
J.J. Jackson

J.J. Jackson is a libertarian conservative author from Pittsburgh, PA who has been writing and promoting individual liberty since 1993 and is President of Land of the Free Studios, Inc. He is the lead editor contributor to American Conservative Daily.

Most Recent Articles by J.J. Jackson:

No Joke!  CDC Offers Advice To Deal With Zombie Apocalypse!

I hate our government. I really do. I had a legitimate article about serious things of concern to our great nation all ready to go. Then someone in the government does something so utterly stupid that I have to trash that original article to talk about this utter stupidity.
- Saturday, May 21, 2011

Presidential Texts From The Edge

President Obama has a PLAN. And by PLAN I mean The Personalized Localized Alerting Network, announced Monday, which will let government text you on your cell phone. PLAN is an extension of the Emergency Alert System we have all come to know, love and often be annoyed by. That ear shattering belch of a screech we hear so often on the radio, usually followed by the announcement that “this is only a test”, has become pretty much standard for anyone that doesn’t have their head in the sand living a life of Unabomber simplicity.
- Saturday, May 14, 2011

Rep. Paul Ryan Isn’t The Savior We Need

Unquiver your arrows all you GOP partisans and blind Republican loyalists! For I am here for you to take shots at. I am painting a big, red bulls-eye on myself for you to attack because I am here to tell you something you do not want to hear; the truth. By now we are all well aware of Representative Paul Ryan’s proposed budget for 2012. We are also all aware of the talking points, especially the one where it would shave over six trillion dollars of federal spending over the next ten years. Those talking points led the American Spectator’s Peter Ferrara to call the Ryan proposal full of, “Real, Powerful Spending Cuts”. But fortunately even Mr. Ferrara, sucked in by the hype, was at least drawn enough to the truth to mention it but only as an afterthought. He was too enthralled by Mr. Ryan’s proposal and praising it for anything deeper.
- Sunday, April 17, 2011

Setting Brushfires, One Mario Lemieux Fan At A Time

Little did I realize two weeks ago when my wife, love of my life, bought me for my birthday a replica of Mario Lemieux’s rookie season sweater that it would be such an opportunity for me to talk to people. If you are not a fan of hockey, first of all shame on you. If you are, however, a hockey fan but not a fan of Mario Lemieux? Then double shame on you. Lemieux, unlike other hockey greats, racked up Hall of Fame numbers while playing for perpetually bad teams early in his career, suffering from chronic back problems so bad that other people had to lace up his skates for him as well as also battling cancer. You can argue all you want about who the greatest hockey player of all time is. But when you look at what Lemieux did, especially in an era where clutching and grabbing was not only allowed but highly encouraged, there is little doubt. And most Pittsburghers know this. Fans from other hockey cities however often left their own prejudices cloud their judgment on the topic. That's ok, we here in Pittsburgh are big people and forgive them.
- Saturday, April 9, 2011

The “Smart” Meters Cometh

If you want something to appear beneficial usually you just have to add certain adjectives to accomplish that feat. Tired of your old laundry detergent? Try the “new and improved”, “eco-friendly,” version that will give you “whiter whites”! You want someone to not know what you are really up to but do not want to technically lie to them either? Just adapt words and even invent new phrases. Hey, you see those troops over there? They are not at war. They are part of a “kinetic military action”! Liberals are not socialist, they are “progressive”! Abortion is not murder; it is a “choice”!
- Saturday, April 2, 2011

Like The Weekend?  Praise Henry Ford, Not The Unions.

Every day I receive at least one email from someone telling me how without unions there would be no weekend. Yes, it is true, people are indeed stupid enough to believe anything they are told.
- Saturday, March 19, 2011

Republicans Are Going Thomas Jefferson On Us

There is a particularly unsettling truth about Thomas Jefferson. That truth is that, for a man who railed against government acting outside of its constitutional bounds, he sure was not averse to acting outside of the Constitution's bounds when it suited him. To put it simply, Jefferson’s anger at big government was, at most times, inversely proportional to his level of power within said government. The higher the office he held, the less likely he was to bemoan limits on government. Nothing better illustrates this fact than the Louisiana Purchase.
- Saturday, March 5, 2011

Obama’s 2012 Budget: Why Does He Hate So Many People?

Every time a fiscal conservative, someone with their head screwed on straight and living in reality, even so much as tries to cut back even the rate of growth at which money is given to government programs, liberals, those lacking even two active brain cells to rub together while simultaneously living in a fantasy world, rush to the microphone screeching about how much said conservative hates those which this money would go towards helping. Again, this is just when the rate of growth is threatened. When actual cuts are proposed then it is whoa Nelly! The conservative proposing an actual cut then becomes the second coming of Hitler himself. Yes, even though Hitler was a socialist liberal, I know. Do not try and convince a liberal of this however. They are simply just too brain-dead to understand it.
- Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Unserious World Of President Barack Obama

Amateur hour at the White House continued this week. President Obama, who swears up and down, cross his heart and hope to die, that he is serious about tackling the federal budget deficit released his proposed budget for fiscal year 2012. In an attempt to control the message, the Obama White House made sure to spin the budget as the President calling for a trillion dollars in deficit reduction. The media then dutifully ran with that message to make it sound like the era of big spending was over.
- Saturday, February 19, 2011

White Outs, Red Ink And General Malfeasance

Yes, it is winter from sea to shining sea. Just in case you could not tell. And like every winter it seems we in the north, where snowfall is more prominent, are getting the same old song and dance from our elected officials. Without fail this is the time of year for exposés and news reports about how those who are supposed to be good stewards of our tax dollars are scrimping and scrounging for money to make sure that the roads are clear after every snowstorm that hits. It is hard to go even a day without hearing about how some city or municipality is struggling to make ends meet with regards to this matter.
- Saturday, February 5, 2011

As Obamacare Goes, So Goes The Intrusive Federal Government

Liberals, believe it or not, are worrying their pretty little pinko heads off. Why? Well because the fate of Obamacare is off and running in the courts. Further they are worried because a lot of states are up in arms and regardless of what the courts decide are preparing to nullify the whole shebang within their own borders under the authority of the Tenth Amendment.
- Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hot Air From The Unsustainable Wind-Energy Industry

Wind energy; you hear a lot about how great it is. But what is the truth? Well, apparently this source of power which environmental activists tout as the solution to all of our problems is more unsustainable than it is sustainable.
- Saturday, December 11, 2010

Rubber Glove Lobby Wins Big With New TSA Pat Down Procedures

The American people are up in arms over new and enhanced security procedures being implemented at airports across this nation. With full body scanners popping up at security checkpoints like dandelions in a suburban lawn, airline passengers are staging a mini revolt over what is seen as further evidence of creeping government. After September 11th, 2001 we heard often how we would not let the terrorists win by changing the way we lived our lives. Well by the standard of what is happening now at our airports, I would say that the terrorists have indeed clearly won. America as a whole has lied to itself.
- Saturday, November 20, 2010

Ten Things Republicans Could Do To Prove They Are Serious

Republicans in Congress, you guys and gals want to start fixing the problems we have here in America? You want to prove to America that you are serious about dealing with serious problems? There are a lot of things that need done but here is a list to start with. Some of these are quick fixes that you can get enough Democrats in the Senate to go along with. Others are things that "moderate" Democrats in the Senate will fight tooth and nail against and set up the battle for the 2012 elections. But they all must be done.
- Saturday, November 13, 2010

First Test For The GOP Could Be Lisa Murkowski

There is a new and improved GOP in Washington. Or so we are told. No doubt that there is a lot of fresh blood in the House of Representatives, but when it comes to the Senate, it is pretty much the same old crew of disappointments that have been selling us out to the left for years. There are some new faces and some of the old faces are acceptable to the conservative palate, but for the most part, your average Republican in the Senate would wipe his or her rear end with the Constitution if given the opportunity. And they have done just that many times, so spare me the frivolous defense of their liberal ways.
- Sunday, November 7, 2010

Greedy Leftists Decry American Dream

AFSCME (the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees) is flooding the airwaves here in Pennsylvania because their power is being threatened. Days away from elections where liberal Democrats from Dan “Drink Tax” Onorato (candidate for Governor) to Joe “I served in the military” Sestak (candidate for U.S. Senate) are down in the polls, those in charge of AFSCME are obsessing about what a potential turning out of their buddies in Harrisburg and Washington would mean for their future. They do not like what they see.
- Saturday, October 30, 2010

When Did Jack Conway Stop Beating His Wife?

Rand Paul has courage that you rarely see these days; at least among those wanting public office. I, for one, was glad to see Mr. Paul, a candidate for United States Senator in Kentucky, refuse to shake the hand of a man who had purposefully slandered him based on an internet rumor from an anonymous source.
- Friday, October 22, 2010

Boo!  Who Are These Phantom Republicans?

November is shaping up to be very interesting. With national elections for every member of the House of Representatives on the ballot, a third of our Senators putting their records up for scrutiny and a discontented public grumbling loudly, challengers are coming out of the woodwork and oozing out of every crevasse. Names are appearing on ballots in districts where incumbents at all levels of government have run essentially unopposed by another major party for years. Even in the primaries over the past several months incumbent Republicans and Democrats were being challenged from within.
- Saturday, October 9, 2010
