
Michael Oberndorf, RPA

The son of a German immigrant, I am an archaeologist by profession, with a BA from Metropolitan State College of Denver, and an MA from Leicester University, in England. Over the years, I have lived and worked all over the country, and traveled in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. I sincerely believe in the old saying, “America, love it or leave it.”

Most Recent Articles by Michael Oberndorf, RPA:


Well, America, you stand corrected. We have just learned that our government has been wasting its time for over 200 years, producing absolutely unnecessary budgets every year. And this must be true, because the source is none other than the brilliant, world-renowned expert in everything, and notorious political hack, Steny Hoyer (D-MD). No wonder the country has prospered so in the past three years, balancing the budget, reducing the deficit, paying off the national debt, helping to create full employment, lowering prices, and raising our standard of living!
- Saturday, February 11, 2012

Extreme Extremism

Since Obama-Soetoro got “elected”, many of us “far-right extremists” have repeatedly talked about his extreme Marxist views, his anti-Americanism, his disdain for the Constitution, his Muslim sympathies, his racism. We have, time and time again, tried to raise the alarm over his illegal acts, amounting to a long list of high crimes and misdemeanors. We have tried to shed light on his totally unconstitutional “czars,” many of whom are, like Obama-Soetoro, far-left, radical Marxists and who are much more like soviet commissars than federal administrators.
- Wednesday, February 8, 2012

As Rome Burns

The State of Disunion speech was predictable: All our problems are the fault of The Rich not paying enough taxes. The millionaire Marxist, who has never had a real job, yet has somehow has gotten “filthy” rich, demands fairness! But what, pray tell, is even remotely fair about 47 percent of the population paying zero, zip, nada in taxes, yet soaking up a hugely disproportionate share of what the taxes go to pay for? The Saul Alinsky version of Marxism that Obama-Soetoro adheres to, appears to define fairness as those who worked hard to get an education so they could get a good job, must now hand over most of what they sweated and sacrificed to earn to the willfully ignorant who have never worked hard at anything in their lives.
- Monday, January 30, 2012

Cooling and Cool

To me, happiness is heading south until when you show someone a snow shovel, they say, “What the heck is that?” So, mah fellow Amuricans, it’s with a heavy heart that I tell you that global warming is definitely not happening, and, massive propaganda from the leftist media and Marxist/neo-fascist Academia notwithstanding, a mini-ice age appears to be on the way. Oh, well.
- Sunday, January 29, 2012

Laser-like Focus

The election of a president in this country has become anything other than a contest among qualified executives willing to work as a public servant to the American people, for four arduous years. Instead, it has become a) a huge, years-long distraction, used by the left to take attention away from the continuous flow of destructive bills, executive orders, regulations, administrative rules, and legislation disguised as judicial rulings from judges at every level of the judiciary; b) a huge business worth several billion dollars, that ties up thousands of people who should be doing something productive, but in fact, do even less of value than the “green energy industry;” and c) as a result of a) and b), keeps people from expending the time and attention needed to elect honest, capable, Constitution-supporting senators and representatives. A quick look at the current Congress and the state of the country should leave not a shadow of a doubt in anyone’s mind that this is true.
- Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tipping Point

We reached a tipping point last weekend. The Fraud in the White House threw all pretense of adherence to the Constitution to the wind and made several blatantly illegal “recess” appointments of extreme leftists to positions of power within the government. Clearly, this was a move to avoid letting the Senate exercise its advise-and-consent authority over appointments. The thing is, Congress was not in recess, so the move was illegal.
- Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ten Months and Counting

It’s ironic that Obama-Soetoro should have put so many lumps of coal in American’s Christmas stockings this year, since one of them was EPA regulations designed to kill the coal industry itself. However, that was but one of many really evil, dangerous, and destructive acts performed this year by the would-be Marxist dictator currently squatting in the White House. In collusion with his stooges in the Senate and the House, he took some giant steps that shredded the Constitution and moved us to the very brink of totalitarian rule.
- Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Oppressing Ahead

With less than a year left until the 2012 elections, it behooves Americans to review the past and make plans for the future. If we don’t, there may be no future, at least not one free people will play a part in. A fawning article from the AP, the source of much of the fodder for the leftist propaganda machine, spills the proverbial beans about what we can expect to see from Obama-Soetoro and his band of merry fascists in the coming months.
- Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Promise Kept

Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro is a sociopathic liar. He says what he thinks his audience on a given day wants to hear, promising the sun and the moon. The next day, he will say the total opposite, if that’s what the new audience wants. He’s not a flip-flopper, he’s a compulsive liar. However, there is one promise he made, back during the 2008 campaign, that it appears he’s not going back on and is actually going to keep. Unfortunately for the American people, it’s a promise that will cost us dearly, and possible destroy us as a viable economic nation.
- Monday, December 26, 2011

Deadly Virus

There’s a deadly virus infecting the body politic of America. It’s destroying American’s ability to think, and making many delusional, unable to separate truth from lies, fantasy from reality. As our quality of life vanishes before our very eyes, as our once peaceful country degenerates into a violent police state, as our freedoms and constitutional rights are stripped away by the strokes of government pens, Americans, like lemmings or the rats of Hamlin, troop blindly toward disaster, unable to see the fatal drop-off ahead.
- Saturday, December 24, 2011

All I Want For Christmas

Only a couple of weeks until Christmas. This used to be the best loved holiday--originally, Holy Day--in America, but unrelenting attacks on Christianity by the leftist, atheistic Democrats have taken some of the joy out of the season. For me, though, the attacks just reinforce my commitment to actively striving to help put the country back on a track that will lead us back to an honest, Constitutional America, with her traditional Judeo-Christian morals and values.
- Sunday, December 11, 2011

Democrat Racism

Let me begin by recalling an afternoon in the summer of 1955, when I was 11 years-old. I had gone to the movies in Bethesda, Maryland, and found that there was a group of picketers outside the Heiser Theater, calling on the owner to desegregate. In those days, black people had to sit in the balcony, separate from the white people sitting on the main floor, below. A neighbor was one of the picketers, so I joined in, too, having been raised to believe that character and actions, not skin color, was what differentiates people. I believed it then, and I believe it now.
- Saturday, November 26, 2011

Drowning in the Swamp

The world’s largest collection of spineless parasites – the U.S. Senate – has been just a beehive of activity lately. Apparently, to celebrate the November Atonement Feast and the Winter Diversity Festival in December (formerly, Thanksgiving and Christmas), they have moved beyond dithering and caving to outright active destruction of the country.
- Saturday, November 19, 2011

No Fear, Indeed

Late breaking, but hardly surprising, corruption news, reported by the ever-so-liberal Los Angeles Times, no less:
- Sunday, November 13, 2011

Murder Most Foul

Corruption is a gross understatement when describing Obama-Soetoro, his administration, and his party’s activities since they took power in 2008. Three continuous years of looting and lawlessness have brought American government to a heretofore inconceivable state of degeneracy.
- Saturday, November 12, 2011

Endemic Corruption

In its original sense, the word corruption meant rotting, putrification, as in dead or infected flesh. It’s still an accurate description of the condition of today’s body politic. Not a day goes by anymore without news of a new discovery of fraud, theft, and abuse of power by those entrusted with positions of authority.
- Saturday, November 5, 2011

Random Thoughts

It’s been cold lately, especially in the mornings. Snow in Denver and New York. Not unusual in late October, when one lives up north, but I’m about as far south as y’all can git. Global warming is getting out of hand. But then, so is our government.
- Sunday, October 30, 2011

High Crimes

A reasonable person, such as you or I, would probably say that involvement in acts that resulted in murder constitutes a high crime. It would certainly become one, if the perpetrators went on to lie and cover up their involvement. It has become quite clear that Attorney General Eric Holder, perhaps Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, and highly likely, their boss, Usurper Barak Hussein Obama-Soetoro, were involved in just such a crime and cover-up with Project Gunrunner and Fast and Furious.
- Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Lords of Tolerance

The mind boggles at the fact that there are still people who have not grasped the simple truth that Obama-Soetoro and his Democrat allies and base are radical, revolutionary Marxists, out to destroy the country.
- Sunday, October 16, 2011

Obama Autumn

I just finished another cross-country trip, and as usual, was struck by the vast amounts of open, untouched space there is in America. The only place one encounters the “sprawl” that “environmentalists” so hysterically rail against is around big cities, where normal, intelligent people have fled the deteriorating urban war zones that the Democrat-run inner cities have been for the past 40 years.
- Wednesday, October 12, 2011
