
Robert Laurie

Robert Laurie’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain.com Be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

NORTH CAROLINA: Republican Thom Tillis defeats Kay Hagan

As if we haven't had enough good news, our embarrassment of riches continues. North Carolina has been called in favor of the Republicans, with Thom Tillis defeating Kay Hagan for U.S. Senate.
- Wednesday, November 5, 2014

After thirteen years, One World Trade Center opens

At various times during its construction, One World Trade Center has been the subject of a wide range of emotions, controversies, construction foul-ups, aesthetic debates and political correctness gone mad. Now, thirteen years after the 9/11 attacks, the structure is finally open for business. Just a few hours ago, the employees of publishing giant Conde Nast headed up to their offices on floors 20-44 of the $3.9 billion tower.
- Monday, November 3, 2014

Mary Landrieu: Hey, Louisiana voters, you're a bunch of racists and sexists. Now vote for me.

If you read the polls, you know Mary Landrieu is in trouble. However, I'm willing to bet that the internal polling looks even worse, total panic has set in, and she's looking for a scapegoat to explain her failure. How else can you explain her bizarre decision to tell the people of her state - whose votes she so desperately needs - that they're a bunch of sexists and racists?
- Friday, October 31, 2014

New poll shows Scott Walker increasing lead, heading for a win in Wisconsin

If there's one Republican Governor who absolutely drives Democrats up the wall, it's Wisconsin's Scott Walker. They tried to stop him in 2010, tried to prevent him from salvaging Wisconsin's economy and, after he succeeded anyway, tried to remove him from office in 2012. However, each time Dems try to stop Walker, they fail - badly. As a result, he's pretty much become their conservative "public enemy no.1." ...Now he's in his third campaign in four years and it looks like the lefties are about to lose - again.
- Thursday, October 30, 2014

State Department: Hey let's bring infected non-citizens to the US for Ebola treatment!

We've seen multiple polls indicating that Americans overwhelmingly support travel bans which would apply to people entering the U.S. from Ebola hot-zone countries. Yesterday, Australia became the first major western nation to enact such regulations, so people are wondering why we're not considering the same thing. The answer is obvious.
- Wednesday, October 29, 2014

You'll be shocked to learn that Chicago Dems are trying to buy votes...

As you're probably aware, Democrats have a nice long history of buying votes with cigarettes. It's called "Smokes for Votes" and, usually, it goes like this: Dem operatives find a few poor homeless souls, and they offer them a pack of cancer sticks as a way of enticing them to make the harrowing, I.D.-free journey to the polls. Just prior to 2000's Gore-Lieberman loss, there was a well-documented example in Milwaukee Wisconsin, but we've seen anecdotal reports of this in almost every election dating back to the Clinton years.
- Wednesday, October 29, 2014

ABC News notices: Every major Dem is on the campaign trail - save one.

As we close in on Election Day, the campaigning starts to reach a fever pitch. As embattled Democrats get more and more desperate to hang on to the Senate, they're calling out their party's big guns. Bill Clinton is out there, as is Hillary Clinton, and heck, even Jimmy Carter is getting in on the act. However, there's one person who's been awfully quiet.
- Tuesday, October 28, 2014

NY Dem candidate mentions 'war on women,' everyone starts laughing at her

Remember, way back in 2008, when John McCain and Sarah Palin would call themselves "mavericks?" At first you thought, 'ok, cute line.' Then they kept saying it. In fact, they kept saying it over, and over, and over again. Then you remembered that you couldn't stand John McCain in the first place, and every time they said the "M-word" you'd just roll your eyes and pray for silence.
- Tuesday, October 28, 2014

When Reince Priebus debates Debbie Wasserman Schultz on CNN, there a NO winners

Yesterday, CNN host and Obama debate-aid Candy Crowley treated her 10 or 20 viewers to a conversation with DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and RNC Chairman Reince Priebus. If you're thinking that sounds like some kind of psychological experiment designed to test how much pain a human will tolerate before changing the channel, you've got a pretty good handle on what went down. In short, the interview degenerated into what may be one of the greatest, most concise, examples of exactly what's wrong with both parties.
- Monday, October 27, 2014

New York news anchor warns: If you don't want Ebola, don't eat mucus or feces

I think we've all been there. You're walking around New York, or perhaps riding the subway, and you're feeling a bit peckish. Unfortunately you're a good five minutes from the nearest "Original" Ray's Pizza, so you start looking for more ...immediate options. Since the big apple is a veritable wonderland of weird stuff lying around on the sidewalks and floors there's a good chance that you can spot some tasty looking mucus or feces.
- Friday, October 24, 2014

As Democrat hopes sputter, desperation kicks in. Beware falling race cards

When the polls turn ugly, you can always count on the Democrats for one thing. They start screaming "racism." They also do it when they're in power and are trying to ram unpopular legislation down the American peoples' throats - but they really kick it into high gear during elections. In fact, they've done it so much that it's rapidly becoming the white noise (no pun intended) of American politics. Their battle cry of "racism" has come so often and so consistently that people are starting to tune it out.
- Tuesday, October 21, 2014

MoveOn.org: If GOP takes the Senate they'll pass laws using a shady tactic called 'reconciliation'

Wake the kids, phone the neighbors, sound the alarms! The uber-lefties who run George Soros' favorite political outfit have a dire warning for us all. Those evil Republicans have a devious, sneaky, and downright un-American new weapon in their arsenal and - if they win the Senate in November - they'll use it to pass their unholy agenda. It's called "reconciliation."
- Tuesday, October 21, 2014
