
Kelly O'Connell

Kelly O'Connell is an author and attorney. He was born on the West Coast, raised in Las Vegas, and matriculated from the University of Oregon. After laboring for the Reformed Church in Galway, Ireland, he returned to America and attended law school in Virginia, where he earned a JD and a Master’s degree in Government. He spent a stint working as a researcher and writer of academic articles at a Miami law school, focusing on ancient law and society. He has also been employed as a university Speech & Debate professor. He then returned West and worked as an assistant district attorney. Kelly is now is a private practitioner with a small law practice in New Mexico.

Most Recent Articles by Kelly O'Connell:

US Rejects Rome's Wisdom: Treating Citizenship Like Feces is Suicide

US Rejects Rome's Wisdom: Treating Citizenship Like Feces is Suicide

Rome's Mythic Prehistory: An oddly touching foundation story of Romulus & Remus is both clearly a fable, yet deeply satisfying. It's a lesson in how a nation builds upon an immortal tale to create a positive myth. The American Founding is well-known and highly inspiring, and yet utterly rejected by Democrats. Now, for the Roman creation story

Romulus & Remus were twins of royal and divine origin, abandoned as babies, put into a basket dropped in the River Tiber. They ran aground and were discovered by a female wolf, who nursed them briefly before found by a shepherd, who raised them. When they became adults, they founded a city where the wolf originally discovered them. Quarreling over where the site was, Remus was killed by his brother, leaving Romulus sole founder of his new city, Rome.
- Monday, May 16, 2022

Criminally Insane Biden Claims Catholic God Blesses Abortion

Criminally Insane Biden Claims Catholic God Blesses Abortion

Stealing SCOTUS' Briefs: Democrat operatives stole a Supreme Court legal summary about rolling back abortion and published it online. Now a wild-eyed, profane group of abortion absolutists are ramping up an unprecedented campaign against SCOTUS to buffalo them into leftist compliance, including pinning them down in their own homes with progressive protesters.

- Thursday, May 12, 2022

Lawless Leftists Cheat to Win: Leaking, Lies, Fake Collusion & Dementia

Supreme Court Leak: Abortion Vote Sabotaged by Judge, Clerk

More Dem Shenanigans: As if we needed any more proof than 6 years of anti-Trump dirty tricks to prove Democrats are so afraid of losing power, they will stoop to anything to keep it! Of course, now we have SCOTUS clerks, staff or even Judges leaking a proposed abortion ban to create fury around USA. But recall that Marxism is a lawless, aka antinomian, approach to power, in that it accepts no rules or laws as binding. See PH Vigor’s, A Guide to Marxism.

- Sunday, May 8, 2022

Elon Musk Assumes Biblical Role of 'Kinsman Redeemer', Protecting Rights of All Americans

Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter

Irrepressible Musk: In the astonishing development of Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter, we've discovered interesting characteristics regarding the redoubtable Elon.

  1. Not all billionaires are perverse tyrants.
  2. The World's richest man esteems goals beyond wealth.
  3. Musk notes the massive collapse of American freedoms, and its ominous threat to US & global liberty.
  4. Musk believes US far leftism is diabolically dangerous.
- Monday, May 2, 2022

Kevin McCarthy is No Conservative & Must be Defanged & Booted From Power

Kevin McCarthy is No Conservative & Must be Defanged & Booted From Power

It’s either crazy bad luck, karma, or just a well-timed hit job that GOP House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy was recorded talking about President Trump. He stated Donald must immediately retire after the Jan 6 Capitol invasion. This confirms what many Conservatives already knew -- McCarthy is not one of us.

But there's more. Don't forget the odd fact that McCarthy was until recently the roommate of GOP pollster Frank Luntz, a rabid Trump hater. Luntz publicly left the GOP to protest Trump in 2021. It's frankly not clear whether McCarthy, who claimed to be nursing Luntz after a 'stroke,'just shared a room, or also an ambivalence towards women, as well. No such period of illness appears in Luntz' history, funny enough, despite McCarthy bragging he made sure "Frank took his medicine." Franky's 'Medicine'? Potus Whisperer Kellyann Conway confirmed Lutz' gay orientation.

- Tuesday, April 26, 2022

How Will Biden Fit 7 Million Illegals into 500K Homeless Beds?

How Will Biden Fit 7 Million Illegals into 500K Homeless Beds?

Title 42 Ends: Biden says Covid-related Title 42, which held back 1/2 illegal entries up till now, will end late May, 2022. Since he took office, maybe 3 million entered America, whisked across the continent by van, bus and plane. Given cell phones, money, free rooms and healthcare. 

Giving Away the Farm: But leftists insist we have so much more to give, and should even triple our generosity. Has a major power ever handed out citizenship with such rank abandon? Moreover, will a moment ever come when liberals think their forced generosity goes too far?

- Monday, April 25, 2022

The Six Trials of Jesus

The Six Trials of Jesus

One of the most dramatic and far-reaching events in world history is the execution of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. While Easter is the Christian holiday celebrating the resurrected Messiah, there would be no Easter without a crucifixion; and no crucifixion without trials that set up Jesus for execution.

These trials are fascinating for the legal procedures from Jewish and Roman law. But ultimately the political struggle over control of the Temple helped doom Christ.

- Sunday, April 17, 2022

Mugabe's Zimbabwe is a Bracing Study for Biden's Rampant Marxism Run Amuck

Mugabe's Zimbabwe is a Bracing Study for Biden's Rampant Marxism Run Amuck

On the Border: In 1976, Scotsman Al Stewart released a profound song -- On the Border. The tune describes Marxist unrest sweeping Europe & Africa. And yet, here again we're caught on the border -- in another maelstrom of Marxist revolution. As angry and cognitively ruined POTUS Joe Biden pantomimes his own stale dreams of America's overturn by sabotage. Leftist Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe also launched a race war that destroyed his own country. See BBC's "Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe tells white farmers 'to go'."

- Sunday, April 17, 2022

Uncle Joe Receives Scatomancy Curse by Pigeon Guano Hit

Uncle Joe Receives Scatomancy Curse by Pigeon Guano Hit

In the zany Robert Altman film, Brewster McCloud, about a young man building a winged’ flying machine, bird poop predicts a character’s demise. In the Bible, the Prophet Ezekiel was commanded as a curse from God: King James Bible “And thou shalt eat it as barley cakes, and thou shalt bake it with dung that cometh out of man…” Ezekiel 4:12. Joe Biden needs to start studying the meaning of being shat upon, since doing that to others is his favorite hobby.

- Thursday, April 14, 2022

Kevin McCarthy Presidency 2022: Depose Biden by 25th Amend. & Impeach Kamala for Incompetence

Kevin McCarthy Presidency 2022: Depose Biden by 25th Amend. & Impeach Kamala for Incompetence

Goodbye, Unkle Joe, You Spent Grifter!: We now know that Uncle Joe Biden is in steep cognitive decline. Worse, we've entered a period of profound international crises, in which no sane person can deny Biden's diminished capacity has harmed his decisions and speech. In other words, before Joe starts WW3 with another off-the-cuff remark, like about Putin: "For God's sake, this man cannot remain in power," he must be removed. Whether this occurs in a day, week or month, Joe has to leave sooner, rather than later. And, it may take invoking the 25th Amendment.

- Sunday, April 10, 2022

Twilight Zone: Joe is an Animatronic Robot Trying to Save Kamala, His Blowup VP Doll

Twilight Zone: Joe is an Animatronic Robot Trying to Save Kamala, His Blowup VP Doll

In the history of Twilight Zone, has any episode been scarier, or more compelling than,After Hours, the story about the dept store mannequins who come to life? So influential, musician Alan Parson did a video version called Prime Time. Well, who would have guessed the Democrat Party, knowing America’s obsession with entertainment, decided to grace DC with not one, but two un-human faux politicians in honor of mindless and hopelessly inept political mannequins the world over?!!

Of course, Democrats have no standard for quality in their leaders, except ability to be elected. After all, it was just a year ago that the Hunt for Trump was in full flight. After a fraught forum of Dem elders was gathered, it was decided who the best choice to win would be. Yep. Joe Biden. A mentally defunct East Coast octogenarian who chose to basement-surf for the entire campaign, and a CA bimbo who couldn’t read a fortune cookie slip without screwing up, turned out to be a winning hand. As well as a complete cover-up of son Hunter and his overseas fundraising.

- Monday, April 4, 2022

Dems Weaponize Govt Policies, Driving USA Into Dystopian Revolution

Dems Weaponize Govt Policies, Driving USA Into Dystopian Revolution

Why Dems Plot Destruction: There's a single plausible theory for the stinking fecal pit America is now immersed in. It's due to the purposeful activity of our current leaders, meant to diminish our future prospects by sabotage. It's obvious everything Biden has tried for a year already failed, and yet he strangely has not changed policies, but double down. So the current results are what Biden wants. Further, our weird cult of environmental racist wokism protects all govt policies. What gives?

Talkin' ‘Bout a Revolution: So, the reason Dems want failure is they can't achieve their goals without revolution. Yet the spontaneous revolution Marx taught as inevitable simply never occurred. Marx originally said the world's beleaguered workers will arise and "throw off the chains" of capitalism. But free markets increasingly made worker's lives better. So Marxists eventually developed a theory of internal destruction to collapse a society, for inverted revolution, as outlined by prof's Fox & Pivin. See, The nature of revolution, by Duncan Hallas:

- Thursday, March 31, 2022

Cuckold’s Rhapsody: Polyamorous Will Smith’s Absurd Violent ‘Defense’ of Wife

Cuckold’s Rhapsody: Polyamorous Will Smith’s Absurd Violent ‘Defense’ of Wife

Rock Rocked: Sunday's Oscars were rocked by Will Smith's jaw-dropping swipe at always ebullient comedian Chris Rock's for his anodyne jest at manly Jada Pinkett Smith. Referring to her shorn locks, Rock gently jested Jada, when suddenly an unhinged Will stormed the stage, haymaker-slapping Chris for the supposed insult to his concupiscent bride. 

Rosie Riots: Even Hollywood hothead Rosie O'Donnell commented: "so upsetting – on every level – bravo to Chris Rock – for not eviscerating will smith – which he could do any day of the week – he walked away – bravo from a sad display of toxic masculinity from a narcissistic madman #Oscars2022 #chrisROCK."

- Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Delirious Biden Claims Putin Must be Deposed Before White House Corrects False Tirade

Delirious Biden Claims Putin Must be Deposed Before White House Corrects False Tirade

The previously mentally weakened POTUS Joe now enters a new phase of cognitive decline, emitting fresh examples of abandoning the script, daily. Late last week, an infuriated Joe stated Putin would be deposed -- "For God's sake, this man cannot remain in power!" Madness, friends!! So how many more Biden malapropisms must occur before WWIII starts?

What's going on here with Joe? Let's discuss the elderly, demented and falsehoods, ponder this:

- Monday, March 28, 2022

Billion Dollar Bounty on Mad Vlad Putin More Than Justified

Billion Dollar Bounty on Mad Vlad Putin More Than Justified

Billion Dollar Mongrel: Alice Cooper once sang about Billion Dollar Babies -- but how about a Billion Dollar Bounty for Satanic Vlad Putin? Businessman Alex Konanykhin listed his puny million dollar bounty against Mad Vlad on social media, which wouldn’t even get Dog the Bounty Hunter out of bed after a beer-belly buster night out. After all, Putin has broken War Crimes laws every day since he invaded a peaceful, brother country on make-believe claims to slaughter women and children. But he rode a wild tiger naked!

- Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Mystical Marxism Cannot Sweep Traitorous American Democrats Into Utopian Paradise

Mystical Marxism Cannot Sweep Traitorous American Democrats Into Utopian Paradise

Instant Utopia: The year and a month reign of Joe Biden has resulted in one of the most jaw-dropping and illuminating denouements of any modern Western leader. With strong poll support and riding the winds of hurricane-force anti-Trumpism, Biden immediately began defying public opinion, common sense, and precedent in all of his decisions. And Joe's every choice, guided by a hardened cadre of ultra-leftist zealots & wickedly anti-American saboteurs, whipsawed brain-damaged Joe into his wildly destructive and typically doomed decisions. But no US decision has been accidental and the impact has been shocking. Yet, no act of American sabotage will actually give the illiterate leftists what they secretly toil for: Instant Utopia.

- Sunday, March 20, 2022

Joe Biden Doesn’t Care if Ukraine Wins, But Why?

Joe Biden Doesn’t Care if Ukraine Wins, But Why?

Biden the Indifferent: Ponder Joe Biden’s commitment to Ukraine in that he totally opposes Russia while choosing them as negotiator for Iranian oil. And that he’d rather Afghani Muslim radicals kept $80 billion of American arms instead of flying them to Ukraine, a mere 2,000 miles.

No Jets, They Could Offend! Biden’s decision to reject Poland’s offer of 30 jet fighters for Ukraine is a head-scratcher, since that single choice could easily cost the war. Then again, Joe isn’t so concerned about Ukraine’s survival. But he really doesn’t want to offend Russia or China!

Hunter Gatherer: Yet, is it possible Biden really hopes his son Hunter’s crimes die along with Ukraine?

- Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Current US Crisis Due to Worship of Old, Disproved Ideas Unrelated to Quality of Life

Current US Crisis Due to Worship of Old, Disproved Ideas Unrelated to Quality of Life

Ideological Foundation of US Failure: Every crucial quality-of-life category in America now has a false value attached to it by the left to hamstring any success. So, virtually every disaster America is currently battling is the result of ideological struggles unrelated to survival. These then helped lead to Ukraine's war, as Putin schemed and moribund Biden dithered. For example, Biden's indifference to our military presence in Afghanistan and our reputation internationally then guided Putin to assess America would not fight for Ukraine, since we abandoned our own citizens to die while evacuating unvetted Afghani strangers. 

Brainwashed American Bimbocracy? Most alarming, Americans have lost their ability to detect propaganda. We act as if such a thing as brainwashing doesn't exist. Sadly, the most propagandized folks are the most opinionated. But why do US Democrats casually and transparently undertake policies which can only destroy America's foundations, leading to our dissolution?  Friends, it's either for personal gain or seething animus. But does Russia now hold Hunter Biden's Ukrainian hijinks over zombified Joe's sclerotic noggin?

- Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Bizarre Biden Restores Iran Deal w/ $11 Billion Gift During Ukraine Crisis

Bizarre Biden Restores Iran Deal w/ $11 Billion Gift During Ukraine Crisis

One cannot claim Joe Biden has the world’s interests at heart while purposely slow-walking the Ukraine invasion response, then restoring the John Kerry Iran deal while we are distracted. Reuters reports, “Talks on reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal appeared to near a climax with talk of an imminent ministerial meeting as a U.N. report on Thursday showed Iran is most of the way to amassing enough enriched uranium for one bomb if purified further.” A WSJ headline declares: “Iran, U.S. Close to Reviving Iranian Nuclear Deal”

- Friday, March 4, 2022

Child Murderer Putin a War Criminal, Must be Captured, Prosecuted & Punished

Child Murderer Putin a War Criminal, Must be Captured, Prosecuted & Punished

Failed War: Vladimir Putin's war with Ukraine has not started auspiciously. His army and air force failed to score any decisive victories. No large population areas are secured, the Russian Army suffered larger than expected losses. As a result Putin has been exposed to scrutiny and ridiculed, his legend punctured. Most important, Putin is a War Criminal who committed genocide and the UN, Europe & America must lose no speed in charging him with War Crimes. And if there were any justice he would get life in prison but deserves the death penalty.

- Tuesday, March 1, 2022
