
David C. Jennings

David Jennings is an ex-pat Brit. living in California. A Christian Minister he advocates for Traditional & Conservative causes. David is also an avid fan of Liverpool Football Club and writes for the supporters club in America David Jennings can be found on Twitter His blog can be read here

Most Recent Articles by David C. Jennings:

Marriage at First Sight - where British strangers get married on TV

Channel 4 in the UK, the station that has already given us Sex-in-a-Box, ‘Benefits Street’ – exploiting the unemployed, and the live Ramadan call to prayer will now produce a programme where strangers are married to each other on-air and the cameras follow them for six weeks to see how it works out.
- Saturday, May 10, 2014

Defeating racism: grace and the high road defeat fines, court action and boycotts!

Breaking earlier this week in the American news (that would travel globally) were the audio recordings of Donald Sterling, owner of Basketball's Los Angeles Clippers, who was taped making racially foolish comments which one could reasonably conclude as meaning he doesn't really like black people. The release of the comments, recorded by Sterling's mistress (young enough to be his granddaughter) and released to the highly accurate TMZ, caused an immediate firestorm of protest within the NBA community and Sports media at large. Eighty year-old Sterling was recorded as saying to Mistress Vanessa Stiviano (31): "It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you're associating with black people. Do you have to? You can sleep with [black people]. You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want (but) the little I ask you is ... not to bring them to my games. ...Don't put him [Magic Johnson] on an Instagram for the world to have to see so they have to call me. And don't bring him to my games."
- Friday, May 2, 2014

David Cameron’s Christian Nation

Britain’s Prime Minister doesn’t get a very good grade for his Christian faith. He once compared it to FM reception in the rolling Chiltern Hills, a conservative bastion containing much beauty and even more of his party’s voters.
- Saturday, April 26, 2014

Christian Nursery Worker in London sacked for expressing a Biblical opinion

Sarah Mbuyi had worked at Newpark Childcare in London since April last year. A lesbian woman began work at the four-facility Centre in September and the two women formed a working friendship with Mbuyi claiming the other was intensely interested in her Christian beliefs.
- Wednesday, April 23, 2014

British Political Establishment braces for impact in upcoming Euro elections

Britain’s ‘big three’ political parties don’t just look over their shoulder at the upstart UK Independence Party anymore, often times they now look up ahead at them. And with Euro elections (UKIP’s strong point) approaching in May for the first time there seems to be real concern amongst political and media elites that a permanent shift is taking place.
- Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Climate Change Nazi in Ireland

One of the delightful things about the global warming advocates is that they all seem to be on the same page, changing their arguments in synch so as to move the conversation into a different place. It’s so Orwellian, and I hate to keep using the same reference, but there just isn’t a better one.
- Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Christian Street Preacher in Manchester awarded damages after false arrest

Manchester, England – the unofficial capital of the north. John Craven, a fifty-seven-year-old street preacher was doing just that – preaching the gospel - in Manchester city centre in September 2011 when he was approached by two teenage boys who asked him to explain his opinion about homosexuals.
- Thursday, April 3, 2014

Under pressure, Catherine Anaya walks-back news story

It was a sad day Thursday as the slow death march of American journalism continued. Not only was a seasoned TV reporter forced to walk back a legitimate news story but the story was coverage of local journalists visiting the White House for the day and what the White House Press Secretary said.
- Friday, March 21, 2014

The Death of Labour Party ideologue Tony Benn

Britain has lost one of its leading left-wing spokesman and campaigners with the death of former Labour MP Tony Benn. A parliamentary veteran of an astonishing 47 years, Benn was rare in that he gradually moved to further the left as he went on in life.
- Saturday, March 15, 2014

Islamist extremist plot to take over Birmingham schools exposed

Birmingham, England-A plot, being dubbed as Operation Trojan, to take over as many as twelve schools in ethnically diverse Birmingham, has been exposed along with evidence of intimidation against non-conforming teachers and the character assassination of holdouts. Proponents advanced the terrorist Anwar Al Awlaki at school assemblies; a leading Al Qaeda recruiter who was assassinated by the Americans in a 2011 drone strike.
- Thursday, March 13, 2014

Al Qaeda Van Stunt in London

Al Qaeda Van Stunt in LondonAnjem Choudary and his followers staged a militant pro-Islamic stunt Saturday driving a van through North London covered with posters in English and Arabic, including the logo of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), a radical militant group fighting in the Syrian civil war. Choudary is a British born Islamist radical known amongst other things for organizing demonstrations at the Wootton Bassett RAF base when the remains of deceased British soldiers were returned to the UK from combat in Afghanistan and Iraq. According to the Sunday Times and Breitbart London, a YouTube user by the name of 'Need4Khilafah' uploaded video content of the event. In the footage Choudary appears while supporters chant in praise of ISIS. The Sunday Times reports that one of the supporters (identified as Abdul Muhid) uses a loudspeaker to shout from within the van: "Islam is the solution for Great Britain; Islam is the solution for the world."
- Tuesday, March 11, 2014

UK Business Secretary - Teachers know nothing of the outside world

Vince Cable, a socialist in centrist clothing and the government’s Business Secretary insulted teachers nationally by suggesting that they have no knowledge of the working world because they have gone from school to university and straight into the classroom.
- Saturday, March 8, 2014
