
News on the Net

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Are Your Eyes Mismatched?

Leo Durocher, the fiery win-at-all-costs baseball player, and later manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, once remarked, “I never question the integrity of umpires. Their eyesight? Yes!” Durocher would have questioned their eyesight more if he had known they were suffering from aniseikonia. So, should anyone care about this condition? And why do so many suffer this visual problem when it can be corrected?
- Monday, March 27, 2017

We are almost $20 TRILLION dollars in debt, our infrastructure is crumbling, our military is weak

We are almost $20 TRILLION dollars in debt, our infrastructure is crumbling, our military is weak, we have a drug problem, our cities are hurting, our borders are not secure, our veterans are neglected, and our education lags behind much of the world. Fixing this will be painful and require sacrifice. Sacred cow programs will be cut, projects will be unfunded, government agencies and employees will be downsized or cut. Stop whining, none of this has to be permanent but it does have to be done. No person or entity can spend its way to prosperity. Solid financial footing is liberating. Ask anyone who has paid off their debts. I am so tired of people thinking that the problems of life can be fixed without pain. Please grow up, be the adult, set the example. Not in my backyard, not my favorite cause, not my family? Yes, your life, my life, everyone's life will be impacted. I'm happy to do that so my grandchildren don't inherit the mess we have now. No blame, there is enough to go around. Just solutions.
- Friday, March 17, 2017

The Duelling Senators: Rand Paul and John McCain duke it out

Arizona Sen. John McCain said Wednesday that Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul is “working” for Russian President Vladimir Putin, after Paul blocked the ratification of a treaty that would enable Montenegro to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. “If there is objection you are achieving the objectives of Vladimir Putin, you are achieving the objectives of trying to dismember this small country, which has already been the subject of a small coup,” McCain said. -- More...

Rand Paul Responds to John McCain: Senator From Arizona Is "Unhinged" and "Past His Prime"

Sen. Rand Paul responds to attacks from Sen. John McCain on this morning's 'Morning Joe.' ON Thursday, Paul released this statement: "Currently, the United States has troops in dozens of countries and is actively fighting in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen (with the occasional drone strike in Pakistan). In addition, the United States is pledged to defend 28 countries in NATO. It is unwise to expand the monetary and military obligations of the United States given the burden of our $20 trillion debt." More...
- Thursday, March 16, 2017

Over 20 Billion dollars of Mexico's economy depends on the income from people here in our country.

We have long known that many, if not most, illegal workers (and many legal ones) are sending their money back to their families. This removes from our economy and helps theirs. Don't think it is a big deal? Mexico's biggest export is people. People who vote in Mexico (and maybe here as well), who send money home. Over 20 Billion dollars of Mexico's economy depends on the income from people here in our country. Meanwhile, our people are unemployed or under employed and wages are suppressed. Perhaps you can see the reason Mexico meddles in our politics? Want to rise the minimum wage? Remove illegal workers from the equation and wages will rise, supply and demand works. And as a bonus, our economy will be enhanced by a lot of that 20 billion dollars. that currently goes to Mexico.
- Tuesday, March 7, 2017

President Trump Reverses Obama's Lawless Bathroom Directive

WASHINGTON, D.C. - President Donald Trump is expected to revoke the Obama administration's lawless directive that sought to impose a so-called transgender or "bathroom" directive on public schools. The Obama directive would have forced schools to allow boys to uses the bathrooms and locker rooms with which they subjectively self-identify rather than their biological sex. Obama's directive threatened school funding if schools did not comply.
- Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Judicial Watch to Represent Veteran Prosecuted for ‘Posting’ American Flag on Veteran’s Affairs Center Fence on Memorial Day

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today announced it will provide legal representation to Robert L. Rosebrock, a Vietnam-era veteran who faces federal criminal charges for displaying two four by six inch American flags outside a Veterans Affairs (VA) fence on Memorial Day, May 30, 2016. Trial will begin on March 7, 2017, in Los Angeles, CA.
- Tuesday, February 21, 2017

College Socialist Group Incites Children to Chant: ‘Kill Donald Trump’

Radicals at the University of Central Florida who dub themselves the “Knights for Socialist” showcased their kind and loving natures – not – during a recent event in which they incited children to join in a chant that went something like this: “Kill Donald Trump.”
- Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Evangelicals Pleading, Pushing, and Promoting More Refugees from Middle East!

Many Evangelical leaders who beat the drums for more immigration, amnesty, and sanctuary cities are moral cripples who have sold out for payment, power, or position. Such religious leaders who are afraid to swim against the tide of public opinion and be labeled conservative or fundamentalist (gasp!) are moral cripples who are not aware of their limp and crooked walk.
- Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Is Morality Relative?

The Beyoncé lyrics that I quoted are tame compared to most of what we bob our heads and shake things to daily throughout the country. It’s just too ironic that Beyoncé and Jay-Z (who is every bit the misogynist Trump is) headlined Hillary Clinton’s final campaign rally. The charts and clubs tell the truth about what people want to hear. You could literally take the most lewd parts of any leaked Trump recording, auto-tune it, add a beat and some grunting noises, and have a #1 hit. Oh, and make a video for it that objectifies women as much as possible. People love that too. But #notmypresident.
- Wednesday, February 1, 2017

President Trump & British Prime Minister Theresa May Press Conference

British Prime Minister Theresa May says President Donald Trump has reaffirmed both countries' "unshakeable commitment" to the NATO military alliance. Trump had rattled European allies by suggesting NATO is "obsolete" and that the United States might not come to the aid of countries that don't meet targets for their own defense spending. May's comments after their meeting Friday are meant to put that concern to rest. She says the two also agreed it is important for member countries to "invest properly to face our shared challenges together." May also says she extended an invitation to visit England on behalf of the queen and that Trump has accepted.
- Friday, January 27, 2017

Watch live: March for Life live feed of events, speeches in D.C.

WASHINGTON - The 44th annual March for Life is being held in Washington on Friday. The demonstration by abortion rights opponents will begin with a time of musical reflection at 11:45 a.m. ET, followed by a rally at noon. The march itself is set to begin at 1 p.m. ET.
- Friday, January 27, 2017
