
Obie Usategui

Obie Usategui (The Patriot Obsever) and also runs AFCV-Americans For Conservative Values. Obie is also the author of The Beginning of the End--"The transition to Communism in our own United states has come peacefully, ironically, via democratically-sanctioned elections"

Most Recent Articles by Obie Usategui:

The Obama Scandals

I first set foot on this great land we call the United States of America, back one October day in 1960. The minute I stepped down the ladder of my airline carrier, I marveled at what I saw - a sight to behold. There it was, the U.S., a bastion of hope for many like me fleeing from communism - the most dreaded political regime known to mankind.
- Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Tahmooressi Affair

The Tahmooressi Affair,
For many of you who have been following my political blogs, you just may have become aware of my absolute and redundant disparagement for Barack Obama; a repudiation which once led me to writing my article, later turned into a book 'The Beginning of the End', wherein I go to great lengths in sharing with the American public my worst fears for what this man [Barack Obama] and his cronies are doing to this great nation of ours, to how this charlatan impostor has transformed America, sinking our country to unfathomable levels never before seen of disarray, chaos and bedlam both here and abroad.
- Saturday, October 4, 2014

Meet your next President

Meet your next President, Hillary Clinton
You know, the closer we get to the 2016 presidential elections, the more I fret the uncertain future which may lay ahead for our great nation, courtesy, if you will, of some of my fellow-Americans lackadaisical deportment regarding our decadent State of the Union; a paradoxical departure from everything that America stood for just prior to our president Barack Obama's untimely election, as he claimed on October 30th, 2008, to being just five days away [election day] from fundamentally transforming the nation. A feat, which, in hindsight, he was able to consummate fully and unobstructed.
- Monday, September 29, 2014

Obama and the ISIS Threat

Obama and the ISIS Threat
If my memory serves me right, I first stumbled upon the term demagogue circa 1959 at the time when Cuba's communist dictator Fidel Castro first came into power. After one of Castro's unending speeches back in the day, I remember my father referring to the dictator as the quintessential demagogue, which immediately triggered my curiosity as to the meaning of this word.
- Sunday, September 14, 2014

Open letter to Barack Obama

Hope that by the time you receive this letter everything is well with you. Forgive me for using your real name, but I figured that you would want to quit using the Barack Obama pseudonym as soon as possible considering the 2016 elections are almost around the corner. As a matter of fact, I personally like the Barry Soetoro name much better.
- Friday, September 5, 2014

The Vacant Presidency

The Vacant Presidency
If you are, like me, in any way addicted to headline news, there is no way in the world you could have missed the highly redundant headline banners featuring Barack Obama's golf outing charades of the last few weeks. Topping the story's serial coverage, however, was Obama giving a speech regarding the beheading of American journalist James Foley by ISIS on August 20th, while just minutes after the speech, he [Obama] heads back to play yet "another round" - a preferred colloquial slang in the golfing vernacular equivalent to playing yet one more time.
- Monday, September 1, 2014

The Ferguson Charade

As the untimely events of Saturday, August 9th, unfolded in Ferguson, Missouri, claiming the life of 18-year-old Michael Brown, I was hoping and praying we would all be spared the racial merry-go-round we have all been subjected to in the past any time that a police officer kills a black teenager, while doing so in the line of duty.
- Monday, August 25, 2014

Inspirational Thought...

Of life, the only truism that bonds us all as a fallible universe is our understanding that we all shall depart this life some day and there is just no getting around it, which serves as the inspiration of my dissertation today.
- Friday, August 15, 2014

The time to rid our nation of the Communist plague is now!

The time to rid our nation of the Communist plague is now!
Never before in the history of our nation have Americans been subjected to such an unrelenting streak of disgraceful and antithetical controversies, political havoc and chaos such as that we have endured under the Barack Obama administration. Never before in the history of the nation, has there been such divisiveness amongst the classes, the races and the peoples in general, such as what we now see under an Obama reign plagued with discord, envy, resentment, and anger like never before seen in this noble land.
- Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Should Americans Continue Paying Taxes to the IRS

Think I am kidding, uh? How would you like it if you were to wake up tomorrow and, by the grace of God, the country had totally abolished the IRS and from here on out, you were spared the rigors of paying any more taxes ever again? This would be, for most of us I assume, cause for massive celebration - an unimaginably joyous and magnanimous occasion probably inducing the largest party in the history of the nation, the world maybe, bar none, would it not?
- Tuesday, July 1, 2014
