
Michael Oberndorf, RPA

The son of a German immigrant, I am an archaeologist by profession, with a BA from Metropolitan State College of Denver, and an MA from Leicester University, in England. Over the years, I have lived and worked all over the country, and traveled in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. I sincerely believe in the old saying, “America, love it or leave it.”

Most Recent Articles by Michael Oberndorf, RPA:

Impending Implosion

Shortly after I commented on the Ministry of Propaganda, aka the “mainstream” media and the Republican establishment, and their Herculean efforts to con and bully voters into voting for candidates who can’t possibly win, big time RINO, Jon Huntsman announced his candidacy for president, and the Ministry went gaga. They tried to make him sound like the savior of the Republican Party and the reincarnation of Ronald Reagan. Not even close.
- Sunday, June 26, 2011

Transparent Neo-fascism

Obama-Soetoro and his unindicted Democrat co-conspirators made a big deal of “transparency” when they took over the government back in 2008, and indeed, it’s not hard to see right through them. Card-carrying looney, Nancy Pelosi, vowed to “drain the swamp,” an odd turn of a phrase, since it was Democrats and their environmental extremist allies who magically transformed swamps into “wetlands.” Ever since, though, all they have done is lie and cover up their own corruption.
- Friday, June 24, 2011

It Ain’t a Horserace, Doodah, Doodah

Even though who we elect to our state legislatures and to the federal House and Senate is, in reality of the power and effect they have on our daily lives, far more important than who we elect as president, we always seem to put most of our political energy and enthusiasm into the presidential race. This year seems to be no different. On the Republican side, a few candidates have emerged, and this lineup will likely change before the first primaries are over. Some are really good, some clearly are lacking, but it’s up to us to decide who our nominee will be, not the Republican Party “leadership,” and clearly not the so-called “mainstream” media.
- Sunday, June 19, 2011

Another One of Those Weeks

The fun just do not stop, do it? It’s been another one of those weeks, when every day has brought new jaw-dropping revelations about the unbridled, unmitigated, unabashed corruption of what formerly was “our” government. We have an election coming in about a year and a half, and we clearly have our work cut out for ourselves. But I’ll come back to that after a brief summary of the abuse America has been subjected to this week, by her erroneously appointed, and self-anointed “leaders.”
- Saturday, June 18, 2011

Democrat Political Exercise: Bend and Stretch the Law

Unless you’ve been safely tucked away in a cave on the dark side of the moon for the past 200 years, you probably know that Democrats invented election fraud. The most recent example of their talent and expertise was the special election in New York’s 26th Congressional District, where a far left Democrat masqueraded as a Tea Party candidate. Correctly counting on the laziness of voters to know who they are actually voting for – does “Barak Hussein Obama” ring a bell? – he managed to garner nine percent of the conservative vote, allowing the openly declared liberal Democrat to win.
- Monday, June 13, 2011

Watermelon Economics

As the economy prepares to tank again, this time perhaps into a full-blown depression, even socialist leaders in the failing European Union are complaining about the total lack of effort put out by the Fraud in the White House to create new private sector jobs. Fact is, Obama-Soetoro and his merry band of unindicted neo-fascist co-conspirators can’t even maintain the government hiring that drove the fake recovery of last year. America is not just broke, but thanks to wildly profligate spending by Democrats over just the past two years, we are so far in the hole, we may, like Zimbabwe, never get out.
- Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dithering and Caving

How did it come about that Congress got so overloaded with Republicans who want to bend over backwards to accommodate a “president” who hates America, and tramples on the Constitution on a daily basis? It appears they are going to allow the debt ceiling to be raised with only minor cuts in spending, if that. This at a time when what is left of our economy is about to finish the collapse the Democrats have worked so hard to bring about. Our Republican “leadership” can’t choose between dithering or caving. Oh, the tough choices! No wonder they pay themselves four times what the average American makes – plus expenses!
- Saturday, June 4, 2011

One Potato, Two Potato

One of the hardest things about writing occasional columns, rather than daily ones, is choosing which of the myriad of outrageous goings on to focus on. The spectacle of our supposed president out gallivanting around the EU with an entourage of hundreds, making an absolute fool of himself, all while thousands in the Midwest search for and bury their dead loved-ones, and try to figure out how they will rebuild their shattered lives, is tempting.
- Saturday, May 28, 2011

Leaders and Liars

The liars in the Ministry of Propaganda, aka, the “mainstream” media, have long been aware of the Nazi concept that if you tell a lie often enough, people will come to believe it. Concomitantly, a working premise for them is that a lie is as good as the truth, if you can get people to believe it. The current crop of corrupt politicians occupying the positions of power in Washington testify to the truth of these ideas.
- Sunday, May 22, 2011

After Pinocchio-on-the-Potomac we need to vet all candidates

Whether the voters like it or not, and whether they care or not, politicians have declared that the coffee break is over and the campaign for the presidential election, to be held in November, 2012 – over 600 days from now – has officially begun. Be still, my raging heart. Thus, since the fool who currently occupies the White House is already using our tax dollars to pay for his campaign appearances, it is time to remind voters who this guy really is.
- Saturday, May 14, 2011

Spineless Parasites

If there is anyone left out there who still doesn’t get why the Tea Parties are pretty much done with the Republican Party, a recent Senate vote should finally bring on the Great Epiphany. In a cloture vote this week, 11 senators voted with Democrats, allowing the Marxist/neo-fascist Democrats to approve the nomination by Obama-Soetoro of a former director of Planned Parenthood to a federal district court judgeship.
- Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Judas Media

The badly misnomered “mainstream” media have been outdoing themselves lately in their efforts to bring down capitalist America, as the propaganda machine of the neo-fascist left. The notion that they are even aware of mainstream American thought is a Big Lie, in and of itself. The radical leftists whose agenda they push amount to at most 20 percent of Americans, although calling these traitors American is an insult to the rest of us.
- Saturday, April 23, 2011

Charlie Brown Redux

Many of you remember how in the old Charles Schultz comic strip, “Peanuts,” for years and years, Lucy would coax Charlie Brown into kicking the football while she held it. And every year, she would pull it away at the last minute, and Charlie Brown would go flying through the air, and crash to the ground, flat on his back.
- Monday, April 18, 2011

Decision Time

Betrayed again. However, if you were not expecting it, you’ve probably been living in a small cave on the dark side of the moon for the past 15 years. As with the globalist Marxist/fascist Democrat Party, many of us have come to realize that the all establishment Republicans, including Sun Tan Boehner, Mitch McConnell, and a host of other senators and congressmen, are totally incapable of standing even close to firm on principle. They think they must “compromise” on everything, that to stand on principle is to be seen as partisan, and God forbid that should happen. I mean, what would Democrats and independents think!
- Monday, April 11, 2011

Anything But Peaceful

I was going to write about the fact that, of late, many conservatives have cried foul at the betrayal of us by the Republican Party. Very justifiable, in my never humble opinion. But we must never forget that while most of the Republicans in congress are duplicitous phonies, they are wimpy schoolboys, compared to the lying, corrupt, bullying, radical leftist traitors who are the Democrat Party. And it is we, the working people of America, and America as a sovereign nation, who are their targets.
- Tuesday, April 5, 2011

We Want Out

As a conservative, I am appalled by the “leadership” of the Republican Party. In spite of a crystal-clear message, sent by voters in the last elections, that only the severely retarded or the willfully blind could miss, they are charging ahead with Business as Usual. For all his tough conservative talk, Sun-tan Boehner might as well be a Democrat when it comes to acting. Socialist Obamacare and the Democrat’s addiction to borrowing and spending have nothing to fear, at least as far as Boehner and the Establishment Republicans in the House are concerned. Only about 50 of ‘em are standing up against raising the debt ceiling, and the rest just bleat a bit for the hometown papers, and then follow along to the slaughter like the good little bought-and-paid-for sheep that they are.
- Sunday, March 27, 2011

Missing inaction

We really, really, need, more than just about anything else, to impeach Barak Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro. As the world has spun out-of-control over the past few weeks, Soetoro/Obama has been conspicuously missing. It’s as if he thinks he was elected just to play golf, throw lavish parties, take extravagant vacations, and go on foreign junkets, all at taxpayer expense, but not to soil his dainty hands by actually doing the work of a president. The Middle East is exploding, but B. Hussein is more interested in the NCAA basketball playoffs than the skyrocketing price of oil and gasoline. In Japan, economic and physical disaster rule, so the Man Who Would Be King high-tails it to Rio. The world burns and the Fool in the White House fiddles.
- Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sleight of hand

One of the main tools a magician uses to fool people is sleight of hand. He gets your attention fixed on one hand, while the other is doing all sorts of things he doesn't want you to notice. A lot like the Democrats and the media. While our attention is drawn to the revolting Middle East, and the revolting union circus in the Middle West, the Senate is about to pass the Kenyan/Indonesian-in-the-White House's insane budget. And like expensive drugs, it will be largely uncut.
- Friday, March 4, 2011

Democracy, Totalitarian Style, or Cheesy, Indeed

The despicable spectacle being staged in Wisconsin by Democrats and their public employee union storm troopers should be a real wake-up call to Americans still dozing on the couch. These jack-booted thugs are out to trample our republic into the mud, and replace it with, it seems, a Soviet-style democracy, where you have free speech and votes, as long as they agree with the Party line. The fact that the majority of Wisconsin voters gave Governor Scott Walker and the Republicans in the state legislature a mandate means nothing to these lawless, greedy Democrats. They apparently believe that elections mean nothing, unless Democrats win them. Whoever is in office must bow down to their greedy, ever-increasing demands for big, taxpayer funded salaries, and absurdly large benefit packages, also paid for by the public.
- Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Speaking of lies

As frustration with being relegated to minority party status grows, the leftist lies spewing out of Washington are increasing. In Wisconsin, the thug-left takeover of the state capitol is being spun as a democratic uprising of the workers, rather than a totalitarian trampling of the law and the will of the voters. The governor of Wisconsin was elected by the majority and is doing exactly what he was elected to do. This lawlessness, not surprisingly, is being egged on by the Kenyan/Usurper in the White House, who claims it’s an attack on unions. Would that it were! Busting the public employee unions would go a long way toward alleviating state and federal budget deficits.
- Saturday, February 19, 2011
