
Michael Oberndorf, RPA

The son of a German immigrant, I am an archaeologist by profession, with a BA from Metropolitan State College of Denver, and an MA from Leicester University, in England. Over the years, I have lived and worked all over the country, and traveled in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. I sincerely believe in the old saying, “America, love it or leave it.”

Most Recent Articles by Michael Oberndorf, RPA:

Bad Juju

Just in case you’ve been visiting relatives on the dark side of the Moon for the past few months, and aren’t up to speed on the latest events, I’d like to point out that the Middle East, under the guiding hands of the Only Adult in the Room, and the Smartest Woman in America, is about to disintegrate into regional war and chaos of historic, unprecedented proportions.
- Sunday, November 25, 2012

Historic, Unprecedented Depravity

Barack Hussein Obama has once more done things that are, as the Fifth Column Media used to love to call them, historic and unprecedented. This time, however, most of the Fifth Column traitors are trying to cover them up, rather than ram ‘em down our throats. I speak, of course, of the unmitigated horror show in Benghazi and the subsequent cover-up by Obama and his administration.
- Saturday, November 3, 2012

End It Now

I don’t know about you, but I have had way more than enough of a constant barrage of lying and lawlessness from what used to be my government. I am totally done with watching the Constitution being used by the ruling minority as a doormat to be trampled on a daily basis. I am through tolerating having our treasury looted by the Marxist administration and their fellow travelers in the so-called Democratic Party, and the “redistribution” to their fascist cronies. I am not going to allow radicals that many, including me, believe are occupying the Executive Branch illegally to continue destroy the American economy and impoverish our people in order to bring about a socialist dictatorship. I have also had more than enough of silence and acquiescence from what is supposed to be the conservative, opposition party in Congress.
- Saturday, October 27, 2012

Taqiyya or Treat?

When is lying and deception acceptable? To civilized westerners, i.e., non-Muslims, never, although it’s overlooked when done to spare someone from being unnecessarily hurt by the truth, as in white lies. However, Islam has taqiyya, in which lying and deception is intentionally done to deceive non-believers in order to defeat them. It’s something we are seeing every day, abroad and at home.
- Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fleeing Failure

Over the past few weeks, it has become undeniably clear that those supposedly in charge of our government:
  1. are totally unqualified to be in charge;
  2. have hidden policy agendas that most Americans would call treasonous;
  3. have instituted policies that have resulted in the deaths of at least one ambassador, two government agents, three embassy staff, hundreds of Mexican citizens, and hundreds of American soldiers in Afghanistan and elsewhere;
  4. have brought the nation to the brink of economic and perhaps social collapse. Moreover, they have consistently and repeatedly lied, and attempted to cover up all of it. It has also become despicably clear that those supposedly in charge of our government have no intention of taking responsibility for their actions.
- Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Obama and Clinton Must Resign – NOW!

Purported President Barack “Barry Soetoro” Hussein Obama, and so-called Secretary of State Hillary Clinton must resign immediately. No ifs, ands, or buts. Pack up their things and get the h*ll out of Washington, today. This woman, The Smartest Woman in America, and her boss, The Smartest Man in the Room, have just shown the world that they are anything but.
- Friday, September 14, 2012

Only Ourselves to Blame

It has been my experience that conservatives are not stupid. In fact, they tend to be of well above average intelligence, able to grasp complicated issues and understand “nuances.” In addition, they have been a political majority since the 1950s. How then, have we been conned, hoodwinked, and manipulated into letting the Left dictate what is morally right and wrong, what the clear and simple language of the Constitution actually means, what should be taught in our schools, to the exclusion of all else, what constitutes patriotism, the purpose and value of our military, the rights of private property owners, the condition and how we are allowed to use the “environment,” and darn near everything else in the lives of Americans today?
- Sunday, September 9, 2012

Isaac Ain’t Katrina, Final Part

As I predicted, it was the slow movement of Isaac and the rain that caused the problems on the Gulf Coast. Isaac was never the killer storm Katrina was. Sadly, a handful of people died, but nothing even slightly approaching the hundreds killed by Katrina. The criminal media – for their outrageous attempts to turn this disaster into a partisan political event were nothing short of criminal in their distraction away from the real, immediate dangers posed by the storm – failed, utterly, to create the fear, panic, and finger-pointing blame they had intended.
- Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Isaac Ain’t Katrina, Part III

I stuck my head outside this morning, and not a sign of a drop of rain, yet. Still a breeze, but no rain. The National Hurricane Center still has Isaac as a tropical storm, sustained winds 70 mph. The rainfall model is downgrading, too, suggesting the storm is shrinking, not growing.
- Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Isaac Ain’t Katrina, Part II

By four o’clock on Monday, the sky had become overcast and a breeze had started to blow. Not a wind yet, just a breeze, but with the occasional gust hinting that things were probably going to get more “interesting.” Isaac is still just a tropical storm though, since the National Hurricane Center has the wind speed at four o’clock at 70 mph. Seventy-four is the minimum for calling it a Category 1 hurricane. My neighbors spent an hour or so earlier in the afternoon, nailing sheets of plywood over windows. I rent, so that probably won’t happen at my house. However, I did go out and gather up all the stuff that sits around on the ground, and moved it up onto my back porch where it is less likely to be blown into the next parish.
- Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Isaac Ain’t Katrina

For days in advance, the models showed Isaac heading tight up the west coast of Florida. Not. As soon as the Republicans cancelled the first day of their convention in Tampa, the models all showed Isaac tracking much further west into the Gulf of Mexico. No surprise to those of us who had been tracking the storm from its inception. The track up the coast made no sense.
- Monday, August 27, 2012

The Aging New Left

In the 1960s, the left experienced a resurgence, financed mostly by Moscow through a variety of front groups, and focused on American college campuses. Ever-so-intellectual, they dubbed themselves the New Left, suggesting that they had taken a quantum leap beyond the monolithic bureaucracy of Stalin, and even transcending the moral incentives of Mao.
- Sunday, August 19, 2012

I.O.U? No. We owe them.

Did you know that since The Smartest Man in the Room took office in 2008, the federal debt, as a percentage of the Gross Domestic Product, has gone from 69.7 percent to 104.8 percent (estimated). This means that we are spending more than we produce, and the forecast is for it to continue for the next decade. Unprecedented! Historic! But, as he is so fond of pointing out, he didn’t do it alone. He had LOTS of help.
- Monday, July 30, 2012

Oil, Jobs, and National Security

As promised, Doc Hastings (R-WA), along with my congressman, Jeff Landry (R-LA), and 22 other patriotic, America supporting members of the House Natural Resources Committee, passed H.R. 6082, The Congressional Replacement of President Obama's Energy-Restricting and Job-Limiting Offshore Drilling Plan. As reported in the committee’s weekly newsletter:
- Sunday, July 22, 2012

If They Were Actually Serious About Jobs…

My congressman, Jeff Landry (R-LA) is one of the most conservative representatives in Washington, and sits on the Natural Resources Committee. When Republicans are in the majority, this is one of the most important committees on the Hill, in terms of making sure that America has the resources she needs to supply her people and industries with the energy and raw materials to be the capitalist industrial power that is – or rather, was – the envy of the world.
- Sunday, July 15, 2012

Incredibly Stupid Voters

Say what you will about California, there are categories in which they clearly lead the nation. Unfortunately, having incredibly stupid voters is one of the biggest. Under the watchful eye of Governor Gray Davis, the California legislature ran up a deficit of around $38 billion dollars, a debt that would rank it 55th out of 183 nations, using today’s debt figures. The outraged people of California, therefore, recalled Davis, only the second governor in history to suffer such an indignity.
- Friday, July 6, 2012

Lies, Taxes, and RINOs

Anyone with an IQ over room temperature who has spent even a short time looking into the claims “environmentalists” make to justify sending free, capitalist, Space Age America back to the Stone Age, has discovered that the vast majority of their claims are flat out lies.
- Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Courting Disaster

Over the past 60 years, American courts have done more to damage America and the freedoms guaranteed to us by our constitution than all of our enemies combined.
- Friday, June 29, 2012

Fast and Furious, Indeed

Fast and Furious could easily be used to describe events of the past week. Each day found my jaw hitting the floor as my mouth dropped open again and again. Sometimes it was at good news, sometimes at bad, and sometimes at plain old OMG unbelievable.
- Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bend It ‘Til It Breaks

America has long been seen by the people of the world as the beacon of freedom, the Shining City on the Hill, a place where citizens breathe free and no dream is impossible. We rose above all other nations in this respect. And it was our Constitution and the Rule of Law that made this possible.
- Saturday, June 16, 2012
