
News on the Net

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Most Recent Articles by News on the Net:

Call Dems Bluff On Refusing To Seat Scott Brown

In case you have not heard, the Democrats have come up with a plan to nullify temporarily the Massachusetts voters in the Senate special election on January 19, if Scott Brown wins.
- Sunday, January 10, 2010

Where are Woodward and Berstein when we need them?

What ever happened to go old fashioned investigative reporting? Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on mankind, but no reporter seems willing to expose it.
- Saturday, January 9, 2010

Obama Nazifies Christmas

by Frederick Meekins Some may claim that this headline is a little strong. But if one goes back and studies history, one finds that Hitler also deemphasized the religious aspects of Christmas in deference to a generalized "winter holiday".
- Friday, January 8, 2010

The Drudge of Denial

Morano, who worked for Sen. James "Global Warming is a Hoax" Inhofe, left Congress last year to set up shop as the Matt Drudge of climate denial. Today he runs Climate Depot, a website whose sponsor is funded by oil heir Richard Mellon Scaife.
- Thursday, January 7, 2010

Evolis introduces Badgy to Canada

imageEvolis introduces Badgy, a new plastic card printer for the small- to mid-sized companies, associations and schools to easily and affordably design and print professional-quality plastic cards. FT. LAUDERDALE, FL– Evolis, a world leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of a comprehensive range of plastic card printing solutions has announced the premiere retail-ready plastic card printer, Badgy. The company’s new Badgy printing solution is poised to revolutionize the multi-billion-dollar card printing industry.
- Wednesday, January 6, 2010

South Chilled by Arctic Winds, Record Snow in East

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Bitter cold and snow sweeping into the eastern U.S left part of New England under record snowfall and hit Southerners with subfreezing temperatures that farmers fear could destroy strawberries and other crops.
- Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Thank you, CFP!

Judi McLeod, I thank you from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head for CanadaFreePress. You and your co-horts are a breath of fresh air. I thank you because our lame stream media does not have the kahonies or desire to print the truth.
- Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Obama Trifecta

President Obama just completed the UNHOLY and ANTI-AMERICAN TRIFECTA:
- Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Thank you once again

Some time has past since I last wrote all of you! I am sure you understand that one person cannot thank you for every article your staff writes and posts. Immediately after I heard Janet Napolitano's statements, I wrote Letters to my Senators and the Governor of NYS where I reside. My family and friends wrote letters as I encourage them by sending them a copy of my letter.
- Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning

Unfortunately your Obama Clock is off by four years. Remember Perot? Think these folks aren’t smart enough to divide and conquer?
- Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mayo Clinic in Arizona to Stop Treating Some Medicare Patients

The Mayo Clinic, praised by President Barack Obama as a national model for efficient health care, will stop accepting Medicare patients as of tomorrow at one of its primary-care clinics in Arizona, saying the U.S. government pays too little.
- Friday, January 1, 2010

North Magnetic Pole Moving Due to Core Flux

Earth's north magnetic pole is racing toward Russia at almost 40 miles (64 kilometers) a year due to magnetic changes in the planet's core, new research says.
- Friday, January 1, 2010

The time is now to declare total war on Islamic extremism

Many patriots, within hours of the North West Airline near-disaster pointed to the waffling statements of Attorney General Eric Holder and Home Land Security Secretary Janet Napolitano…their excuses, failing to recognize reality, insisting that foreign, Islamic individuals creating disasters are criminal actions rather than acts of terror were astounding. Obama’s weak “better not do that anymore” statements are worse than keeping quiet.
- Thursday, December 31, 2009
