
Robert Laurie

Robert Laurie’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain.com Be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

North Dakota may eliminate penalties for running down protesters who block the freeway

We've all seen the clips. A mob of protesters rioters shuffles down the center of a three-lane highway like a scene from The Walking Dead. They block traffic, delay safety and rescue vehicles, and generally cause havoc in the name of their cause du jour. Many have wondered "what happens if you just plow into them?" Well, usually what happens is you go to jail. However, in North Dakota, that may soon be a thing of the past.
- Tuesday, January 17, 2017

FBI arrests wife of Pulse Nightclub terrorist in San Francisco

You may recall that, in the wake of Omar Mateen's attack on the Pulse nightclub in Orlando Florida, attention focused briefly on the killer's wife. Noor Salman told authorities that while her husband had been getting increasingly violent towards her - and had made vague references regarding his desire to carry out a jihadist attack - she had no specific information about his plans. She claimed he was abusive and dangerous, but that she never had any knowledge of the violence he would eventually perpetrate.
- Monday, January 16, 2017

BREAKING: MSNBC report demolishes the Trump/Russia story

It's really starting to look like the Trump/Russia blackmail story will go down in history as a high point in the annals of fake news. Every hour, we learn something new that derails the narrative the media so desperately wanted to believe. Buzzfeed, which President Elect Trump called a "failing pile of garbage" during today's press conference is now the "fake news" poster child.
- Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Watch the live feed of President-Elect Donald Trump's press conference here

Most of the media absolutely despises President-Elect Donald Trump, so today's press conference was always going to be a wild one. However, given the array of bizarre and increasingly bogus stories that broke overnight, I think we can safely assume the intensity has been ramped up considerably.
- Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Sob story: Hillary and Obama operatives out of work, grieving, can't find employment

To paraphrase the immortal Albert Rosenfield, "This is what we call a real three-hanky story." The folks at The Politico are pacing the floor, wringing their hands, furrowing their brows, and fretting about jobs. No, they're not distraught over the 95 Million people who are out of the labor force. Those people can fend for themselves. They're troubled by the impending poverty facing Hillary loyalists and operatives in Washington D.C.
- Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Live stream of Sen. Jeff Sessions Attorney General confirmation hearing

Senator Jeff Sessions is President-Elect Donald Trump's choice for Attorney General. Trump's pick, like everything Trump will say or do for the next 4-8 years, is giving Democrats the vapors. The confirmation hearing began a few minutes ago, and the live stream appears below.
- Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Fiat Chrysler pumps $1 billion, 2000 jobs, into Michigan and Ohio

It feels like, every few days since November 8th, we get another happy story about the U.S. business outlook. Whether it's Carrier sticking around, Ford scrapping it's Mexico plant, or SoftBank creating jobs for 50,000 Americans, it seems we're just being inundated with good news. Now, we have some more. Fiat Chrysler will be investing a billion dollars in Michigan and Ohio, creating 2,000 jobs in the process.
- Monday, January 9, 2017

Top Clinton confidante: Hillary will never run for elected office again

You've heard the rumblings. Hillary wants to take Bill de Blasio's job. She's gearing up to make a run for New York City Mayor. It's all rumor and innuendo at this point, but the story keeps cropping up, seemingly with a life of its own. ...And it makes a certain amount of sense.
- Monday, January 9, 2017

Because no one demanded it, CNN announces Bernie Sanders town hall for Jan. 9

Bernie Sanders, the former presidential candidate who was calling Hillary Clinton a corrupt, corporatist who was unfit for the job a week before he endorsed her, is not ready to wander off to his new beach house just yet. He's determined to extend his 15 minutes into at least a half an hour, and CNN wants to help. The ratings-challenged network has decided it can drag itself out of the cable news basement by giving disgruntled voters two more hours to "feel the Bern."
- Friday, January 6, 2017

Biden chucks Schumer under the bus - says Dems must give Trump SCOTUS nom a hearing

A few days ago, we told you that Chuck Schumer had vowed to halt Trump's SCOTUS nominee by any means necessary - pretty much regardless of who he or she turned out to be. This course of action is doomed for a whole host of reasons. There's just no way he'll be able to sustain a filibuster for four years, the nuclear option is out there, voters won't tolerate it, and (since the idea flies directly in the face of the last election) he probably won't be able to get all his cronies to go along with it.
- Friday, January 6, 2017

Mexico's media: 'Trump's taking all our jobs!'

Last week, we learned that Ford was cancelling plans to build a $1.6 billion dollar plant in Mexico. Instead, the company would be investing $700 million in Michigan, creating hundreds of permanent jobs. As USA Today reported:
- Thursday, January 5, 2017
