine is so safe you must be threatened to take it • Covid is so dangerous you have to take a test to even realize you have it • The vote was so secure you are NOT allowed to exam the Dominion voting machines that ran it, or ask questions on Twitter
- Friday, December 25, 2020

Ontario Govt. Was Prepared To Lift Church Restrictions As Early As Late April into May--Why Did Cardinal Collins Delay Until The Middle Of June?

Ontario Govt. Was Prepared To Lift Church Restrictions As Early As Late April into MayConfidential sources in Ontario's Progressive-Conservative Government of Douglas Ford have revealed to this writer that following the initial wave of the China Virus in Ontario they were prepared to permit churches to open as early as April 2020. The Cardinal Archbishop of Toronto, Thomas Collins, shuttered all churches and ceased the public celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on March 8 and did not reopen for Sunday worship until June 14, at least six weeks later than it needed to be.
- Friday, November 27, 2020

Voter Fraud

Dear President Trump, The corruption in mail in balloting and what the democrats are attempting to do is illegal and you must fight them. I would not leave the White House until every democratic vote for corrupt Biden is verified. Not the a recount like Jill Steen got, but a voter ID verification. I am a Canadian Citizen, permanent resident alien. Michigan knows this they have known this for years, yet a month ago, yes in October I was mailed a ballot. How many other foreign nationals living in United States received and voted illegally? Too many and they are scamming the United States and attempting to tear down the very fabric of our society. Verify the signatures and if they are legally allowed to vote. Do a do over, it's only fair because this is the very first mail in election, and there must be accountability if this is the way to vote now and in the future. God Bless President Trump and God Bless United States
- Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Will coddling China ever end?

US social media aid and profit from Chinese censorship skillsWhat is it about Communist China that makes the world's most populous nation such a favorite of the international globalist, socialist community?  In 1997, China was granted an exemption from any obligations to reduce carbon dioxide emissions under the Kyoto Protocol (as was India), on the ground that it was a "developing nation."
- Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Choose Truth and Choose Life

Truth stands the test of time. We are currently engaged in World War III with over 210 countries fighting the same invisible enemy.1 Regardless of the root causes of the Covid-19 pandemic, the world’s response to this crisis is killing more people than the actual virus. In this response, I see powerful and methodical groups colluding to obstruct the flow of life-saving information and medication. Let me explain.
- Sunday, October 25, 2020

COVID contradictions that expose either incompetence or malfeasance

While there are those who have cause to celebrate and give thanks today, our government has caused many to have little reason to celebrate, with the closure of thousands of businesses. As a Ford Cabinet Minister announces that COVID ‘is much like a bad flu season’, Public Health Ontario elicits panic, screaming “the alarm bells are ringing” and we must lockdown. How can both these statements be true? Watch my video and learn of many COVID contradictions that expose either incompetence or malfeasance.
- Sunday, October 11, 2020

I’m going to refer to the former Democrat party as the un-Dem party

I’m going to refer to the former Democrat party as the un-Dem party from now on since that is more representative to what they stand for. Love your site as bless you for what you have done over the years. Maybe some of the authors might want to rename them to. It just seems so fitting and just!
- Monday, October 5, 2020

Baby Lives Matter

Baby Lives MatterSince Black Lives Matter has hijacked the legitimate protests over George Floyd’s death, it seems that turnabout is fair play. So a pro-life activist in Salt Lake City painted a “Baby Lives Matter” mural outside the local Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. Naturally, leftists like a former aide to Elizabeth Warren are claiming this shows Trump (?) is a racist because co-opting the phrase “Black Lives Matter” to oppose abortion really means “White Babies’ Lives Matter.” Which may be the dumbest thing I’ve heard since I was told that Elizabeth Warren was a Native-American.
- Thursday, July 23, 2020

Diversify our Economy

Today governments across Canada at every level are demanding that we “must diversify our economy.” Perhaps one should look back 20 years, even less, to see that Canada and the United States were VERY diversified at one time. We had lots of manufacturing, clothes, toys, household appliances and electronics etc. Made in Canada was a common stamp on labels. Canada especially was chugging into better standards of living AND with a very diversified economy.
- Monday, July 20, 2020

Irving Oil just made an incredible journey with one of their tankers

Irving Oil just made an incredible journey with one of their tankers. They loaded oil from Western Canada and hauled it down the USA western coast, through the Panama Canal, through the Gulf of Mexico, up the Eastern side of USA to New Brunswick. I did not hear nor see any fanfare from any news outlets or papers when they reached New Brunswick. This should have been front page news, a real hoopla about this one company supporting western oil production by saying, “We need your oil.” And thereby verifying the need for the Pipeline East. How could this not be front and center in the eyes and ears of this country? I am enraged at how even those who support Energy East did not take the time to send a ‘thank you’ message to Irving Oil via their web site. And I will say “Thank you Irving Oil for standing with Western Canada and supporting our need to get pipelines built so the entire country can benefit.” Wake up oil supporters!!!
- Monday, July 20, 2020
