
Herman Cain

Herman Cain’s column is distributed by CainTV, which can be found at Herman Cain

Most Recent Articles by Herman Cain:

Democrat denials, distractions and lies

I know we have documented some of the Democrat denials, distractions and lies before, but the list just keeps on growing. Sadly, many Democrat supporters just look the other way, and it's not toward Republicans.
- Tuesday, September 6, 2016

I introduced Mike Pence in Atlanta last night . . .

I was honored beyond words last night to have been asked to introduce Gov. Mike Pence when he visited Atlanta last night. And while he made a lot of great points in his speech last night
- Tuesday, August 30, 2016

S.I.N. on steroids

Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign has resorted to S.I.N. on steroids! What’s that, you ask?
- Monday, August 29, 2016

Let a real CEO, not the media, tell you why Trump is making changes to his campaign

I always find it amusing when the political media try to analyze why changes are made to a candidate’s campaign structure. The storylines are always predictable: It’s a “shakeup” in response to “bad poll numbers” or “internal strife” or something along those lines, helpfully explained by people who have never had leadership positions in their lives.
- Thursday, August 18, 2016

Try economic prosperity math to pick your candidate

If I toss a term like "dynamic economic analysis" by you, you could be excused for thinking it sounds like a bunch of esoteric nonsense that college professors would sit around and talk about.
- Monday, August 15, 2016

Trump's right: The media's rigged the game . . . but he has to overcome it

I could feel Donald Trump’s frustration from thousands of miles away. I’d been there. In the course of a campaign for president, you say something that isn’t as clear as it could be. The political class calls statements like this “inartful” for some reason. You know what you meant. It’s easy enough to explain it.
- Sunday, August 14, 2016

Side by side, the Trump card shows what really matters

Now that the Republican and Democrat National Conventions are over, and the media are consumed with political noise and manipulated polls, it's time to focus on the big differences between Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
- Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Relax: A moment in time doesn't determine what will happen in November

Presidential campaigns have very high points, very low points and lots of slogging in between. I can certainly tell you about that. And the past week saw more than a few rough spots for Donald Trump, whose failure to be measured in the things he said gave his media enemies the perfect excuse to paint him as erratic and out of control.
- Sunday, August 7, 2016

Science confirms: Laughter really is the best medicine

I suppose the last thing we need is for someone to take laughter and make it all serious, but I want you to know what a lot of serious scholars are starting to recognize: Laughing is good for you. It makes you healthier, more relaxed and less tense. It relieves stress. It even boosts your immune system!
- Thursday, August 4, 2016

If only that shrieking Hillary speech had anything to do with reality

Once she got past the platitudes, Hillary Clinton spun quite a tale on Thursday night about the realities of modern-day America. She’s not as skillful a liar as her husband, but I suppose anyone interested in lying would do so pretty confidently if they were sure they would not get called out for the lies.
- Sunday, July 31, 2016

Where's the beef?

"Where's the beef?" was a very popular and memorable advertising theme for Wendy's three decades ago. It highlighted the amount of beef in its burgers versus the competition.
- Thursday, July 28, 2016

Why I talked about peace through strength with clarity

When I ran for president, I summed up my thinking on foreign policy with the term “peace through strength with clarity.” To help demonstrate what this meant, we created a map that clearly labeled certain nations. Britain was a friend. Russia was a rival. Various nations in the Middle East represented threats.
- Sunday, July 17, 2016
