
Robert Laurie

Robert Laurie’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain.com Be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

Hillary eyes gig as TV host as a way to set the stage for... her 2020 run?

OK, it's time for a grain of salt - and when I say "grain," I mean a grain of salt so massive that the sodium would make your heart explode just from looking at it. If the scuttlebutt is true, Hillary Clinton isn't finished quite yet. A couple of weeks ago, we heard that she would never again darken the door of an American election. Then we heard rumblings about the former Secretary of State mounting an assault on the New York Mayor's office. Then we heard rumblings that Bill Clinton was digging through all the post-election data to see where she could go next.
- Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Trump sets date for SCOTUS announcement. Choice narrowed to these two names?

Back during the 2016 election I wrote that "If you found a dead rat in the gutter, stuffed it into a dirty wet sock, and managed to get it onto the ballot opposite
Hillary Clinton, I'd vote for it." Mrs. Clinton was simply an unacceptable candidate. No matter how bad President Dead Rat might have been, he or she still would have been better than Hillary. The reason was simple, and was born of one, singular, issue. Hillary Clinton could not be allowed to taint the Supreme Court for what will probably be at least two generations.
- Wednesday, January 25, 2017

While Trump continues winning streak, media focuses on 'crowd size' and 'vote fraud' stories

If you want to understand how Trump won, you have to start with one glaringly obvious fact. He is an absolute master when it comes to manipulating the media. His ability to play the biased, mainstream, press generated millions of dollars’ worth of free airtime, deflected scandals, probably clinched the primaries, and went a long way toward forever burying the spectre of a Hillary Clinton presidency.
- Wednesday, January 25, 2017

New poll shows California secession movement gaining steam

The dream is alive! According to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll, there are now more Californians than ever who support the idea of seceding from the United States. Dubbed the "Calexit" movement, the goal is to make California its own country, thus bestowing upon the world a happy, prosperous, California-free, America where it will be virtually impossible to elect a Democrat President.
- Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Chris Matthews laments: Trump inaugural speech 'unpleasant' and not 'charming'

Chris Matthews is clearly missing the tingle. There is no longer a thrill running up his leg. Like a jilted lover, he desperately desires to be wooed once more and, apparently, he was hoping that President Donald Trump would do that in his inaugural address. It seems Trump was too harsh and abrupt in his speechmaking. Tingles was left unsatisfied, and came away disappointed.
- Monday, January 23, 2017

North Dakota may eliminate penalties for running down protesters who block the freeway

We've all seen the clips. A mob of protesters rioters shuffles down the center of a three-lane highway like a scene from The Walking Dead. They block traffic, delay safety and rescue vehicles, and generally cause havoc in the name of their cause du jour. Many have wondered "what happens if you just plow into them?" Well, usually what happens is you go to jail. However, in North Dakota, that may soon be a thing of the past.
- Tuesday, January 17, 2017

FBI arrests wife of Pulse Nightclub terrorist in San Francisco

You may recall that, in the wake of Omar Mateen's attack on the Pulse nightclub in Orlando Florida, attention focused briefly on the killer's wife. Noor Salman told authorities that while her husband had been getting increasingly violent towards her - and had made vague references regarding his desire to carry out a jihadist attack - she had no specific information about his plans. She claimed he was abusive and dangerous, but that she never had any knowledge of the violence he would eventually perpetrate.
- Monday, January 16, 2017
