
Obie Usategui

Obie Usategui (The Patriot Obsever) and also runs AFCV-Americans For Conservative Values. Obie is also the author of The Beginning of the End--"The transition to Communism in our own United states has come peacefully, ironically, via democratically-sanctioned elections"

Most Recent Articles by Obie Usategui:

Hydroxychloroquine – Trump's maligned hope for a cure?

Hydroxychloroquine – Trump's maligned hope for a cure?As I have said many times, the Democrats' antipathy towards President Donald Trump, simply said, has no limits. For all intents and purposes, Donald Trump could find a cure for cancer tomorrow, and they [Democrats] would still find a way to chastise him for it.  I personally think the ongoing saga with this hydroxychloroquine drug as used in the cure of the Coronavirus / COVID-19, tops it all. The thought that anyone could get on Trump's case merely for suggesting the use of a drug to save the life of someone dying from the virus, is, as far as I am concerned, as low as you can go – the lowest I have ever seen. 
- Monday, April 27, 2020

Coronavirus--An Outlook To The Future

Coronavirus--An Outlook To The FutureHi there, friends! At the outset, I hope that all of you reading this narrative find yourselves well. Above all, healthy and in good spirits, in spite of the ongoing disruptions at center stage of our lives which have ensued from the Coronavirus – COVID 19 pandemic. The topic today is: How will this pandemic situation affect the economy and politics of the nation, notwithstanding the fact that both are interwoven to where one will inexorably affect the other? To this day, I cannot help but find subliminal issues which raise all kinds of questions in my mind regarding the timing of this pandemic attack.
- Friday, April 24, 2020

Coronavirus – the Double Standard

Coronavirus – the Double StandardFor some of us, the word “statistics”, brings back memories of our college days, when we were forcefully required to deal with this occult science – one which I, sooner than later, found to be a rather valuable tool used in collecting, organizing, analyzing and interpreting data in rather meaningful quantitative forms. Matter of fact, I venture to say, statistics are intimately entwined in our lives as a means of evaluating the present and forecasting the future.
- Thursday, April 16, 2020

Coronavirus – a Manufactured Pandemic?

Coronavirus – a Manufactured Pandemic?You know what, ever since the start of this COVID-19 pandemic attack, my untimely boredom resulting from the “social distancing” syndrome and the ensuing self-imposed lockdown, has had me diving into a “never-before” search for answers to the unknown – sort of the same dive as that taken by “Deep Thought” – the supernatural-computer programmed to calculate the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. And…I got to thinking about the chances for this crisis to be all but an ad-hoc creation of China in lieu of their geopolitical struggle for power in this day and age.
- Monday, April 6, 2020

Will Biden Be The Nominee?

O.K. friends, so it appears that last March 3rd, Super Tuesday, changed the entire landscape of the Democratic party, didn’t it? Biden, you may say, rose from the ashes, much like the Phoenix mythological bird in the Greek and Roman legends, that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise born again. On Monday, March 2nd, everyone in the planet, including yours truly, had written Biden off, for better or for worse. Then came the two Super Tuesdays, on March 3rd and 10th respectively, to where Biden now leads the race by 154 delegates, with 864 delegates to Sanders 710.
- Thursday, March 12, 2020

Socialism - The Fallacy

Rise of Communism in the United StatesThis video is about how the words 'Communist' and 'Communism' have been enigmatically eliminated from the American political vernacular and substituted for meaningless epithets.
- Saturday, March 7, 2020

Coronavirus – A Prophesy or A Coincidence?

Coronavirus – A Prophesy or A Coincidence?A very good friend of mine brought to my attention the recent surfacing of what many are branding to be one of the most astonishing prophesies ever made – one which, if true, would make Nostradamus and all the prophets before him look like infant sorcerers at best or outright phonies at worst. So, I am referring to the ongoing outbreak of the infamous Coronavirus – a/k/a COVID-19, and its present threat of reaching pandemic proportions. The virus started in December 2019 in Wuhan, China and, as of today, 75.756 cases have been confirmed in more than two dozen countries. The disease has killed 2,129 people.
- Friday, February 21, 2020

Riches to Rags

Riches to RagsHow Communism destroys nations. The false promises made by Communism to win your vote.
- Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Rise of Communism in the United States

Rise of Communism in the United States - Part 1: Communism 101 - The TransformationPart 1: Communism 101 - "The Transformation" How the left is using Socialist policies as a tool to "transform" the United States of America into a Communist State. I started a project where I am going to do some short videos, from now to election time next November. I have entitled the series “Communism 101” and, as the name implies, they are meant to educate people on Communism. I look upon this as my small contribution to helping to eradicate Communism from their eminent penetration in the U.S. - the greatest nation on the face of the earth.
- Saturday, December 14, 2019

Want To Know What Is Wrong?

Want To Know What Is Wrong?You know, there are things in life which are totally incomprehensible, then again, one of the lessons that we learn as we mature and grow older is that much of what made sense earlier in our lives does not make any more sense today and, vice-versa, much of what we thought was irrational before, nowadays, seems obvious and becoming. Somewhere in-between, however, there are seemingly inexplicable situations which crudely defy logic.
- Friday, March 1, 2019

The Brett Kavanaugh Charade

The Brett Kavanaugh Charade One of the great things about retirement is that you get to pick and choose how you spent your time. Hallelujah! My preferred choice this week was watching the Senate’s Judiciary Committee confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh - Trump’s Associate Justice nominee to the Supreme Court of the U.S.
- Thursday, September 13, 2018

The NFL Desecration

The NFL Desecration As you all might have noticed, a recent headline news was the story of President Trump disinviting the NFL’s Philadelphia Eagles from a planned White House celebration of the team’s Super Bowl championship – a celebration which has now become sort of a tradition. Less than 24 hours before the players were expected to arrive in the Rose Garden, Trump made his announcement.
- Friday, June 15, 2018


END THE WITCH-HUNT I don’t know about you, but for me, the names of James Comey and Robert Mueller have become symbolic of a delusional paranoia to where I am continuously overwhelmed by a chronic persecution complex as though these two were following me around everywhere I go – mind you, not nice at all. Time to go to the shrink maybe. To add insult to injury, as far as I am concerned, every day there seems to be a new twist in the infamous investigation of the alleged collusion of Donald Trump with Russia in the interference of the latter with the 2016 Presidential elections.
- Saturday, May 19, 2018

State of the Union

State of the Union Nearly 46 million people -- not including the internet--watched President Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday, January 30th. Chances are you were one of them, I bet – I know I did. Got to tell you folks, every time I write about politics and political themes, most of the time, if not all the time, I do so because I feel compelled to speak out – that simple.
- Sunday, February 4, 2018

The Harvey Weinstein Saga

Well folks, what can I tell you about this despicable Harvey Weinstein animal that hasn’t been already told? For a week now, this low-life Weinstein has been at center stage, playing the leading role in a sexual harassment scandal which has gotten more attention than the Las Vegas Massacre and the N.F.L., anthem kneeling story both put together – but, don’t kid yourselves, there is a good reason for it.
- Tuesday, October 17, 2017


I don’t know about you, but after what transpired in Las Vegas last Sunday, October 1st, we must all ask ourselves, what is our world coming to? What kind of a world are we living in – a world, I should say, capable of nurturing such hatred as that fostered by this Las Vegas’ animal Stephen Paddock.
- Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Thoughts on the Passing of Irma

First, my best wishes to all my friends in the State of Florida, where I have resided since October 1960 when I first left my native island of Cuba. I pray that you all came out unharmed from the devastation left behind by hurricane Irma – potentially one of the worst hurricanes in U.S. history. If you, like me, just had “minor” damages such as fallen trees, fences, or otherwise are going through a power-outage and are suffering heat-strokes and panic attacks due to hotness in the aftermath of Irma, just count your blessings.
- Friday, September 15, 2017
