
Robert Laurie

Robert Laurie’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain.com Be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

Calexit leader to Tucker: It's good that the middle class is leaving California, so we can replace them with new immigrants

Meet Shankar Singam. He's ...an interesting fellow. Singam is a leader in the apparently-not-dead Calexit movement, which hopes to see California secede from the United States and become its own nation. This would be a great development if you hope never to see another Democrat in the White House, but not so great if you love good Cabernet Sauvignon.
- Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Hollywood resistance leader 'DISGUSTED' over Bannon's desire to raise taxes on millionaires

If there's one thing the left loves more than the elimination of your 2nd Amendment rights, it's increasing taxes. They never miss an opportunity to demand higher and higher rates, more and more confiscation, and ever-increasing penalties for success. All federal power flows from the government's ability to take what you earn and, and the left adores federal power, so there's rarely a tax they don't like.
- Thursday, July 27, 2017

Debbie Wasserman Schultz IT staffer arrested while trying to flee the country

It's like something out of a movie. The conspiratorial IT guy, a staffer for a crooked - and disgraced - former DNC chair, has put his escape plan into motion. His affairs are in order, money has been wired overseas, his wife has already escaped to a third-world hellhole. Now, all he has to do is get through the airport. Once he's on the plane and the seatbelt light goes "ding," he's home free.
- Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Breaking: Sean # resigns as White House Press Secretary, forcing Melissa McCarthy to seek gainful employment

UPDATE: Reince Priebus has issued a statement saying he supports the Scaramucci hiring "100%." So, it's a question of who's version you believe... I doubt this one will come as a surprise to many people, but Sean # has resigned as White House Press Secretary. If you've been observing the way this administration dysfunctions, this probably feels like something that's been coming for a long time.
- Friday, July 21, 2017

Democrat Sen. Bob Casey: Single-Payer bill may be coming in a couple of weeks

It's hard to overstate how badly the GOP has botched things when it comes to health care. They spent 6 years of promising that they'd repeal ObamaCare if only they "had the House, the Senate, and the White House," so voters gave them all three. Unfortunately, it's turned out that - for a large percentage of them - repeal was never really a goal. It was a talking point, and a bit of political theater, designed to keep them in their cushy jobs.
- Thursday, July 20, 2017
