
Kelly O'Connell

Kelly O'Connell is an author and attorney. He was born on the West Coast, raised in Las Vegas, and matriculated from the University of Oregon. After laboring for the Reformed Church in Galway, Ireland, he returned to America and attended law school in Virginia, where he earned a JD and a Master’s degree in Government. He spent a stint working as a researcher and writer of academic articles at a Miami law school, focusing on ancient law and society. He has also been employed as a university Speech & Debate professor. He then returned West and worked as an assistant district attorney. Kelly is now is a private practitioner with a small law practice in New Mexico.

Most Recent Articles by Kelly O'Connell:

Dread Corona-Virus Aftermath Will Spark Economic Evolution

In 1347, ships returning from unknown ports landed in Sicily, despite most passengers laying prostrate, dying or dead, horrid sores openly oozing bodily fluids. This arrival heralded the Black Plague to Medieval Europe, felling 25 million. A pandemic slaying perhaps 90% of the infected, as 60 million Chinese perished. The global scale of Black Plague mortality translates to 1.9 billion dead today, writes John Kelly in The Great Mortality
- Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Can The President Override The FDA In Emergencies?

Can The President Override The FDA In Emergencies"I want a new drug," said Huey Lewis. But Americans increasingly demand an older medicine, Hydroxychloroquine, while coronavirus enfeebles victims across America. 'Chloroquine' is one of the oldest and best-known anti-malarial drugs and appears effective against COVID-19. President Trump advocates chloroquine. Since the drug is US Food and Drug Administration approved for humans, and effective in China, why not offer it to Americans? Because it is not approved for use outside malaria. Wait. What?!!
- Monday, March 23, 2020

What Happens If A Presidential Nominee Is Incapacitated?

What Happens If A Presidential Nominee Is Incapacitated?Political highlights from the past fortnight include Joe Biden's shocking Super Tuesday zombie-resurrection win and now his bludgeoning of Bernie in Michigan, who's on the ropes. Dismissed by experts a few weeks ago, Biden now owns a commanding lead. Also, inevitable resignations of presidential primary poseurs occurred: Klobuchar, Buttigieg, Bloomberg and Warren--who withdrew, whimpering over sexism and the national tragedy for girls.
- Wednesday, March 11, 2020

It's Time to Save the American Family; A Joyless Experiment Strained to the Limit

While it's true that a Conservative wave just swept the USA in the 2014 elections, the accumulated damage of progressive theory upon the American culture has been nothing short of devastating. The list of areas where Americans are now struggling because of the importation of foreign ideas against American ideals is staggering. The family is probably the most endangered because of the incursion against traditional, biblical and common sense practice. Anti-Americanism has been institutionalized for decades, as a result of creeping Marxism affecting our teachers, instructional materials, and in the minds of the mandarin elites, daily spewing their contempt for tradition into the media, academia, and Hollywood.
- Sunday, November 16, 2014

Theater of Nonsense: Scurrilous Liberal Mission to Discredit All Opposition

Theater of Nonsense: Scurrilous Liberal Mission to Discredit All Opposition
One of the most regrettable--and perhaps wholly inevitable elements of today's life in the West is the wretched mission of liberals to eradicate any trace of intellectual disagreement with their convictions. In every conceivable arena, any non-conformist theories against progressive shibboleths--such as the current war over global warming--receive the most disrespectful and wholesale trashing.
- Monday, November 10, 2014

A Plague on Both Houses: Insane Ebola Policy Exposes American Suicide Culture

Has America passed the point of no return, where dying cultures arrive when their internal logic and external conversations descends into illiteracy, and then madness? Perhaps. For example, how is it possible that persons fresh from the site of outbreak of one of the world's worst viruses, simply walk off airplanes into American cities? Or, consider the dangerous, utterly indefensible policy of allowing the border to stay open, and illegal entries to cross, allowed to stay, even when criminal convictions for violent crimes are proved.
- Sunday, October 19, 2014

History of Non-Resistance: Declaring Government & King All-Powerful

History of Non-Resistance: Declaring Government & King All-Powerful
Having now spent four weeks investigating the history of the Right of Resistance, that is--the right to oppose unjust leaders, we now delve into the deplorable history of the intellectual support of tyranny. It is remarkable that whether these tyranny-loving writers were pseudo-religious, or atheistic, how destructive their approach was towards society.
- Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Founders Continued the Long British History of Resisting Unjust Authority

The Founders Continued the Long British History of Resisting Unjust Authority
Today's essay, the last in the history of Resistance Theory, traces the Founder's use of the right to revolution, famously preserved in the Declaration of Independence. Having examined the early history of the right to oppose unjust leadership, which prepared the way for the American Revolution, we must acknowledge what even the most cursory examination of this right exposes.
- Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Right to Resist Evil Leaders--The Christian History

In this continuing study of the Right of Resistance against unjust authority, we now turn from the Continent, and the Lutheran and Huguenot stories, and examine the U.K.'s additions. Given the times, and the fact that Europe arose and distinguished itself from Christian origins, it is unsurprising that the Right of Resistance would be justified by biblical arguments. Yet, all these arguments were buttressed by appeals to history, ancient societies, Roman law, and logical propositions.
- Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Right to Resist Evil Leaders--The Christian History

The Right to Resist Evil Leaders--The Christian History
In the previous article we asked, "Do Americans have a right to oppose unjust authority?" Such a right was obviously assumed by the Founders. We likewise examined whether Christians have such a right, as well. In answer, we found the earliest theories regarding what became Resistance Theory resulted from the assumptions of the Protestant Reformation being applied to society during various crises involving early Protestant communities. Therefore, whether such a right truly exists, the entire theory was proposed by Protestants, using biblical, historic and classical arguments, ostensibly to achieve Christian ends.
- Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Right to Resist Evil Leaders--The Christian History

Right of Resistance
Do Americans have a right to oppose unjust authority? Given our history, this right goes without saying. You see, our country was founded by men resisting the unjust rule of Great Britain. More precisely, in one of history's most famous recitations of the Right of Resistance, the American Declaration of Independence itself says,
- Monday, August 4, 2014

Impeaching Obama for Tyranny...Means Finding Political Will, Not the Right "Magic Words"

Impeaching Obama for Tyranny...Means Finding Political Will, Not the Right Magic Words
Road to Impeachment, Part 1 This is the second in a two-piece article on impeachment of Barack Obama. America is navigating extraordinary travails attempting to adapt to Barack's increasingly erratic and arbitrary decision-making. This is apparently motivated by his own misbegotten notion he's a secular prophet who must force America to adapt into his socialistic fantasies. His trashing of the Constitution, ignoring Congress and claiming amnesia on the separation of powers has created a crisis which few on either side seem ready to address.
- Sunday, July 13, 2014

Impeaching Obama for Tyranny: The Only Way to Salvation

Centuries ago, just after America won its War of Independence versus King George III, two Europeans giants again battled over liberty versus tyranny. This struggle between Britain and France certainly involved military control of the Continent. But it was also a fight which would determine the nature of global commerce and religion.
- Monday, July 7, 2014

Obama's Treason & the Disgraceful Intellectuals Obscuring his Anti-American Mission

What exactly is it about socialism that attracts such illogical, undying, uncritical, and blind devotion--even in the face of overwhelming evidence this theory is utterly flawed? Or, is there some universal rule which dictates that intellectuals, Hollywood players and so-called journalists must be liberal, socialist, Marxist or communists?
- Monday, June 30, 2014

Barack & Marx: Why Revolution is the Only Game in Town

Much like DeQuincy's autobiographical Confessions of an Opium Eater, a true Marxist is addicted to Revolution. Why? Because only through revolution can a liberal hope to overturn government enough to force his fellow citizens into embracing socialism. But why the desperate demand for all persons to acquiesce to communism? Because Marxism is a religion, and a violently missionary one at that.
- Monday, June 23, 2014

Day of Reckoning: Barack, Secular Heretic, Uses Constitution as a Diaper

Given his astounding indifference, breathtaking incompetence and incomprehensible malevolence towards America's interest, can Barack Obama be removed from office? The simple answer is, of course--Yes, he could be. Next, yet if Barack's status, being a member of a historically downtrodden and currently protected group, would keep him from being considered for impeachment, can any other theory be used for removal?

- Sunday, June 15, 2014

Celebrities Against America: Seven Deadly Sinners

It is simply extraordinary the high regard that most celebrities are held in today. Yet, because most Americans receive their information passively, they are unaware that most celebrities are also extremely information-starved persons, as well. Further, many stars never even studied at a university, having left for Hollywood as soon as they could.
- Monday, June 2, 2014

Americans no Longer Live in a Scientific Society

Although we enjoy deceiving ourselves about how sophisticated today's American culture is, we no longer even have a scientific society. This means that in the place of careful analysis, unbiased study, or scientific experimentation, meant to purify society with reliable facts--our leaders misuse science as another tool of propaganda to influence public opinion.
- Monday, May 26, 2014

New American Civic Religion Rejects Christianity--What it Means

A recent event in Los Angeles, California, bizarrely illustrates the madhouse that unfettered application of Political Correctness has created in America. Morality has become a land of shifting sands and anyone can get slapped down like a miscreant at a moment's notice. A local college sought a commencement speaker for their graduation ceremony.
- Monday, May 5, 2014
