
David L. Hunter

David L. Hunter is an Associate Editor at "Capitol Hill Outsider" and a "Newsmax" contributor. He's on Twitter and blogs at davidlhunter.blogspot.com, He is published in The Washington Post, The Washington Times, "FrontPage Mag," and extensively in "Patriot Post," Canada Free Press" and "American Thinker."

Most Recent Articles by David L. Hunter:

Lies, scandal sink relentless Clintons?

With all the 2017 pre-race enthusiasm of a yapping greyhound at the dog track Wesley Pruden is lured by the Pavlovian rabbit--the endlessly wafting pungent hamburger stink that is the many scandals of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
- Sunday, January 10, 2016

Obama's Chicago crocodile tears

By sifting though copiously contrary newspaper reports Chicago has had the dubious and tragic honor of being America's murder capital in 2008 at Mr. Obama's first election and 4 out of the 7 years, 2012-15 of his presidency thus far.
- Thursday, January 7, 2016

Star Bill Cosby's shameful fall

The reality is that all individuals are fallible. Even those that rise to the status of cultural icons like Bill Cosby. Like all actors, his job depended on being a convincing pretender and player of roles. Mr. Cosby's most famous depiction was Dr. Cliff Huxtable, “America's Dad” in the classic '80s sitcom “The Cosby Show.”
- Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Seeing black and white bookends 2015

At the end of any given year—or the beginning of the next—it is a common practice of many to soul search and reflect on the past. In this preoccupation, Washington Post columnist Lonnae O'Neal is no exception. Her concession—obvious to anyone familiar with her relentless race-based scribbling—is still a real whopper.
- Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Democrat's squirrelly gun-control argument

Ted Kennedy, the 47-year “Lion of the Senate,” per his own account on August 19, 2004, was put on an airline watch list. In this instance, he had to speak with a supervisor in order to get his initially refused boarding pass: “I got on the watch list last April. I was taking a plane to Boston and I get out to the USAIR and I come up to the counter and I said I want my ticket.” This is the reason Republicans reject no-fly lists as a basis to limit individual liberty: if a powerful guy like the senior senator from Massachusetts can be mistakenly placed on a secret government list, what hope is there for the rest of us?
- Sunday, December 13, 2015

Deluded anti-gun Democrats ignore facts, Islamic fanaticism

The smoke has barely cleared from the December 2nd massacre in San Bernardino, CA and operatives of the Democrat party masquerading as journalists like The Washington Post's Petula Dvorak are busy promoting the knee-jerk, mindlessly Pavlovian response that, once again, the inanimate gun is responsible.
- Saturday, December 5, 2015

"Funny business" conference Obama worldwide scam

Allotted a mere three minutes to speak at the UN "climate change" conference in Paris, our Chicken Little "sky is falling" president--who equates weather changes as a greater threat to civilization than radical Islamic terrorism--rambled and sputtered for 14. (By contrast, Abraham Lincoln's now world famous Gettysburg Address--which reaffirmed the goodness of a geographically reunified North and South, and encapsulated the American ideal of sacrifice for the greater good of human equality--took just over two minutes.)
- Thursday, December 3, 2015

True irony in the green not the white

The greater irony in the story of aptly named Ephonia Green, 45, (who historically gifted apparel to military brides) isn't seen in the ethereal white of liquidated, designer wedding gowns bought “for a steal” by two U.S. Marines. It is in the “green” Ms. Green stole—$5.1 million from a D.C. non-profit to keep her failing Upper Marlboro bridal boutique afloat—and the slap on the wrist she got for it: 46 months.
- Sunday, November 22, 2015

No Trayvon outcry for Tyshawn

The November 2nd execution-style vengeance killing of nine-year old Chicago resident Tyshawn Lee has been completely ignored by the Black Lives Matter movement. Likewise, his tragic death remains unacknowledged by so-called black “leaders” like the rabble-rousing Al Sharpton or fellow Chicagoan Jesse Jackson. Even the former Chicago community-organizer Barack Obama—and his pouty-faced “bring back our girls” wife Michelle—have interestingly chosen silence despite their polarizing, knee-jerk history of inserting themselves into the political discourse.
- Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Race: from the eye of the beholder

Stop The Washington Post presses! One of their race-obsessed scribblers--their intrepid columnist Lonnae O'Neal--has begrudgingly admitted in print that she was wrong! She who previously has seen absolutely every black-white human interaction through that divisive prism--might have had a moment of clarity. A real rarity in political terms: a "come to Jesus" epiphany. Don't expect it to last as habitual race-baiting pays the bills. After all, unlike 93 million able-bodied Americans who can't find a job, Ms. O'Neal doesn't want to inadvertently find herself the latest casualty of Mr. Obama's "5%" unemployment rate.
- Thursday, November 12, 2015

Like Elvis, "clock boy" has left the building

Under Obama, a record number of Americans have renounced their U.S. Citizenship. Some don't bother with that formality and simply leave. Among that number is teen hoaxer, Ahmed Mohammad known by his internet nickname "clock boy." He of 15 minute millennial fame has fled to Qatar--an Islamic totalitarian state--for freedoms apparently no longer found here. Interestingly, this decision came just 24 hours after personally meeting with Mr. Obama. Indeed, after lavishing such public praise--via Twitter: 'Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It's what makes America great'--the loss of Ahmed's so-called scientific "genius" is something he must privately bemoan. But, like Mr. Obama's "chicken little" obsession with weather, this trivia is the least of our country's many woes.
- Thursday, October 29, 2015

The secret meaning of debate handshake

As Tuesday's overly chummy Democratic sham of a “debate” demonstrated Bernie Sanders is nothing more than a shill for the Democratic Party. Why else would he leap to a spirited defense of scandal-ridden front-runner Hillary Clinton? Before shaking hands with a grinning Hillary—no symbolism of collusion there—he said:
- Thursday, October 15, 2015

JFK Democrats no resemblance to Obama, progressives

President JFK once famously said, "But I dream things that never were--and I say: 'Why not?'" Today's progressive, Democratic party--and their propagandist creature, the MSM--twists perceptions of truth with the same ease and disdain as it would JFK's inspiring words of leadership into: "I habitually say things that are untrue--and never were." It is the oxymoronic concept of "leading from behind;" the abdication of responsibility by those who would lead, but are incapable of accepting the inherent responsibility (and veracity) that comes with the job. Indeed, irresponsible power wielded without the check and balance of law promotes widespread government corruption and ultimately degenerates society into chaos. How far America has fallen in a mere 7 years. Ring any bells for anyone?
- Sunday, October 11, 2015

Let's Uber-ize D.C. ambulances

D.C. ambulance service is infamous for longstanding service problems. Life and limb tragedies are regularly compounded by bureaucratic inefficiency. From the mistake of a late arrival after an ailing father had passed away (and billing the grieving family) to an ambulance shutting down due to an EPA-mandated emissions reduction device resulting in the death of a suspect shot by police.
- Monday, October 5, 2015

Justice Sotomayor: laws, not wages for 'the little people'

After almost 7 years of the often equally diabolical and hapless Obama Administration, it is easy to detect the overpowering scent of far-left hypocrisy emanating from progressives in Washington. First, a lawless, ultra-Constitutional president who consistently issues overreaching proclamations by executive fiat.
- Saturday, October 3, 2015

MSM demonizes conservative teen

Democrat U.S. President Harry Truman was famous for the phrase, "I don't give them Hell. I just tell the truth about them and they think it's Hell." Such can be gleaned from the hand-wringing, demeaning reaction of Washington Post columnist Lonnae O'Neal. She is clearly perturbed by 13-year old Coreco JaQuan Pearson's viral video that is outspokenly critical of Mr. Obama's decision to invite Islamic schoolboy and clock-building hoaxer, 14-year old Ahmed Mohammad to the White House. Imagine the temerity of one black youth--a conservative activist--who dares depart the Democrat's political plantation!
- Thursday, September 24, 2015

Schoolboy Ahmed Mohammad: Obama bias?

Coincidence or devious, leftist political optics propaganda? The Monday after the 14th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist airplane attacks--that killed more than 3,000 innocents, mostly American citizens--into New York's Twin Tower World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the ironically aged 14 year old aptly named Ahmed Mohamed, a Muslim schoolboy, decides it's a good idea to carry in a briefcase with a partially-assembled--beeping, wires exposed clock into MacArthur High School in Irving, Texas. It was not a school-assigned science project, but a hoax made intentionally to look like a bomb. On closer inspection it looks to be a 1970s style Radio Shack clock, not likely built by Ahmed as he claimed. But, this schoolboy prank has already had real life consequences.
- Monday, September 21, 2015
