

Richard J. "Sarge" Garwood is a retired Law Enforcement Officer with 30 years service; a syndicated columnist in Louisiana. Married with 2 sons.

Most Recent Articles by Sarge:

The Race to Mediocrity

It seems the goal is to fundamentally change America. That’s an Obama quote. So, let’s understand what that means. We must drive the economy to the point of being subterranean and incapable of self-sustenance. It’s Obama’s position the playing field needs leveling; that everybody can be made equal through government intercession. He believes he can kiss all the boo-boos and wave his magic wand and things will be better. He assures us he’s morally right. We know there have been great “successes” (?) in areas other than the economy where the government has moved us off of our pedestal as leaders in independent thinking: like education.
- Friday, December 7, 2012


Over the past weekend John Boehner decided he wanted to appease Beaurat Obama by sacrificing the young, combatant, immature lion cubs associated with the Tea Party. He fired Representatives Tim Huelskamp of Kansas and Justin Amash of Michigan from their positions on the House Budget and Agriculture Committees. This should signal the Tea Party Boehner cherishes the title of RINO (Republican In Name Only). The problem is RHINOs in the wild are very myopic and can’t see what’s going on around them.
- Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dribbling bowling balls

John Boehner is an experienced golfer and coming from the Ohio he probably has more than a passing acquaintanceship with bowling. This is all well and good but for the fact he’s playing a game with Beaurat Obama where Obama is a semi-pro and Boehner is a rank amateur.
- Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Working the core

When you consider the title the first thing in most people’s minds would be a groan and a statement similar to “oh no, what the heck does Sarge know about Pilates?” They’d be correct in their questioning my accumulated knowledge concerning an exercise regimen I consider demonic in its inception, draconian in its explanations as to how we’re supposed to get my post-middle-aged bulk into such weird positions and utterly worthless because of its difficulty for lazy old critters such as myself to accomplish. This has nothing to do with exercise unless it’s dealing with the spiritual expansion of the individual.
- Friday, November 30, 2012

Comparing Value v. Worth

Senator Dick “Dimples” Durbin pulled the earnings gap out of the Democratic Party closet and pummeled hedge fund managers for making too much money in comparison to Navy SEALS.
- Thursday, November 29, 2012

The same old recipe

Whenever we look at politics we have to be objective; not influenced by our personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts. Sounds like a simple thing but humans forget there are # in every recipe we want to taste.
- Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Speaking grandly; performing blandly

Whenever I feel I understand the incumbent administration, I watch a video of Beaurat Obama saying “Al Qaeda is decimated!” The dipstick has no understanding of what the word means.
- Monday, November 26, 2012

The value of Mardi Gras beads

Obama’s election night speech was a clarion call for recognition of his platform. It was more of the same garbage he’s spewed for the last 4 years. It was a treasure trove of Mardi Gras beads; holding color and flash; their actual value is nil. The words ring. They bounce and echo in a space more hollow than Joe Biden’s campaign gaffes and head. Obama just can’t stop saying nothing to be recorded as such. It’s “Hope and Change” all over again.
- Friday, November 16, 2012

Tom Paine rides again

It looks like an oozing sense of purulent depression is lying heavily on Conservative’s post-election laundry. This depression appears to be weighing down the once fervent hopes and determination to oust the Progressive platform leaders from their control of the White House. Everybody’s acting like the battle’s over. It is.
- Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Responsibility for consequences

Last night wasn’t good to me. My health issues are bothersome at best and frightening in some cases. But this is about recognizing responsibility. It’s about recognizing our need to be honest concerning what we’ve wrought and fashioned with our past actions and what consequences come about.
- Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Clock

I have an old clock in my office. Its mechanical movement requires I turn a key in a lock and wind a mainspring to a point of tension. This causes the balanced, well-adjusted gears, levers and springs to work in proper relation to each other. It must be paid attention to and honored for its intricacy. Messing with the mechanism isn’t merely ill-advised; it’s imperative you don’t change anything fundamentally.
- Monday, November 5, 2012

Skewed priorities

pri·or·i·ty (n) 1. the right to precede others in order, rank, privilege, etc.;precedence.(2.) the right to take precedence in obtaining certain supplies, services, facilities etc. 3.) something given special attention
Politics is one of my interests, and politics readily arouses the passions making it virtually impossible to shut down the random observations creating conflict. Maybe that’s why I’m interested; the conflict entices me to ponder why men and their petty decisions have such wide ranging consequences for people they know nothing about.
- Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Perfect Storm

With Hurricane Sandy sprinting along the East Coast with fervor to rival Chariots of Fire, an interesting thrill is traveling up the leg of political strategists. They’re having litters of kittens worrying about a killer storm’s effect on early voting, election-day turn outs and the effects of storm damaged electrical circuits misfiring over a landscape covering thousands of square miles.
- Friday, October 26, 2012

Wannabe Card Sharks

There are two (2) ways to assess your political options: with positivism and dynamic, aggressive participation; or wait and see what happens and then react to the situation We can then clean up what’s gone wrong as best we can and play “catch-up” as best we can. Beaurat Obama is the reactive, wait-and-see proponent. He wants to talk to Iran and sanction Iran and “pretty please” them into submission.
- Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Final Bow

Beaurat Obama has a problem with his spine. Every time he gets near another head of state, Obama drops his gaze, lowers his head, bends at the waist and looks at the guy’s zipper. I don’t know why he needs such a close up view of people’s lower units but this guy has dropped to look at it more than an outboard motor service technician. I’m not saying the guy’s a swinger but he does come across as “soft” when it comes to foreign policy.
- Monday, October 22, 2012


context (n): The parts of something written or spoken that immediately precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning.
Libya is a pain that just won’t go away. Since 9/11 of this year we’ve dealt with people questioning what Beaurat Obama said, what he meant, what he knew and when he knew it concerning the attack on the Benghazi Consulate. When Obama appeared in the second Presidential Debate, Candy Crowley (mediator of the event) lent credibility to Obama’s calling the incident an act of terror. It’s being called “interference” on the part of the mediator. Her bosses at CNN have manned the ramparts to assure their girl doesn’t get too badly ground up in the melee.
- Friday, October 19, 2012


dilate (v): to expand or cause to expand; make or become wider or larger; the pupil of the eye dilates in the dark World English Dictionary di·lute v: to make thinner or weaker by the addition of water or the like. (2) to make fainter, as a color (3) to reduce the strength, force or efficiency of by admixture Dictionary.com
Illegal Immigration, more popularly described by liberals as the “Undocumented Alien Question”, has conducted its necrotizing (rotting) assault on domestic politics for years. The liberals want to “salt the mine”, through amnesty, with electorate numbers derived from people having no right to vote other than their presence on this side of the border. We have no more recognition of that right than their say-so they’re citizens. When you have an artificially dilated voter base you might not recognize its impact on the rest of the organism.
- Thursday, October 18, 2012


Recently a group of my friends passed around a discussion through e-mail. The discussion developed a life of its own and expressed many major talking points. It showed solidarity. It assured the choir was on-key. Everybody was in accord and there was no controversy.
- Wednesday, October 17, 2012

White stone pawns

Some say September 11th (9/11) is a day to be feared. It’s the anniversary of another prominent and memorable day of infamy in the history of man. We should in all ways pay attention. We should recognize there are elements of political extremism and religious fanaticism existent in this world and the diseased minds of terrorists seeking attention for their causes.
- Friday, October 12, 2012

Finding the signs

Recently, I spoke with one of my best friends (who I’ll refer to as Bartholomew) who’s also a successful businessman operating on a stage having interests in the Middle East. He said he was once involved in a venture with others to develop business interests in the petro-chemical industry. He expected his “partners” were aware of the particulars concerning partnering with certain venture capital entities seeking to finance their (his) project.
- Thursday, October 11, 2012
