
Tabitha Korol

Tabitha Korol began her political writing letters to the editor after her retirement, and earned an award from CAMERA (Committee on Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America) “in recognition of outstanding letter-writing in 2009 to promote fair and factual reporting about Israel.” She was cited as one of America’s modern-day, articulate, patriotic women in Frederick William Dame’s Three American Fur Hat Fighters for Freedom. She revised David Silberman’s book of Holocaust survivors’ accounts for publication, and proofreads/edits for a monthly city newsletter.

Most Recent Articles by Tabitha Korol:


One of our comic strips, Pajama Diaries, by Terri Libenson, was published during this past month of October, showing the following headings across four frames: "There is no doubt our society is kid-centric. But there seems to be a growing backlash. Taking a cue from Europe, families are trying a more laid-back approach to parenting. Still, most of Europe has certain advantages: better work hours, government-mandated childcare, and most of all, no Americans."
- Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mapping a Strategy

Mission Statement The mission of San Diego State University shall be to provide well-balanced, high quality education for undergraduate and graduate students and to contribute to knowledge and the solution of problems through excellence and distinction in teaching, research, and service. The university shall impart an appreciation and broad understanding of human experience throughout the world and the ages.
- Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Tenth Amendment (4th in a series)

The Tenth Amendment of the United States Bill of Rights is clear enough. "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." In other words, the law confirms that education is NOT a responsibility of the federal government; it is "reserved to the States respectively or to the people." This Amendment redefines the relationship to avoid all misunderstanding or illegal encroachment of power. Why? Because our Founding Fathers feared that the new or any future national government might seek to exercise powers it was not granted, and the states might not be able to fully exercise their reserved power, which is the case today.
- Thursday, September 19, 2013

Not the same God

It was not so long ago, in 2008, that Rowan Williams, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, welcomed Islam into the United Kingdom. He now speaks of having to adapt further to the growing Muslim population, now numbering two million, with 85 Islamic courts in the UK, where women are unequal to men and remain unprotected from the violence of their fathers and husbands.
- Friday, July 12, 2013

Lawfare - the Legal Warfare

Islam is at war with the West, using unconventional weapons that keep Europe and America in ignorance or denial. These were the WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction) that Islam had all along, but that we failed to recognize.
- Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Rubin backhands Israelis

As soon as Trudy Rubin (journalist, blogger, Washington Post) wrote "Pro-Settlement attacks by Israeli militants endanger any hope of peace," she left the realm of logic and turned truth on its head. She embraced the doctrine of taqiyyah (lies), calling the victims "aggressors." Now, not only must the victim defend himself against the violent aggression, but against the propagandist slander as well.
- Saturday, December 10, 2011

Jihad at KSU

An anti-Semitic situation occurred at Kent State on October 25,while Ishmael Khaldi, a Bedouin-Muslim Israeli, former diplomat and current advisor to Israel's Foreign Minister, was speaking about life in Israel from a Bedouin-Muslim perspective. Against all rules of procedure, tenured professor Julio César Pino first distributed literature to students and guests, advocating the boycott of Israel, and then challenged the speaker with propagandist lies and hate speech, shouting "Death to Israel."
- Tuesday, November 1, 2011
