
J.J. Jackson

J.J. Jackson is a libertarian conservative author from Pittsburgh, PA who has been writing and promoting individual liberty since 1993 and is President of Land of the Free Studios, Inc. He is the lead editor contributor to American Conservative Daily.

Most Recent Articles by J.J. Jackson:

Dems Opt To Punt On Fourth Down And A Country Mile

It is football season. So that means it is time for me to dust off the analogies and start comparing politics to my second favorite professional sport. If I could have come up with an article worthy hockey analogy I would have compared it to my favorite sport but that is just the way the cookie crumbles.
- Saturday, October 2, 2010

Blame America Contortions Continue Over Threatened Qur’an Burning

Do I condone Terry Jones leading his little Florida congregation in what is now an on again off again threat to burn copies of the Qur'an on September the 11th? No. Does he have every right to do it? Sure he does. But should he do it? No. Will he even do it? No one knows.
- Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tea Party Movement Tames The NRA

The National Rifle Association has learned a powerful lesson. That lesson is that they are not the all powerful group they thought they were whose members jump at their mere request. Whether or not they will retain this lesson for use in the future however? That will remain to be seen.
- Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Economy Should Not Be A Rube Goldberg Device

Rube Goldberg, for those of you who are unaware, was a cartoonist who is probably best known for his satirical sketches depicting overly complex and convoluted machines designed to perform simple and mundane tasks. In one of his cartoons he shows a contraption for a self-operated napkin.
- Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Old Liberal Three Step

Anyone who has spent any time at all arguing with a more liberal minded person on issues relating to the powers of the federal government knows the old Liberal Three Step. The dance has been around for the better part of the last century and is the tried and true way for people who have no respect for individual liberty, limited government and our Constitution to justify any and every duty they want government to undertake. Once again we are watching this dance being performed over the issue of Obamacare.
- Sunday, August 15, 2010

Lindsey Graham: Portrait Of A Principled Idiot

I really did not want to write a second article in a one month about Senator Lindsey Graham considering he is from South Carolina and I am from Pennsylvania. But I must. He is forcing my hand.
- Saturday, July 24, 2010

ID-10T And PEBKAC Errors To Blame In Toyota Acceleration Problems

Imagine if you will, a bunch of people claim to have a car that has a problem. For the sake of argument we will call this problem “unintended acceleration” where the car takes off like a bat out of Hell for no conceivable reason. And imagine if you will that the company who makes these cars is in direct competition with car manufacturers partially owned and invested in by the federal government.
- Sunday, July 18, 2010

Liberals Ask, “Was It Over When The Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor?”

Any connoisseur of quintessential American comedic culture has seen the film Animal House and is intimately familiar with the exploits of Delta Tau Chi House at Faber College. As the, “worst house on campus,” the fraternity is an assortment of slackers, misfits and childish sorts more interested in debauchery and partying than learning. Because of this the Deltas run afoul of the College administration time and again and are expelled.
- Saturday, July 10, 2010

Senator Lindsey Graham’s Dangerous Blend of Stupidity And Arrogance

So here I am, getting ready for a nice long weekend with my family and preparing to take a break from politics when wouldn't you know it? Something happens that is just so stupid, so arrogant and so off the wall that I am drawn to scrap my plans not to write an article this week and hit the keyboard running. Thank you Senator Graham for helping to add to my workload.
- Saturday, July 3, 2010

Another Test For President Obama Looms

President Obama gets tested almost daily. Most of these tests he fails so utterly and completely that even a grade of zero is too high of a score. Every now and again he does however barely pass some tests put before him but it is with what could best be deserving of a D and nothing better. Those are just the facts.
- Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dealing With The Oil Spill The Liberal Way

Personally I am absolutely astonished that President Obama, the consummate leftist that he is, is allowing his public standing to be denigrated by not taking decisive action to solve the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico the way liberals deal with all issues presented to them. And by that I mean that I am amazed that he has not simply issued a piece of paper with his signature on it proclaiming the spill cleaned up and the crisis over. You know, just like liberals do with almost everything else.
- Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hang Together

A lot of primaries are over though there are still others left to be heard. But one thing is clear and that it is that it is time for Americans that believe in America to unite behind the candidates that will be running and who are preparing to stand up for our Constitution. The problem is that there are a lot of factions that need to come to this understanding.
- Sunday, June 13, 2010

Beware The Democrat In Conservative Clothing

I have a warning to the voters of America related to this November’s elections. That message is beware the Democrat in Conservative clothing. Electing them thinking you that are going to get a real conservative who is going to stand up for America, limited government and the like makes you a fool.
- Saturday, May 29, 2010

Up The River Without A Brain

The citizenry of Greece should be grateful for one thing and that is that they are not useless to the new socialist world order. At least not yet. This status of still being at least somewhat useful to the ends of elitists who think they know best how to manage the lives of everyone else has earned the Greeks a bailout from their fellow socialists which will help to keep them afloat until such time as either a) they miraculously and wondrously figure out how to make a failed ideology that has never worked actually work through the application of pixie dust or some other mythical substance, b) give up on socialism or c) they are simply no longer useful.
- Sunday, May 23, 2010

Light Bulbs Were Just A Warning Sign

Even after it has passed I still get a lot of emails from readers dumbfounded readers who are in such disbelief that Congress was even trying to pass off on Americans even more socialized medicine than we already have. They are so shocked that not only had Congress rammed this abridgement of our liberties down our throats, and if you think that forcing Americans to either buy insurance to cover their health care or paying for others to do so is not an infringement of our liberties you haven’t thought too much, but absolutely astonished that the left would even have attempted such an act in the first place. Yeah, well, I have just two words for you; light bulbs.
- Sunday, May 16, 2010

AFSCME No Questions For They Will Just Tell You Lies

“Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is ‘Never get involved in a land war in Asia,’ but only slightly less well known is this: ‘Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!’” – Vizzini (The Princess Bride)
- Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Real Definition of Sedition That Liberals Don’t Want You To Know

Watch out all you who dare to speak up against our government in Washington as those at the reins of power are snatching up every last bit of control they can! You are the dangerous ones. Worse yet, you are committing a crime in the eyes of leftists like Joe Klein. That’s right, folks, your talk is dangerous and borders on sedition, which people like Klein are all too eager to warn, is a felony and that you could be hauled off to jail for engaging in.
- Sunday, April 25, 2010

What I Fear I Am Not Afraid To Speak Of

Fear, it is said, is a great motivator. When someone on unemployment sees benefits running out and the fears of starvation, losing one's house and seeing their children suffer arise it often motivates them to get off their butt and work. When one hears the footsteps of a burglar ascending the stairs to their bedroom fear often motivates them to collect their gun and prepare to shoot first and ask questions later. When those who believe they are endowed by God with the right to lead men fear losing their power the motivation often arises for them to do whatever it takes to keep such from happening by any means necessary.
- Sunday, April 18, 2010

Making It Up As They Go Along

Improvisation is an art. But you cannot always fly by the seat of your pants even though I swear that liberals often do in an attempt to justify whatever grand scheme to spend our money on buying votes they have come up with in a given day.
- Sunday, April 11, 2010

Five Unthinkable Options (Part 5 of 5)

Hi. How have you been? I hope that you have been sleeping well. I sincerely mean that too and I ask because I have been getting emails from people telling me how the stark realities of our federal budget that I have been pointing out over the course of the past month is causing them to loose sleep as they worry about our nation's future. No joke. A lot of people are waking up to reality and it is bothering them very deeply.
- Saturday, March 13, 2010
