
Robert Laurie

Robert Laurie’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain.com Be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

Dianne Feinstein: There's no law that would have stopped the Vegas attack

Uh-oh. Someone had better get ahold of Dianne Feinstein and remind her that the left-wing mantra is "more laws are always better because federal laws solve everything." She needs some kind of a wake-up call because, if her recent Face the Nation interview is any indication, she's gone off the Democrat reservation.
- Tuesday, October 10, 2017

'Make America Dream Again' - Pelosi fawns over 'brilliant' DACA recipients, says we should all be thanking illegals

First, we heard Pelosi tell a grieving mother - whose child was tortured to death by illegals - that illegals are nothing more than "law-abiding citizens." That insane claim was, more recently, followed by the assertion that parents who illegally smuggled their DACA-protected children into the United States "did a great thing for our country" when they violated our laws. Now, she's gone a step further.
- Friday, October 6, 2017

Nancy Sinatra hates guns so much she wants to shoot NRA members

Lately, it feels like celebrity stupidity has hit a fever pitch. We've seen flare-ups of lunacy regarding the environment, healthcare, illegal immigration and, of course, Hillary's catastrophic failure. However, nothing seems to get them wound up like gun control.
- Friday, October 6, 2017

Michael Moore and others: Hey, let's repeal the 2nd Amendment!

Yesterday, on his Facebook page, Michael Moore posted his prescription for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. I won't waste your time by reposting all of it here, as most of it is little more than mindless virtue signaling but, basically, it would ban all automatic and semi-automatic weapons.
- Thursday, October 5, 2017

'Taking a knee' is now the anti-American 'ice bucket challenge'

Remember the ice bucket challenge? Back in 2014 it was all the rage. People would dump a bucket full of ice and water over their heads to "raise awareness" of ALS, then challenge someone else to do the same. Despite my inherent distrust of the phrase "raise awareness," and general disdain for pressuring people to a cause, I thought it was good fun in support of a worthy cause.
- Thursday, September 28, 2017
