

Richard J. "Sarge" Garwood is a retired Law Enforcement Officer with 30 years service; a syndicated columnist in Louisiana. Married with 2 sons.

Most Recent Articles by Sarge:

No checks or balances

Government is now pretty much non-responsive to the people elected the representatives to office. In Washington D.C. it was an originally conceived that each of the three sides of the governmental triumvirate would hold sufficient power to contract any runaway efforts by one or the other sides of the triangle. The Executive Branch, charged with the responsibility to enforce the laws passed by Congress, could fetter the strides of the Congress by veto and refusal to enforce what it felt was unconstitutional and thus unjust. Congress could overrule the veto or challenge the Executive by placing the matter before the Supreme Court and vice versa where the Executive held the same right. The Supreme Court would hold the law before the enlightened power of the Constitution to see how it conformed to or was in opposition to the guidelines set down by that most august document.
- Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fleecing the sheep

A kid asked me why our federal government wasn’t only stagnating, but possibly was putrefying. The answer’s easy. It’s a lazy, self-satisfied and detached people expecting government to be self-policing. It’s like expecting the wolf to act like the sheepdog because they look somewhat similar.
- Monday, March 11, 2013

Passing into shadow

Years ago, after I was discharged from the Navy and successfully found a position with a now defunct national retailer, I was privileged to be taught the art of sales through the use of truth, integrity and fact.
- Friday, March 8, 2013

Credit for time served

It seems there’s no end to the problems of government in Port Allen. From the dishonor of a mayor and police chief engaging in felonious acts and displaying a horrible understanding of personal ethics and integrity to the “new mayor” hiring her brother-in-law after terminating the Chief Financial Officer of the city; Port Allen just can’t seem to get a break.
- Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Impotent with hairballs

Where does it all begin? I ended the week by getting a haircut. That might not mean much to people but my hair ran footloose and fancy free for over five years since I retired. It dropped to a point just south of my shoulder blades. And while it looked magnificent and attracted the attention of many children at Christmas (I still have my beard) and many a comment equating my looks to certain members of the Elysian Greats and Greek Gods; it finally became too much.
- Monday, March 4, 2013

Zero-sum or some zeroes in the Capitol

A Zero-sum game is a situation where one player gains when his opponent suffers equal losses. The net change in total wealth among participants is zero; the wealth is just shifted from one to another. (Wisegeek.com)
- Thursday, February 28, 2013

Power Points

While trying to scare the pants off of another audience vetted and selected for their lemming-like adherence to his talking points, Beaurat Obama made a statement people shouldn’t focus on the next election; they should better focus on the next generation. ????
- Wednesday, February 27, 2013

More lines drawn in vapor

Obama suggested Sequestration was a necessity to pass an extension of the Budget by raising the Debt Ceiling before the 2012 elections. This coup d’état allowed Obama to avoid criticism on this issue. John Boehner, with all of his spineless neediness and desire to be seen as a statesman, allowed Obama’s election.
- Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Other Shoe Dropping

For those thinking the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare won’t be as bad as originally feared, I bring greetings and this message: Baloney!
- Monday, February 25, 2013


Sequestration causes extensive and mandatory cuts in spending that will go into effect if congress does not reach a budget agreement. That won’t happen because the Democrat controlled Senate has refused to offer a Budget for years. The deadline for sequestration has been extended temporarily (and with great fanfare) to show Congress really cares about the safety and security of the American National Budget. Democrats demanded Sequestration as a form of “trigger” in that it would force the Republicans to pass legislation “raising revenues” aka taxes to support bloated governmental agencies and the programs were developed for them to oversee.
- Friday, February 22, 2013

Washington’s Prophecy

The question often asked is: “whose fault is it for the sad state of affairs in America today”? The answer is simple: it’s the politicians’ fault. Self-serving, power-hungry, and if not morally bereft, at least morally challenged individuals profit from that lack of moral fiber cause our problems.
- Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Continuum

I, as a responsible gun-owner (I’ve never shot anybody didn’t try killing me first) wonder why stupid people would disarm me so I’m incapable of protecting myself, my family and them. It seems logical the hyenas preying on the innocent want them unarmed and unattended to by somebody with enough sense to NOT expect mercy from a hyena. State Representative Barbara Norton obviously doesn’t have a clue of what’s entailed in violent crime. She’s pre-filed a legislative attempt to neuter citizens hoping to stop an aggressive home-invader. Home invasion is an act of violence executed against citizens when they most likely feel themselves safest; in the confines of their home.
- Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ain’t no Carnival

The passengers of the Carnival Cruise Ship “Triumph” have helped the ship to define its name. It was truly a triumph of the human spirit and will to conquer the travails of a cruise from hell. The ship was fully involved in a cruise when a fire broke out destroying the electrical systems and collaterally the pumps working to keep over 400 passengers from a hygiene nightmare.
- Friday, February 15, 2013

Community policing

Community policing (CP) is a philosophy promoting organizational strategies, supporting systematic usage of partnerships and problem-solving techniques, proactively addressing the immediate conditions giving rise to public safety issues such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime. www.cops.usdoj.gov (paraphrased)
- Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Sunrise is something I witness daily. Early to bed, early to rise makes man … Oh what the heck! I get up early and am no wiser. I’m surely not healthier than anybody else. But I get up early.
- Friday, February 8, 2013

Undue process

September 11th is a date a generation will hold in mind and heart for the duration of their lives. Madmen armed with box-cutters and a fanatical, demented dedication to a political agenda masquerading as a faith piloted jetliners into the World Trade Center killing thousands. The wounds inflicted on the survivors that day haven’t healed. If anything, we daily inspect the scars marking the damage the box-cutters grooved into our collective psyche. In a bizarre way it soothes some to check the scars.
- Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Corral

corral n. 1.chiefly (US) an enclosure for confining cattle 2. A defensive enclosure formed by a ring of covered wagons (v) 3.to drive into and confine in or as in a corral 4. (informal) to capture(dictionary.com)
Beaurat Obama wants universal registration of all firearms in America. He says it’s “common sense” to register all firearms and the “majority” of firearms owners agree with him. He polls his people and tells us we think that way too. The man agglomerates numbers in biased and prejudiced surveys. He twists the findings into complementary terms showing just how perfect his intuition is when adducing the American public’s thinking.
- Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Back to the Future

“The day has dawned, the grass is ris’, I wonder where my money is.” Obama got his taxes approved and marched us resolutely 180 degrees from the brink of disaster at the “Fiscal Cliff” to the verge of calamity as he wants more middle-class taxes while lying about taxing the rich some more. We’re no longer facing a precipice; we’re facing a firing squad of avarice and covetousness to supply those who won’t with the same benefits as those who do. (Work that is.)
- Monday, February 4, 2013

Operating principles

Beaurat Obama laid-off his Jobs Council Thursday and added to the unemployment rolls. These rolls are at 7.8% at this time down from 9 % when he initially founded the foundering entity it came to be in January of 2011. It was a then bold statement as to Obama’s commitment to create fact-finding commissions he loves initializing.
- Friday, February 1, 2013

Control Freaks

The First Amendment says: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. It’s an inviolable right given us by God and no petty politician may take these rights from us; no matter the tactics used to alienate us from the truth.
- Thursday, January 31, 2013
