

Richard J. "Sarge" Garwood is a retired Law Enforcement Officer with 30 years service; a syndicated columnist in Louisiana. Married with 2 sons.

Most Recent Articles by Sarge:


Infiltration (v): 1. a process in which individuals (or groups) penetrate an area verb (used with object) 1.to filter into or through; permeate. 2. To move into an organization or the like; to surreptitiously and gradually, clandestinely and with hostile, subversive intent to spy, influence or covertly affect the host entity. -- dictionaryonline.com Insurgency (n): The ultimate goal of an insurgency is to challenge the existing government for control or force political concessions in sharing political power. Insurgencies require the active or tacit support of some portion of the population involved. --terrorism-research.com 2012 This nation has proven with the destruction of the Twin Towers on 9/11/2001; we’ll allow no obvious attack against this Homeland without swift and dire consequences to follow. We’ll fight to prevent the violent overthrow of our nation.
- Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The White Feathered Quill

One of the caveats of military service is you must have the integrity to do what’s right, no matter the circumstances. It’s one of the rigid, unwavering and most basic of tenets of the Military Academies and specifically West Point. Today, that integrity may not be so evident. A decorated combat veteran (and now former instructor at the Joint Forces Staff College at the National Defense University) has effectively had his recognizably stellar career destroyed by Beaurat Obama’s apologist-in-command of the Army: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey.
- Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Modern Math/Magic Math

I recently passed a milestone by living 60 years. As a kid I thought this was when mental paralysis would engage. I’d start drooling, become forgetful and suffer the challenges of loose bowels, restricted urethral issues and in general answer all questions with the question: “Ehhhh”? Turns out I wasn’t too far off of the mark.
- Monday, October 8, 2012

Dangerous tolerance

Tolerate (v) 1. to treat with indulgence, liberality, or forbearance; 2. to permit; 3. to be able to bear; put up with~The Collins English Dictionary 2012 I’m regularly asked why this or that happens. I learned years ago, after the death of a beloved family member at the hands of a drunken and irresponsible driver, the one question you don’t want to ask is : WHY?
- Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Integrity, Honor, Valor

Here we sit, stuck in mire. Obama’s in the White House. Islamists are in the cabinetry skulking about and fouling the resources we need to remain controlled and untouched. The American people believe pestilence is something only people in third world countries need fear. One must remember; where these roaches walked they leave a trail of diseased bacteria and viral; degradation to infect our young and endanger their future.
- Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Value (noun): the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance or preciousness of something 2.) Utility worth implied intrinsic excellence or desirability: worth implies especially qualities of mind, character or moral excellence. Dictionary.com Unabridged
Occasionally we must look at what we have before us and determine its value. We look at our environment, we assess our standing in society we measure the standards we live by and then extend that value outward to encompass and enclose our elected representatives. As citizens the valuation of any politician stands in contrast, or agreement with our personal appraisal of how things should be.
- Monday, October 1, 2012

Watch the snake

Jihad (n) (1.) Islam: holy war ordained by Allah, against infidels undertaken by Muslims in defense of the Islamic faith (2) Islam: the personal struggle of the individual believer against evil and persecution The Koran teaches soldiers who die in jihad go to heaven immediately. World English Dictionary Kitman (Arabic-"secrecy, concealment"): the act of paying lip service to authority while holding personal opposition. It is a sort of political camouflage, for the purpose of survival, in circumstances where open opposition would result in persecution. Wikipedia 2012 Okay. So let’s see if I have this correct. Barack Obama was the step-son of an Indonesian Muslim in the 1960s and early '70s. He was instructed in the Muslim faith in Indonesian schools and at home. He was accepted as (at least) an apt student of this religion. He is believe to be of above average intelligence and is a graduate of Columbia and Harvard. He was (in campaign literature) a successful lawyer and community organizer.
- Thursday, September 27, 2012


Islamist (ˈɪzləmɪst) (adjective) 1. Supporting or advocating Islamic fundamentalism (n.) a supporter of Islamic fundamentalism fundamentalism (n). A point of view characterized by a return and adherence to fundamental principles, strict maintenance of ancient doctrines of any religion or ideology, notably Islam. (2.) A central or primary rule or principle on which something is based There’s no discussing anything with Islamists when they start their diatribe. There’s no reasoning when you deal with an Islamist because the writings, the very specific doctrine spelled out in the scriptures of Islam allows for what we don’t accept: lying to win.
- Thursday, September 27, 2012

The station’s on fire

Obama shows such disdain for the conduct of good government and intelligent foreign policy. It’s getting a lot of play these days. He’s got a disturbing set of priorities. The Ambassador he chose for Benghazi, Libya, was killed and all Obama did was start up his wimp engine and proclaim the act wasn’t a planned attack by terrorists. For over a week he sang this aria and his chorus repeated it so often it sounded like the Top 20 track at an AM Radio station.
- Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Muffled oars

Those “muffled oars”, For however quiet they may be, All readers understand, That strange and fearsome doings are afoot, That treachery lurks just beyond our ken, That safety may lie straight ahead, but Courageous acts might still fall short, while grunting evil seeks to waste the love, Of self, of family, of country, or only of that one quiet fearful girl Fog condensing like rain upon her face, who worries over what waits for her Upon a dark and shrouded shore. Posted by John C. Brown w/ thanks to Roald Dahl “Television”, 10-12-2010
- Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Canvas

Appeasement is the act of giving something to an aggressive power to keep the peace; like giving a dog food from your plate to keep it from biting you and taking it.
- Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dark Ages

9/11. Three numbers. Thousands of losses. Millions of memories. Billions suffering through the sorrows.
- Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Once more into the breach

The election looms before us. Will we go maintain a government stalled by the inertia of egoists’ personal weaknesses, or will we gather ourselves together as men and women with integrity? Will we accept our circumstances as being “as good as it gets” or will we take this sullen, surly mare’s reins and move our nation back onto the path of greatness we once travelled?
- Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Knights errant to Killer Bees

The Democratic and Republican Parties expect the average American citizen’s thought processes to shut down with the conventions.
- Monday, September 10, 2012

Pants afire

Okay. Bill Clinton, post-Kennedy keeper of the Keys to Camelot has waxed poetic and endorsed Beaurat Obama at the Democratic National Convention. Let us all hold hands and proclaim as one: who cares?
- Friday, September 7, 2012


The Star Spangled Banner’s been around a long time. Francis Scott Key laid down the verse in 1814 and the music was taken from John Stafford Smith’s original music dating back to 1780. Congress declared the song America’s National Anthem on March 3, 1931.
- Thursday, September 6, 2012

Photo Ops as PsyOps

The drama descended like a wet blanket on Plaquemines Parish as Obama and Romney slipped in for photo opportunities (photo ops). In reality it’s no more than a matter of PsyOps (Psychological Operations) designed to make people feel they’re; a.) Concerned for their safety and situation and, b.) that they alone can get something accomplished.
- Wednesday, September 5, 2012

He made my day

Am I the only one really understood what Clint Eastwood was doing and said at the Republican National Convention (RNC)? I know Obama and his wing-nuts couldn’t get a clue if Sherlock Holmes sat in their laps and spoon fed them the information. But really; must every pundit website ask dumb questions like: “Eastwood, rambling or on point?”
- Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Crystal Set

1958. I started grade school in 1958. It was a simpler time. It was a special time. Americanism and its exceptionality was recognized, respected, sought and in many cases feared. It commanded acknowledgment and respect for the majesty of its goals and the surety it offered to the world it once led against the powers of despotism seeking the enslavement of the free world.
- Monday, September 3, 2012

A Broken Record

I was listening to a broken record the other day and found out where I’d gotten it from. It was the old stand-by tune I remember so well from the sixties. It’s sung to the tune of” I’m a Pepper” ©:
You’re a racist, he’s a racist, they’re some racist, and they’re racists I’m pretty sure that you’re a racist too! They’re all racist, they be racists, they’re all racists, we see racists. It’s a shame that you’re a racist too! You’re a racist. A lousy rotten racist. You’re a racist. You know I hate you racists.
- Friday, August 24, 2012
