
Robert Laurie

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Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

Al Franken becomes latest Democrat to reject running against Trump in 2020

For whatever reason, people in Minnesota really seem happy with their decision to keep Al Franken in Congress. Despite his nebulous messages, boring demeanor, and uniformly terrible speeches on the Senate floor, he trounced his GOP rival in 2014 and remains bafflingly popular. Couple that with the whole "famous comedian" thing and you had what many on the left thought was a recipe for a presidential run.
- Thursday, May 25, 2017

Trey Gowdy to take over as House Oversight Committee chairman

When Trey Gowdy's name was mentioned as a possible replacement for fired FBI Director James Comey, I scoffed. Floating Gowdy was a smart play from the White House, since they know the base loves him, but I didn't buy it for a second. There are several reasons for that, but at the top of the list is "why would he want to do that? Congress is a nice cushy gig."
- Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Here we go again: Manchester terrorist was already known to authorities

Earlier, I outlined how the pattern of events surrounding the Manchester terror attack are all too familiar. It seems as though every time something like this happens we run through the same, tired, playlist of denial, obfuscation, and then admission that, yes, an Islamic radical was involved. Then, eventually, we reach the final stage of the narrative meltdown.
- Wednesday, May 24, 2017

ISIS claims responsibility for Manchester attack

Early this morning, liberals were already doing the "this isn't really Islam" dance. They were all over social media with the standard "don't jump to conclusions" shtick, but a quick look at the news told you most of what needed to know. We've seen this same scene play out time and again. It's an exhausting pattern we witnessed in Nice, The Bataclan, The Boston Marathon, etc.
- Tuesday, May 23, 2017

CNN interviews panel of 3rd graders about Trump presidency. ...Yes really

There's a question that Democrats love to ask whenever they don't control the White House. Kids are, as we've been told a thousand times, our most precious national resource. It takes a village to raise them. So, whenever they're faced with the horrors of a Republican President, Dems want to know: What are the children thinking?
- Monday, May 22, 2017

Anthony 'Carlos Danger' Weiner to plead guilty - comes to completion of underage sexting case

Carlos Danger, possibly better known by the equally embarrassing moniker "Anthony Weiner," has come to point of completion in his sexting scandal. As you're no doubt aware, Weiner embarrassed his wife (and damaged Hillary's presidential bid) by sexting and sharing photos of his nether-regions with at least one underaged girl. Then he did it again. ...And again. ...Ad nauseam.
- Friday, May 19, 2017

Wait. Is that Time Magazine cover just a rip-off of Mad Magazine?

A few minutes ago, we showed you the widely-adored-by-liberals cover of the new Time Magazine. Now, it looks like someone is a little peeved about it. No, not because it's a ludicrous symbol of a tin-foil hat conspiracy theory. They're peeved because it's a rip-off.
- Thursday, May 18, 2017

Murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich leaked 'thousands of emails' to Wikileaks

You will no doubt recall the sad story of Seth Rich, the DNC staffer who was found murdered on the street outside of his home. Just 12 days after his death, Wikileaks released the emails that proved Hillary Clinton and the DNC were conspiring to destroy Bernie Sanders. These were, obviously, obtained from mysterious sources. Almost immediately, there was speculation that Rich might, in fact, be that source.
- Wednesday, May 17, 2017

First Mike Lee, now Mitch McConnell: Trump should choose Merrick Garland as FBI director

Your reactions ranged from "that would be brilliant" to "no . . . never" when we first raised this last week. Or I should say, when conservative Sen. Mike Lee raised it last week. Some of you saw it as the same brand of brilliant triangulation I did, and weren't too worried about Garland being a Democrat because FBI director is not really a partisan job. Others thought the last thing we needed was to put anyone from the other side in a position to lead this Russia investigation or anything else.
- Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Sorry Dems: Chaffetz leaving for Fox News. ...Not "Russia" or "jail."

As we told you before, the left was salivating over the prospect of a Jason Chaffetz scandal. When he announced he would be walking away from Congress, Dems went into conspiracy theory overdrive. After all, government is the only thing on Earth that matters
- Monday, May 15, 2017

Here we go again: Schumer promises to obstruct Trump's FBI appointment

Let's get one thing out of the way. Chuck Schumer is a vile, duplicitous, self-aggrandizing, snake who doesn't give a rat's rear about the country or the ideals he claims to support. A quick look at his career reveals a textbook example of the two-faced congressional lifer that we've all come to loathe. He exists not to serve his state, his voters, or his nation. He exists to serve and perpetuate the myth of Chuck Schumer's greatness - nothing more.
- Monday, May 15, 2017

If Lester Holt is right about this one thing, Trump had better get his head on straight ...and quick

If you missed Lester Holt's interview with Donald Trump, you missed... well... not much. President Trump handled himself fairly well, Holt spent most of his time interrupting, and little or no news was made. You can tell Holt was desperate for something juicy, but If you pay attention to developing stories, there wasn't much meat on the bone. I suspect he walked away disappointed.
- Friday, May 12, 2017

John Oliver uses Trump-created tax exemption to cut taxes on $9.5 Million Manhattan penthouse

I have a confession to make. I think John Oliver's "Last Week Tonight" is funny. It's wrong about virtually everything, but it's wrong in an amusing way. That said, I doubt the host has too much to do with the amount of entertainment I'm getting. He probably just shows up, reads the DNC talking points he's handed, mugs, and leans on his British accent to sell his arrogant attitde. That's, OK, though. Like I said, I think it's done well and ends up being pretty funny. He's certainly better than the seven or eight other people currently doing the same thing.
- Friday, May 12, 2017

Aetna to lose almost $1 Billion from 2014-2017 - Will abandon ALL ObamaCare exchanges

Last year, you may recall that one of the nation's largest insurers, Aetna, announced it had suffered major losses under the failing Affordable Care Act. As a result, it was pulling out of many ACA exchanges. The company said it intended to soldier on in just four states - Delaware, Iowa, Nebraska, and Virginia.
- Thursday, May 11, 2017
