
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, Ileana Writes is a freelance writer, author, radio commentator, and speaker. Her books, “Echoes of Communism", "Liberty on Life Support" and "U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy," "Communism 2.0: 25 Years Later" are available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle.

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh:

A Dark Day When America Transforms into Marx's Vision

A Dark Day When America Transforms into Marx's VisionKarl Heinrich Marx, a notoriously lazy German who existed with his family as a welfare case of his rich friends, might be surprised that his academic thoughts and ideas shook the 20th century to its core and enslaved millions of people across the world, creating monstrous regimes that killed 100 million of their own citizens for their dissension and unwillingness to accept a proletarian society that dispossessed humans of their own property, land, and freedoms, and turned them into serfs to the omnipotent socialist state imposed and run by the Communist Party. Marx might be even more surprised that such a failed societal and economic model would be resurrected in the 21st century in the least likely society to accept Marx's ideas, the United States, the beacon of freedom for the rest of the world. 
- Sunday, January 31, 2021

'Governing Socialism' and State Power

Government is not a solution to our problem; government is the problem.Ronald Reagan 'Governing Socialism' and State PowerThe American socialist left has been planning behind closed doors for over a century to govern the United States. But the Constitution has been in the way. They could not seize the means of production and bring about the totalitarian state power governing everything by the rule of one Party. But they finally succeeded by attaining one most important element in this battle--electoral power and dominance by one Party, the Socialist Democrats of America.
- Friday, January 29, 2021

No Longer Creeping Socialism

No Longer Creeping SocialismAfter the most embarrassing and horrific inauguration behind troops, fences, and concertina razor wires, the socialist rule of the new America begins with the killing of the Keystone Pipeline, the destruction of thousands of jobs, of cheap energy, the rejoining of the global warming alarmist Paris Climate Accord, the removal of the 1776 Project, the vow to restart Iran’s nuclear program, and 100 days of federal mask mandates. The technocracy and the elites in power have morphed overnight from rich capitalists to rich socialists. America is following a path to Marxism, warned Pastor Cristian Ionescu from Chicago. The people with all the wealth and power can morph into anything they want if they convince the brainwashed masses who voted them in power.
- Friday, January 22, 2021

The Orchestrated Socialist Deception While Parents Slept

The Orchestrated Socialist Deception While Parents SleptHow have Americans accepted socialism, the lockdowns, and election fraud so easily? From a former teacher’s perspective, it was easy. The communist indoctrination and orchestrated deception run deep and go back so many decades that by the time half of the adult population has caught on, it is too late. How were highly paid professors, public school teachers, and administrators able to mold the minds of America’s children while their parents “slept,” lulled by the expensive and convincing propaganda that America has the best education in the world? Television, Hollywood, and smart devices were the “best” baby-sitters in the world.
- Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Socialist Citizen

participatory democracyProfessor Emeritus Michael Walzer paraphrased Marx’s description of the socialist citizen (from The German Ideology): “Imagine the day in the life of a socialist citizen. He hunts in the morning, fishes in the afternoon, rears cattle in the evening, and plays the critic after dinner. Yet he is neither hunter, nor fisherman, nor shepherd, nor critic; tomorrow he may select another set of activities, just as he pleases.” The envisioned socialist citizen in America will engage in “participatory democracy.” In theory, a participatory democracy’s citizens would have individual participation in political decisions and would make policies that would affect their lives directly and there would be no elected representatives making such decisions.
- Monday, December 28, 2020

Social Justice in Sports, Bread and Circuses

Social Justice in Sports, Bread and CircusesOn any Sunday, the government-owned stadiums across the socialist country I knew, ruled by the Communist Party, were filled with men cheering their favorite soccer teams, throwing empty beer bottles at other spectators, letting out temporary steam from their miserable lives during the week, a sort of Roman “Pane et circenses,” bread and circuses, for the oppressed proletariat. There were no concession stands, no food sold, just beer brought from the outside. The fans often injured other fans and fights broke out that the police were not eager to disperse. They were told to leave them alone. The soccer players and coaches were not immune from injury either. Sports, but especially soccer could exist in the former Soviet satellite countries to pacify the proletariat. Other sports were used to glorify, in competitions with other countries, the existence of the socialist state which controlled everything including athletic training, domestic competition venues, medals, and small earnings to athletes and their families – gold dust in the eyes of the beholder.
- Thursday, December 24, 2020

Leftist Democracy is Suffocating

Leftist Democracy is SuffocatingWhile attending school in the socialist republic paradise ruled by the Communist Party, the curriculum was determined by the communist educators and activists in good standing with the party. As students, if we tried to question the exact narrative printed in the books or repeated by teachers, we were usually told, "democracy has gone to your heads," how dare you question the wisdom of the party? This was not unlike what is happening today in American colleges and universities where divergent opinions from the progressive philosophy are not allowed to exist. Yet the same academics shout from the rooftops that non-leftists are endangering "democracy" by their mere existence. The word "democracy" means different things for different people, depending on their ideology. Merriam-Webster dictionary defines democracy as "government by the people, rule of the majority, a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system or representation usually involving periodically held free elections."
- Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Radical Democrat Socialism American Style

Radical Democrat Socialism American StyleWhen the radical socialists in Congress and in the streets of America started giving more and more rhetorical and chanting time to Democratic Socialism, half of America were enchanted, and half of America laughed. Such a construct aimed at re-defining socialism the American way was not to be taken seriously but it was. Young Millennials, egged on by seasoned members of the Communist Party USA, were going to build a better America, a Democrat Socialist America, free of capitalism. Their explanation was that all the former Communist Party tyrants who obliterated over 100 million of their own people and enslaved the rest for most of the twentieth century were bumbling idiots. These American socialist wannabes who did not understand economics, politics, or knew geography at all, were going to do it better and thus succeed.
- Friday, December 18, 2020

Cunning Corona Virus Discriminating Its Way Through Everyday Life

Cunning Corona Virus Discriminating Its Way Through Everyday LifeAs a logical person, I am in awe that this Corona-19 virus is so brilliant--it knows exactly when to strike the unexpected. No worries though, the governors of some states are even smarter, they have curfews in place to prevent their citizens from being unnecessarily attacked by this cunning virus. Apparently, citizens are no longer capable of taking care of themselves and must let daddy-government tell them exactly what to do to protect themselves from this viral menace.
- Thursday, December 10, 2020

Draconian Quarantine For Loved Ones in Nursing Homes

Draconian Quarantine For Loved Ones in Nursing HomesThe Romans did not know about bacteria or what caused diseases such as malaria and dysentery, but they made sure that their soldiers were exposed to fresh, clean air and water, and the military castra were located far away from such sources of “miasmas.” In the first century B.C., a writer named Varro spoke about the “minute creatures which cannot be seen by the eyes, float through the air, enter the body through the mouth and nose, causing diseases.” Vegetius suggested in the 4th century A.D. that castra must be carefully located away from swamps and that daily exercise does the body “more good than doctors.”
- Saturday, December 5, 2020

The Fourth Industrial Revolution Under the Great Reset

The Fourth Industrial Revolution Under the Great ResetLike millions of others, you have possibly wondered why healthy people must be quarantined (40 days) for months (9 so far) against the Corona virus, be locked down globally, wearing a mandatory mask at all times against the threat of public shaming by their neighbors and total strangers for being selfish humans, pay fines, even do jail time for the good of the collective, and be told non-stop about the "new normal" and that life will "never" go back again to pre-Covid-19, it will be fundamentally altered, using a master plan designed by globalist elites who want to control the planet at all costs.
- Tuesday, November 24, 2020

A Hard-Cheated Pyrrhic Victory and a Mute Wedding

As I watched millions of well-fed, educated Americans dancing in the streets, cheering, and gloating over their hard-cheated pyrrhic presidential win to install the much-desired socialism, touted in the press and academia, all I could think about was the 100 millions of people who had lived and died under a socialist dictatorship ruled by the Communist Party and other millions who risked their lives to flee such a socialist society.
- Sunday, November 22, 2020

Believing the Big Lie of Socialism and Living It

Believing the Big Lie of Socialism and Living ItThe date of November 3, 2020 will remain in history as the year when our Constitutional Republic died, and a government ruled by technocrat billionaires and a corrupt globalist government was installed. A narrow majority of Americans brainwashed daily by a globalist mainstream media, finally elected to the White House a declared socialist and a radical Marxist.
- Thursday, November 19, 2020

A Dishwasher, Hiding Food, and a Bamboo Stick

Our Economy on SocialismDependency on a tyrannical communist state is hard to shake even decades after that state had ceased to exist as a tyranny. People were so used to being told what to do at every step of their lives that they even waited for the government agents to come into small communities to shovel snow off their village streets. Some call it laziness--but it is more insidious than that.
- Sunday, November 8, 2020

Gold and Silver Coins Stored as Bullion in India During Roman Times

Gold and Silver Coins Stored as Bullion in India During Roman TimesGold and silver have a tremendous store of value and portability and it can increase value over time; a small amount can purchase anything during any period. Paper currency, on the other hand, can fall victim to corrupt governments, the lack of faith in them, and the disastrous monetary policy governments engage in such as printing money continuously, causing runaway inflation. Gold and silver prices have fluctuated in the upward direction lately, responding to the economic uncertainty, the out-of-control printing of money to defray the economic losses due to the unnecessary and panicked COVID-19 lockdowns around the world, and the political instability and violence in the U.S. ginned up by the radical left for the last four years.
- Wednesday, November 4, 2020

2020: A Painful Year in the U.S. History

2020:  A Painful Year in the U.S. History2020 is the year when we were willingly held hostage and still are to the communist flu. I am not talking about the Chinese Corona-19 virus developed in the Wuhan laboratory. I am talking about the long and unending months of unnecessary lockdowns, destruction of small business America, complete transformation of our school system, public and university, the destruction of our stellar health care, and the complete obliteration of our Constitution.
- Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Waiting for Socialism’s Utopia in Ritzy Upper Scale DC Suburbs

Waiting for Socialism’s Utopia in Ritzy Upper Scale DC SuburbsMy Washington, D.C., suburban neighborhood is populated with mostly brainwashed Americans. In political parlance, they are the “blues” of our nation. But they are not the blue Democrats of your grandfather’s political party, they are the highjacked radical socialist party that wants to transform America into the third world socialist hellhole so many immigrants, legal and illegal, have fled from.
- Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Children Adapt--but What a Worrisome Adaptation

Children Adapt--but What a Worrisome AdaptationNot long ago liberals were telling us that children were spending too much time in front of television screens, computer screens, and Play station games, that they need more outdoor time, interaction time with other children to build their social skills, that they need to learn to be good environmentalists and stewards of the world around them. Those blue screens were affecting their health, destroying their eyes, their vision, and the ability to socialize properly.
- Friday, October 23, 2020

Free Socialist Stuff or Capitalist Goods

Free Socialist Stuff or Capitalist GoodsI was cooking breakfast this morning and as the smell of oven-baked bacon wafted through the house, memories flooded in from my childhood spent with my grandparents in the country. As a child, I did not realize at the time how much hard work they were putting in every day to keep their family alive in the socialist economy disastrously run by the Communist Party.
- Monday, October 5, 2020

Life, Politics, and Circling the Swamp

Life, Politics, and Circling the SwampMany Americans I know say that they are not interested in politics at all, they despise it, they just want to live their lives in peace and prosperity and care for their families. Like the proverbial ostrich hiding its head in the sand, they hope that they will be safe, while their bodies and necks are fully exposed to the elements. Hiding in the shifting sand, “protected” by bureaucrats and political hacks who only have their own interests in mind, is a dangerous proposition.
- Friday, October 2, 2020
